Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 21st June 2021 Written Episode Update : Sunny comes back with a plan

Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 21st June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Pallavi asks why are we going round and round and not looking for Sunny, Raghav aays Sunny is not in Hyderabad, Pallavi asks how do you know, did he leave you a love letter, Raghav says why do you always have to argue, Farhad calls Raghav.

Raghav meets Farhad in house and he shows them Sunny in the house. Raghav and Pallavi surprised. Raghav looks with anger towards Sunny, Sunny says I need to talk to you and meet your sister, Raghav says I asked you to leave, Sunny says I didn’t listen to my father who are you, Kirti and Jaya arrive, Kirti sees Sunny and is in tears, Kirti about to hug him, Raghav stops her, Kirti about to walk ahead, Jaya holds her hand and asks her not to.
Raghav says not a step against Kirti, Sunny asks why so that the deal breaks, Kirti asks what deal,

Sunny says Raghav had found about us when he was at my place with Pallavi and then he tapped my phone and then he got to know about our runaway plan and he thought he will buy me with 5 Cr and you were right he is senseless and so I hide near a lodge near station, but your love gave me strength and so I am here, here is your 5 Cr and 11 ₹ extra from me, give me my love back.

Raghav about to raise hand, Kirti stops him, and says dont dare, and walk to Sunny and holds his hand, Sunny says to Raghav, you can’t buy our love with money, I love her a lot, Kirti says so do I, Jaya says Kirti think again, Kirti says I have and now I trust Sunny more, Sunny says I will come soon to take her away and dare if you stop me.
Sunny leaves.

Kirti says to Raghav, I cant expect anything else from you, you are no more a brother to me, you are someone who killed your father for money. Pallavi leaves angry.
Raghav says listen to me I did this to save her, Pallavi says how do you act so senseless, you could talk to me, Raghav says they were going to runaway, Pallavi says we could come out with a plan but your stupid plan ruined everything, I always keep telling you money isn’t everything, how did you hide such big thing, its useless talking to you.

Kirti says to Jaya, Sunny is very nice and he choose me and not money, Raghav says Kirti I want to talk to you but keep anger away, trust me your happiness is my aim, I know I hurt you but, Kirti says I don’t want advice from someone who buys everything and closes door, Jaya scolds her, Kirti says you can forget everything not me.

Raghav goes to his study in anger, Farhad tells him that Nawab’s loved Pallavi’s designs. Raghav says how stupid Kirti can be, Farhad says she is in love, Raghav says shut up, only one person can help me my white lungi Raghav who helps me, Farhad confused. Raghav keeps looking for white dressed Raghav, and says one more person can help me.

Raghav goes to Pallavi’s room, , Pallavi walks out of bathroom with washed hair, Raghav says I am sorry won’t do it again, you please help me with Kirti, Pallavi says I know what you are going through, even I am thinking of same, but first I want someone to dry my hair, I can’t think with wet hair, Raghav says this must be your new prank, Pallavi says no it’s not and help me if you want help, Raghav picks dryer and helps Pallavi dry her hair. Pallavi smiles, she turns around and sees Raghav smelling her hair, Pallavi’s hair gets stuck in dryer, and scolds Raghav, Raghav smiles and looks at her while she struggles, Raghav says give it here I will help you and frees her hair.

Pallavi says we have to give Sunny a chance, even I don’t like him but we have to give Sunny a chance, if he is nice Kirti has him and of not we both will talk to Kirti.

Milind thinking about Vijay’s words of throwing him out, Sulochana gets him food and says you haven’t ate anything since morning, Milind says I don’t feel like eating, Sulochana says you are innocent so you don’t understand things but look at Vijay he thinks he is doing favour by letting us stay here and Vijay sees nothing in front of his anger look what happened to Pallavi who are we then.

Pallavi knocks Kirti’s door and says Raghav has surprise for you, Raghav at Sunny’s says there is surprise so get ready, Sunny says I won’t, Raghav says I can even drag you so lets go.

Pre cap: Pallavi asks Jaya what all are these gifts, Jaya says Raghav got us, Pallavi opens it Amma and Pallavi don’t like the gifts.

Vansh sees Pallavi with Sharda and says why is Pallavi with Mandar’s mother.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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