Fan Fiction

Mehrya- Kiss.. SS #4

Link to shot 3: Part 3
Shot 4:
Shaurie kissed mehak, she closed her eyes welcoming in kiss… soon everything get blackout she faints in his arms making him shocked… he panicked and pats her cheek thn sprinkles some water on her face but she doesn’t give any responds to him…

(From here intro part will start)
He immediately called ambulance and takes her to hospital… as soon they reached hospital, he lifts her in his arms and went inside without waiting for stretcher…Doctor takes her inside of ICU… He sits in chair hiding his face n his palm…

Hearing about mehak Sharma family directly went to hospital, who came Delhi to visit Mehak… Mami angrily walks towards shaurie and held his collar…

Mami: what u did with my baby.. What happened to her… if something happened to her, I won’t leave you…? She shouts with full Rage…

Sha: Mami pls lemme explain…
Mami: what u gng to explain haan…Sha: oh Mami pls…

Kanta comes and removes her hand from shaurie shirt…
Kanta: swetlna what you’re doing… he is our Jamai.. dnt u knw to respect him..

Mami: jamai my foot… kanta first ask him what he did with our baby…
Jeevan: haan swetlana will ask him, first leave him… everyone is watching us…

Mami: Jeevan here everyone is ready to shut my mouth… She huffs…
“Jiju nothing will happen to didi na” Shruthi holding shaurie…

Sha: haan nehal don’t worry nothing will happen to ur didi… be strong… youre my brave girl na… shaurie consoles her…

“Shaurie beta…” karuna comes running…“How is my bahu…” she asked with concern…
Sha: Mom.. shaurie runs and hugs his mom tight… he weeps like kid.. she comforts him…

“Mr.Khanna, what is this…?” Nurse asked Shaurya showing one form…
Sha: Kya hua sister…
Nurse: instead of patient name… u wrote Ladoo… it’s nt any sweet stall… Nurse huffs…All looks him in disbelief…

Sha (to nurse): sorry sister gimme.. will correct it…
Nurse: no need tell ur wife name…
“Mrs.Mahek Shaurya Khanna… did u heard my name” mehak giggled, her voice echoed in his ear…“Her eyes, a curve of smiles in her lips, her long black hair” everything flashes in his mind… a tear fell on his cheek… his heart pricked…

Nurse: Mr.Khanna your wife name…Sha: Mrs.Mahek Shaurya Khanna… he said lovingly… he never called her by name first tym he was spelling her name but she is in ICU…

Sha: sister how is my ladoo.. hmm.. I mean my wife…Nurse smiles: now she is better… dont worry… she leaves from there after filling form…

Mami can’t take this, again holds his shirt: now I need my answer Shaurya what u did with my baby… I knw u tried to take revenge from her for the marriage…

Karuna: swetlna he won’t do nothing to my bahu… he loves her lot..

Mami: ok bhabi thn ask him all of sudden why Mahek went unconscious…she cries…

Karuna: Shaurie beta why you’re silent tell us what happened with Mahek… why she went unconscious…All insists him to tell the reason…

Sha: Wo… umm… I… (he stammers) all looks on…
Sha (closing his eyes tight): I Kissed her… he Bow down his head with embarrassment… all in unison shouts “what..?” he nods his head in yes…

Night oly he promised himself to keep her happy but now she is in this state bz of him… He knw she doesn’t like kiss even though he kissed her… may be she is his wife but how could he touch her without her consent… he felt like he was a jerk…

Doctor comes out of Mehak Room and said she is okay and get conscious … before doctor could complete his sentence, shaurie runs to Mehak room and hugs her tight as his life’s depends on her… Mehak hugs him back, she slowly pat his back make him calm… He cups her face and about to kiss her forehead…

“Jiju stop” nehal shouts entering thr room… whole family comes inside following nehal… he realized what he was upto do… uff Again he tried to kiss her…. Idiot he curses himself and blames him for her state…

Sha: I’m sorry I shouldn’t do this… it’s totally my fault… bz of me only u r in this state… I was a jerk…

he starts to blabber, she tries to interrupt him but he didn’t listen her… In order to stop him Mehak angrily drag him holding his shirt collar to place a kiss on lips… everyone soon closed thr eyes… shaurie get Startled at her action but mehak pouts infront of his lips… he lets one small chuckles seeing her antics…

Meh: let me talk first… I went unconscious bz yesterday I didn’t eat anything… it’s nt wat u thinking…

Sha: what..? Meh: yeah.. you knw na every Monday I used to keep fasting and night oly I tk food but yesterday I didnt tk dinner…

Nehal: oh didi is it so… I thought jiju is human form snake I mean naagin so oly u wnt unconscious after jiju kissed u… ha ha ha… she teases.. everyone laughs… shaurie looks her annoy… Mehak shouts nehal name bit loud in order to stop her…

Sha (to meh): before u shout at her u should be take care of urself… when u cant tk it what’s the need to keep fasting and all… if something happened to u what would I do, do u hv any idea… atleast U should tk ur dinner right… he literally shouts at her…

all keep silence as they sense care and love in his anger…
She bow down murmuring “khadoos”
Shaurie takes milk to thr room… mami stops him in mid, he annoyed but flashes his tooth…

Mami: wo umm I’m sorry… (she tucks her hair behind ear…) I shouldn’t behave lyk tat… after seeing baby like that I can’t control myself…

Sha(Monogue): adha konjam sirichitu sonna ena maidha maavu(what will happen if u said with smile..)… (to mami) its ok I can understand… he smiles… mami nods… shaurie leaves…

@Mehrya Room,

Mehak sitting furious in bed as shaurie isn’t allowed her to get down from the bed after they reached home… he was pampering her too much which irritates her more… she loves his attention but morethan this she love thr tom and jerry fight… she is about to get down…

“Dont” Shaurie said politely yet ordering tone while entering thr room and gives her milk…

Mehak make face and takes milk from his hand… she drank milk, shaurie stares her lovingly… she turns her face like kid and started to drink milk while watching him corner of her eyes… he smiles and admires her… she keep glass aside after finished drinking… he chuckles looking at her, she wonders… he points her lips, Milk were above her lips… he takes his hand to her lips, she looks on… he touches his lips to wipe her milk which sent shiver to her… she looks her eye… Both had an cute eye lock… reality hits shaurie, he take off his hand and murmurs “sorry”

He wants to take her in embrace, he want to kiss her, he want to tell her how much he loves her but he cant as she doesn’t love him… he cant take advantage bz of the reason she is wife… he sighs…

He dont take advantage of her bz she is his wife… he dont need to ask sorry to her but he asked… he behave gently… she feels blessed… she undrrstand his hesistant… she doesnt confess his love it’s bz she don’t want him to accept bz of the reason he is one women man… she dont want him to compromise himself… she dont want him to accept her bz of no other option… but now she knws he loves her… his act and care tells her… she knw he isn’t expressive, she wants to take nxt step.. she feels lil hesistant but sighs and get down from bed…

Shaurie is about to say something but before that Mehak sits in shaurie lap, he looks her surprised+shocked+confused… she touches her forehead with his by encircling her hands around his neck… his heart started to beat faster than ever…

Meh: Mr.Shaurya Khanna… she rubs her nose with him… he just hums, her closeness affected him so much…
Meh: I Love You… she whispers and places her lips in his, he bcm numb to hear her…his breath got ditched with her kiss… she never kissed anyone, it was her first kiss but now… reality strikes him “what she told, she loves him, she too loves him and now she is..” soon he responds her pulling her more into kiss…

Thy fell on bed and brk thr kiss… he takes her under beneath him… she blushed hard finally she confessed her feeling… she palmed her face with feeling shy with her act…
Sha: what did u told… he asked kissing her hand which is covered her face… she shivers and nods no still closing her eyes… he kissed her hand, she tk off her hand… he locks his eye with her… his gaze was too intense, she can’t take that… she pulls him and hide her face in his nape and wishpers,
Meh: I love you Mr.Shaurya Khanna… I love you from the start, I love to fight with you, getting irritate by you, to see ur khadoos avatar…I love u my chor… again she confess her love… he pulled himself from her and silently moves, she looks him confused and follows him..,
He smiles and goes on his knees, Shaurie: I knw I was jerk, I always irritate you, always fight with you, always make u angry but the truth is I always loved you and will love you… Mrs.Mehak Shaurya Khanna I Love You.. I fallen for you from the day I met you… the Day I bcm ur chor.. the day i Kissed you by the mistake… a kiss by the mistake (he smiles) that was the best mistake in my life… we got married… I knw u hate kiss but I want my day start with ur morning kiss end with ur Good night kiss.. a good bye kiss when I leave to Ofc and a welcome kiss when i return home… a kiss from you, only from you…
She blushes hard hearing him… he tk ring from his pocket and forwarding to her…
Sha: I want u to be with me each and every thin and thick layer.. will you..??
She nods her head shyly and forwards her hand… he slips ring in her finger and hugs her tight…
Sha: I Love You mehak… Meh: love you too shaurie… she hugs him back… he cups her face kissed her tip of nose… remembering thr first kiss and carries her to the bed in bridal style..

Shaurya is sleeping peacefully while mehak was crying looking at sleeping shaurie… his sleep disturbed by her weeping sound… He sits with jerks seeing her…
Sha:mehak …
Shaurie rolled his eyes and prays god with fear to save him from her mood swing today…
Mehak was 5 months pregnant… Daily she shows him so many tantrums and not at all allow him to sleep bz of her mood swing… so only now he is praying god to save him…
Meh: Shaurya… she calls him compliantly and cries aloud… he panicked seeing her…
Sha: mehak what happened…cupping her face… hearing him she started to cry more…
Meh: shaurie hereafter u wont love me na… Sha: what..?
Meh: see no dress fits me… I bcm moti…
Sha: he he he… idhuku munnadi mattum…
Meh:Kya… sha: wo nothing…
Meh: I knw u’ll leave me…when Day started to pass I’ll bcm more fat with big tummy… thn u wont love me and u start to hate me right… she weeps…
Sha:who said like this… u didn’t bcm moti, its just my chubby mehak bcm more chubbier than before… now u look more prettier than ever and my love for u always increase… I cant hate u in my dreams…
Meh: really… She asked innocently wiping her tears…
Sha: haan… you know I just want to pull and kiss ur this chubby cheeks tight… he said taking her in embrace…
Meh: shaurie… sha: hmm… Meh: thn gv me a kiss na… she asked him with puppy dog eyes…
He smiles wide looking at her… her one hand is holding her little baby bumb and another one holding her back… her cheeks and nose were red bz of sobbing.. her pouty lips…her innocent look… she looks damn cute… already he can’t control himself with her and now she itself asking him to kiss her… Within no time he captured her lips in a kiss… she too responds him back… he leaves her when they feel out of breath… he looks her blushingly biting his nail but our mehak starts to hit him and started to cry aloud again…

Meh: why do u kissed me…
Sha:? arre u oly asked me to kiss u… he said protesting her…
Meh: I asked u too kiss my cheek not here… she said pointing her lips and start to yell him…

“baby is everything alright..? what was the sound there..” mami asked who is staying in next room of mehrya…
(Sharma’s are staying with mehrya as mehak want to be with them till her pregnancy.. so shaurie asked them to stay with her)
Hearing mami shaurie rolled his eyes “Huh Indha Thai kizhavi, shaurie nee setha (huh this oldiee, shaurie you gone) god why this kiss was always playing too much role in my life”

He shuts mehak mouth with his palm giving her puppy look…

Sha: Nothing mami we are just talking… he shouts back…(to mehak) hain na mehak… he flashes his 32 for which mehak glares him…

“Ok ok” mami shouts back from her room…

He pacifies mehak by promising her to take shopping and buy lots of icecreams… hearing icecream mehak eyes get twinkle she immediately pecks his lips and slept in his embrace…

Sha: Iva kiss kudutha onnum ila idhuva na kudatha mattum? (if she gv kiss it was nothing if at all I gv ?) he make face but after while smiles looking at sleeping meha…


Months were started to pass… Mehak was shouting in labor pain holding her big baby bumb, tears rolled down from her eyes… she isn’t leaving shaurie hand and asking him to be with her… after asking permission from doctor, shaurie also joins with them in operation theatre… first he feel awkward as he was surrounded by lady Doc and nurses then it was replaced by his tension and care and love…

Sha: ladoo easy easy… relax… Doctor do something… ahhhhh… morethan mehak shaurya was shouting…

Doctor ask shaurie to leave operation theatre as he was disturbing them by shouting but Shaurie is shaurie… he doesnt leave

Meanwhile mehak feel exhausted she was about to faint… leaving shaurie Doc start to concentrate on mehak and starts to encourage her to push…

Doc:Mrs.khanna see baby head also shown.. just few minutes…

Sha: what bbbbaaabbbbbyyyy headdddddddddd… shaurie feels dizzy…

Mehak let out last screams…hearing baby cry, he faints..
Doc: congratulations Mr.khanna you… Doctor word left incomplete seeing shaurie state…

Finally he get admitted to nxt bed of mehak?

When he get conscious his eyes searches for his lady love… it fells on the most precious 2 women in his life… one who carries him and one who carries his identity his seeds, in her womb… the respect and love towards them increased to him… noticing shaurie in conscious mehak called his name faint tine yet happily…

Nehal and others teases him for bcming unconscious but he doesnt mind anyone, directly goes towards mehak and gvs numerous kisses on her face…
Sha: I Love You…mehak blushes…

Sha:I never thought u all go through this much pain… he said looking his mom and mehak..

Meh: it wasn’t pain it’s pleasure of every women… mehak replied him with smile…
Sha: baby..??
Meh: boy just like his papa… she pouts… shaurie chuckles at her jealousy…
Karuna gv him baby, he holds near his chest.. he feels goose bumb all over his body…

Sha: champ papa will shower u with all kind of love and gift but ur most precious gift is ur mom don’t ever hurt her ok… he kissed baby head… baby Smiles and kicks him…

While all adores his love towards mehak..
Mehak preparing breakfast, someone from back sneaks there hand in her waist… she gasped and shouts chor… it’s our shaurya…
Shaurya chuckles and nuzzles his face in her neck and kissed her…
Meh: morning itself u started leave me… I need to prepare breakfast, already it’s getting late for school…
Shau: dnt wry will help you… he kissed her again and entwined his finger with her which was busy in making dough… she hits his stomach with her elbow… he screams little…
Meh: I knw what kind of help u’ll do… no need just leave from here… she free herself from his grip but our shaurie is damn adamant… he was in full romance mood… he turns her towards him… She closed her eyes as he was running his fingers on her face lovingly… he kissed her forehead, eyes and cheeks thn…
He was interrupted by one little angry voice… “Mr.Kadoos kumar” a little boy shouts angrily holding his hand in waist… Mehrya rolled thr eyes… Mehak pushes shaurya… he is our mehrya son Munna, 7 yrs older…
“Vanthuta en romance villain huh… (My romance villain came huh…)”Shaurie murmurs… Mehak glares him…
Sha(In mind):Ivaluku tamil solli kuduthu thappu pannitean, oru varthai kuda peasa vida mattingarala… (did mistake by teaching her tamil, huh not at all allowing me to speak)… he frowns in mind but flashes his 32 to mehak…

Meh: Munna beta kya hua, still u didn’t ready for school…
Munna: Mom dadi doesn’t knw to tie this(showing neck tie), so I cme here but(angrily looking shaurya) how dare u kissed my mom, she is my mom…
Shau: huh she is my wife… Munna: so what she is my mom… why u kissed her…
Sha(pulling munna cheeks): unakku thangachi papa venama kanna(don’t u want choti)
Meh: Shaurya…
Shau: teddy what I asked wrong … (to munna): tell me don’t u want chotti.. he pulls munna cheeks…
Munna: no, I don’t want choti, I want didi … he take off his hand angrily…
Shau: ? mehak chuckles…
Munna: and yeah she is my mom…don’t kiss her, if u want go and kiss ur mom… he pulls mehak towards him and kissed mehak…
Shau: huh, she is my wife, if u want go and kiss ur wife… he pulls mehak towards him and kissed her cheek…
Meh: shaurie what is it… You’re spoiling our kid… mehak shouts at him…
Shau: he isn’t kid, he is my chota devil, ask him to behave… he frowns and complaint like kid…
Munna: I don’t have wife… he pouts… Shau: but I’m having… he kissed mehak cheeks…
Munna: if I kiss lali(neighbourhood girl) infront of granny than I too gt wife..?
Shau: but now itself I’m having wife… he again kissed mehak cheeks which make munna angrier…
Munna pulls mehak towards him… Mun: she is my mom don’t kiss her… shaurie pulls her towards him…
Mehak stuck between both father and son… they make her sand veg in thr fight…
Munna: mom u tell whom u love most me or ur chor…
Shau: Ofcourse me… he said with attitude…
But Mehak lifts munna, Meh: ofcourse it’s you only beta… Munna sticks his tongue out and teases shaurie…
Shaurie frowns like kid… Sha: god why you kept me here see none love me,?? I don’t want to live here… I’m going to join in some orphanage… he wipes his fake tear dramatically…
Munna:arre papa that was oldage not orphanage… ?? he chuckles… mehak and munna hi-fi..
Sha: ?
he leaves to living hall making face and sits on sofa… mother son duo looks eachother narrowing thr eyebrow ? and follows him… he turns his face lyk kid… ?they sits either sides of him… he is about to getup but they both drags him and starts to tickle shaurie… trio laughs lying n sofa…
Munna: munna loves…
Meh: his mumma… and his mumma loves…
Munna: munna… shaurie sits in Indian style with big pouts by keeping his both palm under chin…
Meh/Munna: and we both loves this Kadoos kumar… by saying this they encircled thr around his neck… shaurie grinned wide taking there in embrace…
Sha: and this kadoos love his chota devil and his mom… I Love You both… he kissed both mehak and munna cheeks…
Mehak/Munna: we too love you… they shouts and kissed his cheeks tight…??
Karuna took thr snaps in shaurie camera…
Screened freezed with their happy face…

Finally I ended this… thank you so much all readers… sorry if u guys bored or upset with this… 🙂 🙂 I tk 2 months to post these 4 shots… even though u all supported me… a very big hug and kisses to u all ?????? Love You all????❤❤❤

Thank you all☺☺☺
# Nive…


A smile is a curve that sets everything straight... Keep Smiling... ? ?

Published by