Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 26th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Pallavi says whole night with this man, Raghav takes of his shirt, Pallavi thinks why is removing clothed and says I can perform Judo Karate and I also hit 5 boys in college, Raghav says what will I do with it, Pallavi says stay away from me I am from Kolhapur, Raghav says crossing boundaries is your style and I have no interest in you, you are no heroine, and what is boundary boundary thing and if you are so interested in it let me create one and creates a line with pillow, Pallavi finds Raghav’s diary, Raghav says its mine stay away, Pallavi goes to washroom. Raghav smiles she is unique but cute.
Kirti tells Sunny how Farhad fainted on video call, Sunny asks what will you do if Raghav rejects me, Kirti says its his loss then and I have decided to spend whole life with you, but will you marry me, Sunny says why do you always keep chanting marriage, you know my past and also seen live example in your house, where there is marriage there is breakup, Kirti says and where there is live in there is divorce, and for birthday I will come to your place dont come to my place, bye now.
Sunny says Kirti this time I will come to your house.
Pallavi on call, she tells about plumbing problem in the bathroom and there is no water and while trying to check gets all wet, Pallavi walks out all wet and shivering, Raghav says are you water queen, keep getting wet, Pallavi says shut up please call Kirti and asks her for my clothes, Raghav calls Amma and Kirti both dont receive his call, Farhad gets call from Raghav, Amma asks Farhad not to help them and warns him. Raghav tells Pallavi no one ia receiving call, Pallavi says I am so cold, Raghav says one minute, and gets her bathrobe and asks her to change in it or else Amma will scold him if she gets sick, Raghav asks Pallavi to say Thank you for helping him, Pallavi does so, Raghav says this Pallavi is full mad.
Pallavi gets changed in bathrobe and feels awkward, Raghav keeps starring at her and smiles, Pallavi says stop starring, Raghav says I am checking how my bathrobe you fit so well, Pallavi says shameless sleep down on floor I am sleeping on bed, Raghav says you made this line, and I am sleeping here you do whatever you want and I have seen many hot girls and you aren’t.
Raghav goes to sleep, Pallavi gets annoyed.
Amruta on call with Sulochana says she told everyone that you went Kolhapur because you had to be with Mama and she will handle everything.
Pallavi wakes up sleep talking, says Mama and Mavshi don’t trouble me, Raghav says Pallavi go to sleep leave them, Pallavi holds him by neck and punches him. Raghav puts on lights and wakes her up, Pallavi asks what are you doing there, Raghav says you were sleep talking in Marathi, Pallavi says oh I have this issue wont happen again, come sleep, Raghav says I am good thank you, you go to sleep. Pallavi says okay and goes to sleep.
Raghav says let her sleep I am good here, Pallavi giggles.
Raghav makes himself tea and sees Pallavi starring him and standing behind him, Raghav asks again, Pallavi says I cant sleep, Raghav says same here have this tea I just made, and tells when me and Kirti couldn’t sleep as kids Kirti would ask me questions, and ones she asked me what would you do if you are dying what will you do, so you tell me 3 things that you want to do before you die, Pallavi says do something that Baba always has his regin and me and Aai go on world tour and then for Nikhil I will get gim DSLR, Raghav says I am asking for yourself, only Pallavi wants not Pallavi Deshmukh, Pallavi says I don’t have anything, Raghav says ask your heart, it will tell you, what would be happy idle life, Pallavi says shops of Deshmukh Emporium in malls, then post graduate in Kathak, and adventure sports experience with Nikhil and a house in mountains with Deshmukh family, with big Bappa idle, trofies for best saree designer and lot of flowering trees in my yard, a casette playing all old songs, Raghav says and a tree to do Pooja you do for husbands for his long life, so you can pray for me, I am your husband you see
Pre cap: Krishna tells Pallavi to take money from Raghav, Pallavi says I won’t take from him, Krishan calls Raghav Ghamandi Rao, Pallavi says dont call him that, Krishna says oh you getting senti for him.
Vijay insults Raghav, Raghav raises his hand over him, Sharda slaps Raghav and begs him to leave.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
1. Pallavi and Raghav nok jhok

2. Pallavi thangbali secene was hillarious

3. I doubt

Farhad -Kirti will marry for sure
As sunny don’t want to marry but want to stay in live-in relation, which will create huge drama in pallavi-Raghav life
4. Pallavi all time about think about deshmukh happiness and fulfill their dreams that she even forgot about her dreams

5. These deshmukh’s are so selfish person: I was angry on Pallavi’s old FIL for his behaviour.. but what sharada is doing is making me hate her

Episode was good
I don’t like sunny, somethinh fishy with him
Precap is irriatating
Sulochana come first and throw out that sanki buddha out of desmukh mansion
Only after that sanki buddha will get some brain
Yeah that great i will like sulochana first time if she throws sanki buddha out of the house then he understand
I really dont like this Sunny, both the character and the actor i dont like.
The precap annoys me. I hate these deshmuks. They deserve everything sulchona is planning.
It was kinda sad and pathetic to hear pallavi’s bucket list and her not having any dreams of her own .Not sure if it was intentional to leave out her own brother in her ideal life or it was lousy writers forgetting about him . I am glad Raghav is pushing her to think about herself and reassess her life ,hope she gets over her unhealthy obsession with the Deshmukhs and start living her life. I honestly wish ITV would stop idolising their FL who lives and dies for her husband’s family and puts them above her own family and herself . Makes one wonder if they have any female writers at all ?!!
Glad that we got a good episode before we are again made to put up with the Deshmukhs tomorrow . I am really keeping an open mind with the Deshmukhs but I am finding it very hard to like them . Although Sulochana kaku is despicable I am still rooting for her to do something with this crappy Deshmukh fam

Someone from this website had written that mehindi hai rachne wali drama has to have a low budget in the costumes section as Raghav is always shirtless.

I didn’t understand it first because I was watching this show on and off but from last week I continued to watch this show and I have seen Raghav more shirtless than with shirts but its kinda realistic , I kinda understand that in real life men might be shirtless most of the time.
But its still hilarious