Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 12th May 2021 Written Episode Update : Raghav finds its Sulochana behind, Kirti and Jaya’s arrest

Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 12th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kirti tells Jaya she gave Pallavi tea but she was asking about Raghav, where is Raghav, Jaya smiles.

Raghav walks in with torn clothes, covered in dirt and neem leaves, Farhad doesn’t recognise him and asks him to leave, Raghav says its me, Farhad starts laughing and says why did you go, you could tell staff, Raghav says Amma said I should get so I had to, Farhad says give Pallavi her shop keys she will stop troubling you, Raghav says not now, I will fight till end with her, she is ill so I won’t take advantage of this situation I will answer her when she is well.

Jaya sees Raghav and starts laughing, Raghav says why are you laughing do I look like Joker to you, Jaya says no and keeps laughing, Raghav says I got leaves do whatever you want, Jaya says you will do, make

paste of it and apply on her blisters, or I will, Raghav says understood, will do everything, you two are taking advantage of the situation and leaves.

Kirti gets call from Sunny she says its Radhika and leaves. Mansi says to Sulochana tea is so good, after so long we had it, Sharda asks for tea leaves, Sulochana says in cupboard, Sharda goes check its locked, Sharda asks Sulochana why its locked, Sulochana says I did, because Milind buys everything your husband doesn’t do anything and son useless, and if you want to stay here give us share or stay hungry, Vijay says Sulochana is right, Milind says she isnt, its my money and I will decide to what to do with it, I will get groceries, Vijay says we will manage, and we won’t die without tea and leaves.

Raghav sees Pallavi is in washroom and knocks door and asks her to come out and return keys and keep keys ready by the time he is back and he has neem leaves for her and asks her to apply on her blisters.
Raghav receive voice note from Pallavi saying she is weak and cant shout and will return keys only when Raghav returns her keys, Raghav says I will never return keys you are so irritating, Pallavi says as you wish.

Nikhil meets Milind, Milind says have food then leave, Nikhil says thank you and makes a call to Pallavi says I left. Kirti on call says when Pallavi gets better I will talk about us to Amma, Kirti says if I would introduce you to Amma and Raghav in marriage as my boyfriend they would not spare me, and Raghav is very possessive, Sunny says I will impress him in one meeting. Kirti says I will call you later.

Raghav asks Pallavi is she fine and says I got specially neem leaves for you, Pallavi says neem leaves are helping me and you talking sweetly wont help, someone will come to see you give her my keys and she will give yours.

Raghav goes to see who it us and sees Krishan, Krishna calls her Jijaji, Raghav says I am already tired of Pallavi’s drama you don’t start one, Krishna says you give me keys, I will call didi she will give yours, Raghav says if I don’t, Krishna says I am leaving then, Raghav says wait.

Raghav sees Farhad giving keys and says wow Pallavi bhabhi won. Raghav says I will talk to you later. Krishna tells Pallavi about keys, Pallavi says Nikhil will reach shop you two get it cleaned and start working.

Amruta studying, Sulochana says look the online cosmetics we ordered have arrived. Amruta says mom you did so much effort but baba is helping them, Sulochana says I am just weakening them so that one day they give house to us.

Farhad tells Raghav that Pallavi gave keys on right time. Pallavi sends Raghav voice note saying your work is done.

Inspector meets Raghav and says I found out who leaked Kirti’s photos, Raghav says I know who it is, Inspector says he was lying, we found the real culprit behind it, we had that boy in custody and asked him to reveal the ladies name who gave him money, Raghav says I know its Pallavi, Inspector says no it was Sulochana Deshmukh, Raghav says she cant only Pallavi has enemity against me, Farhad says see what your ego and stubbornness has done and now don’t want to believe inspector too.

Kirti on call sees someone is troubling her on road, she shouts at him, for horning at her on road and yells at him, people and cars gather behind her, the boy gets out of jeep and walks to Kirti, Kirti sees tattoo on his hand, and asks who are you and what you want, people yells at that boy, he pulls Kirti close to her and kisses her cheeks, Kirti gets angry and confused, he leaves.

Raghav working out and thinking of all the incidents from Pallavi being accused and then Raghav ruining her life. Raghav thinks did I do a mistake

Pre cap: Raghav sees Vijay on road selling sarees, says drink water don’t work like this or you will die, Vijay says I better die.
Raghav takes care of Pallavi.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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