Mehndi Hai Rachne Wali 7th May 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on
Pallavi calls Lawyer….
Pallavi walks in Raghav’s party in white saree, Raghav scolds Pallavi says don’t you know what white saree means, Pallavi says you are telling that to a widow…
Sometime back….
Kirti asks Pallavi is everything fine, and sorted between her and Raghav, Raghav walks in says no, I got here on gun point, and smiles says Amma its a joke, and Kirti you know your friend very well, Pallavi will never be scared of me, she said yes because of her situation and she will get everything she wants in life, it was practical decision, we don’t always fight, we did have friendship too and Pallavi is different she fights for her family and is very strong, now you two go get ready for party and I am so happy I will introduce my family, Jaya smiles and says Pallavi call me if you need anything and leaves.
Raghav closes the door and walks to Pallavi says and people will investigate a lot about our marriage and the deal should be between us, I hopw you will agree to that Mrs. Rao, Raghav handa Pallavi saree and says it’s welcome party for Amma and Kirti and you are my wife so you will have to maintain my standards get ready now and leaves.
Nikhil asks Sharda to have something, Milind ask her to have something, Sharda says Vijay’s stubbornness broke my house, Sulochana enjoys seeing it, Sharda asks Nikhil was Raghav behind your arrest, Sulochana says Amruta, I am so happy, Pallavi went out of house, Nikhil is useless and Dada and Vahini are broken, and this house will be mine and throw Sharda and Vijay out of this house, Amruta says you ruined my life, Raghav went to Pallavi, he has even organised grand party, Sulochana says this marriage will break soon.
Raghav sees Vijay at door and says oh short tempered Father in law, welcome please come in may be here for your daughter to bless her, wait will call Pallavi, Vijay says I am not here for anyone here is shop keys, give it to your wife, I have no relation to that shop tell her its a wedding gift and thank her to break my only dream and you say we have ego, no its self respect and leaves. Raghav says the whole family is good to just give lectures.
Raghav tells Pallavi what Vijay said and shows her keys, Raghav says anyways you are still not ready quickly get ready, Pallavi says dreams don’t break easily and I won’t let your dream die.
Raghav welcomes guests and introduce them to Amma and Kirti, Kirti says to Jaya I am finding all this weird, Jaya says I am thinking about Pallavi.
Pallavi in her room gets call from lawyer.
Raghav’s guests love the party, they ask Raghav to introduce his wife, Raghav says I will get her. Raghav calls Pallavi and asks her to come down quickly.
Lights go off, Raghav asks Farhad to go and check, Pallavi says hello everyone I know you are waiting for me, to meet Raghav Rao’s wife, so here I am Mrs. Pallavi Raghav Rao. Seeing Pallavi in white saree, guests start discussing among themselves, Raghav pulls Pallavi aside and asks Pallavi what nonsense is this, doesnt she know what white saree represent,and dare you trouble my Amma and Kirti go and change,we have lot of time to fight later not now, Pallavi says you are asking a widow what white means, Raghav says what widow, Pallavi says you married a widow, Raghav says what, Pallavi says I am Deshmukh family’s widow, Raghav says you are their daughter, Pallavi says they treated me as one, until you came in my life and destroyed everything, now they think I am characterless, now it’s your turn, now whole world will turn back to you and leaves.
Pre cap: Pallavi says widow is my identity and Raghav blackmailed me to marry him he sent my brother jail,Jaya slaps Raghav.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
I think precap is raghav imagination
She is planning somtheing, as she called a lawyer
And there is some viral pic where pallavi is wearing red jewellery with that white sari
I am very curious about the lawyer call… because everything about her changed after that. She got her confidence to fight him again.
I love this duo
Hmm.. I am not too sure about the precap being a dream . When pallavi organised a party for her family he gatecrashed and ruined her life with his lies . Today when he is throwing a party for his family ,her doing the same will be an ideal tit for tat response. Amma then decides to take the matter into her own hands and forces them to stay married and make it work. Dream or reality , I’m game for it.
I am also curious about the call with the lawyer , is she going to make a claim on raghav’s property or is it regarding the ownership of the shop??!!
Maybe theres some law about being forced married or something? Very eager to see this story unfold!!
I also dont think its a dream. Her plan is to destroy him using his own power.
@zaahira, This is ITV which is an alternative universe . They have their own ‘Kanoon’ and justice. I wouldn’t be surprised if they come back tomorrow and say the wife has rights to all his property and Raghav is left with nothing
Let’s wait and see
I don’t think that a dream. Don’t know the History abt the lawyer but soon will get to know. As Pallavi iS determined to FiniSh RR.! I mean Because of RR she can’t Face her baba. Pallavi iS so Strong in herself To Keep her Challenge with Raghav. Both of them will be Superb Mindblowing in there ChemiStry. May be the Lawyer is that She wanna Put the Saree Shop to Vijay name or She’s Planning Something else
Raghav talked a lot in this episode I thought Pallavi had given up the fight but she is very smart. She has become more action less talk or lectures as Raghav says. She is going to humble him using his own money and power. It is going to be a whole lot of fun watching her mete out her own kind of justice.