Categories: Fan FictionMahek

MehRya my version Part 16

Morning Mehak was busy at kitchen preparing each and everyone’s favorite meals. Shaurya and Vicky at the lawn. Vicky accompanying Shaurya with his physiotherapy session which includes some exercises. His right arm is getting better. He does some brisk walking and jog in between to strengthen the back bone. Vicky asked naughtily to Shaurya bhaiya shall we do something to prank bhabhi, Shaurya agrees.

Suddenly Vicky screamed saying that bhabhi, bhaiya fainted while exercising come quickly. Mehak didn’t hear it clearly she walked to the lawn following the noise, Karuna maa and Dolly maasi also join her. She saw Shaurya lying unconsciously at the lawn. She rushed next to him. Carried his head put on her lap and try to wake him up. Karuna maa panicked and ask Vicky to call doctor immediately. Vicky winked at her to assure her it’s just a prank. Mehak started to cry and scream asking Vicky not to just sit and watch get doctor to come, don’t know what happen to him, did he overdo his exercises. Mehak rub his cheek and ask him to wakeup open your eyes, hear tears started to fall on Shaurya’s face and he felt guilty making her cry , he gets up and smiled at her said I am fine don’t cry. Mehak asked what happen just now, come let’s go see doctor, Shaurya and Vicky gets ready to run away from her and told her that they just pranked her.

Mehak gets up and started to run after them, she can’t keep up with their speed of running, she saw a rock on the lawn and get that and ask Shaurya and Vicky to stop or else she will break their head with this rock. Shaurya ask her to throw the rock it will be sin if she hurt her husband also if he is hurt she will be the one suffering so much caring for him. She aim and throw the rock but both avoided. Both chuckled and continue to run, Mehak didn’t quit she told them today no one can save both of you from me, she saw the garden hose on the garden, she took that and call their name both turned to see her she pointed the hose and sprayed them with water. They ask her to stop but Mehak didn’t heed to their pleas.
She told them you two loves to prank people, make others panic and bad. This is both of your punishment. I am from Paranthe Wali Gali girl who don’t spare anyone if anyone messes with us. Karuna maa and Dolly maasi laughed seeing the both brothers begging to Mehak as Mehak don’t spare them. Both kneeled at garden and ask Mehak to forgive and they promise won’t repeat this again. Mehak drops the hose and kneel down to Shaurya pull his t-shirt and hit him on his chest for being mischievous all the time, she asked can you hear my heart bouncing. I was so scared. Shaurya asked Karuna maa see your beti hitting me in front of you. Karuna maa came and pull both Shaurya and Vicky’s ears and ask them to behave well to my beti or else I will ask her to beat up both of you, stop doing this kind of nuisance and hurt my beti. Mehak stand next to Karuna maa and said see maa what he is doing, khadoos kumar.

Shaurya and Vicky stand still as soaked wet. Karuna maa called Awara to bring towel for both. He ran quickly to the lawn and pass the towels to them. Karuna maa received a call and she walked away from them. Vicky walks away as he wipes himself talking to Dolly maasi. Shaurya standing with his towel and he glee at Mehak asking her to wipe him, she ignored him and turned to walk away from him but just then he manage to hold her wrist and held her close to his chest and said you are a bad wife, for this I will definitely punish you with his husky tone. Mehak understand very well of his naughty tone and ask him to let her go his grip became tighter and he gently draw a pattern with his thumb on her back and kissed her. Mehak felt an intense with his kiss and she gets conscious and run away from him. He knows very well on Mehak’s weak points.

Shaurya dressed and checking himself in the mirror with his lounge pants. Mehak came with a bowl to the room. She asked him to lie down on the bed. He gets excited , she corrected his thinking saying don’t think too much stop thinking all dirty things , PD asked to prepare the traditional ointment and massage on your back few times a day so you will feel better soon. Shaurya went to the bed and lie down on his tummy. Mehak gets on the bed with the ointment bowl, she asked him to lower the pants a bit as he got injured on the lower back, he asked her do it herself, she mumbling and scolding his badtameez Besharam, always wants to cause trouble to others. She gently pull his pants a little bit lower and blow the oil gently and start to rub on his back, he was enjoying the massage and checking her reaction with his mobile camera. Mehak’s looks tired and she was looking a bit pale. Shaurya pull her wrist and bring her to front and asked why she look upset. She didn’t reply him. Shaurya kept asking what happen if she doesn’t answer he won’t let her to do her work. She pull herself from him and continue to massage his back. She finish the massage and gets up to leave, Shaurya hold her quickly ask if she is still upset about the morning incident, she shook her off and said nothing about that. Just she is having slight headache and it’s like migraine. Shaurya asked shall I call the doctor, Mehak assured she is fine will be fine soon.

She asked him to dress up and come downstairs to eat breakfast. He ask her to go downstairs he will join her in short while. Mehak went to kitchen to get breakfast to the table all set to eat. Karuna maa, Dolly Maasi and Vicky chit chatting excitedly about some TV shows they watch last night. Mehak sat but she can’t eat as pain throbbing her head. She have no appetite. Shaurya asked why she didn’t anything, she smiled at him and went to kitchen, and she wants to make kada for her migraine, as she gets the ingredients to boil the kada she fainted. Awara who went by the kitchen saw the water is boiling unattended at the stove but Mehak is nowhere to be seen he walked to the other side of the island and saw Mehak lying unconsciously. He quickly call
Shaurya and others as bhabhi fainted at kitchen, Shaurya rushed , he hold her on her lap and wants to carry her but Karuna maa ask him to be careful as he also now only recovering from back injury. He didn’t listen to anyone. He carried her to the hall and ask Vicky to call doctor immediately, Vicky dialed doctor’s number and inform them he will be arriving in 15 minutes. Shaurya rubbed her sole and the palm and keep calling her name, begging her to open her eyes.

Dolly maasi at that time without even thinking she said I think it will be good news coming soon, at this time dizziness, fainting all are normal. Shaurya ask her to stop talking crap and ask can’t you see she is lying unconsciously and you are saying this is good. Dolly then assured them usually who will get dizzy, nausea, faint and no appetite, Karuna maa don’t understand what is Dolly maasi actually means. Dolly maasi ask Shaurya to calm down and said you are going to become dad, Karuna maa will be nani, Vicky will be chachu. All looked happy and Shaurya puzzled. Doctor arrived, he check her heart beat, pulse rate and her pupil movement. Shaurya added she complain of migraine at morning, my maasi said she might be pregnant.
After thorough checking the doctor concluded that Mehak fainted as she is very weak tired, she is lack of sleep and didn’t eat well. Shaurya understand she must be busy taking care of him from his accident till now she hasn’t slept well and had her meals on time for 15-20 days. She is having migraine which is not to worry but he suggested to do blood test to check blood platelet count as he finds she might be anemic too. He suggested them to visit gynecology to check on pregnancy sometimes very early pregnant symptoms too can cause nausea and dizziness. It’s better to visit the clinic to do a test to confirm. Mehak slowly regain her conscious. Shaurya carried her and place on his lap. He hugged her and kissed on her forehead my heart stopped see you like this. Doctor left. Shaurya said we are going to clinic to check on your blood count etc. doctor said you are weak.

He chide at Karuna maa and Dolly maasi including Awara, no one is taking care of Mehak, only she is running around do everyone’s favor. Did anyone check she eat or rested well, all stand quietly. Shaurya said she is my Mehak I will take care of her myself. Karuna maa apologized to Shaurya saying she didn’t know Mehak didn’t rest and didn’t eat on time. Now we all being responsible we all will take care of her. Shaurya gets up and apologies to Karuna maa and Dolly maasi as he talks without thinking, Karuna maa touch his cheeks and said I am proud of you as you are my son and loves Mehak than anything in this world. Now you bring her to room I will make some light food for her and send it to you and you will feed her.

All left to kitchen, Mehak tried to stand up but she still feel dizzy and her knees were weak she sat on the couch. Shaurya manage to catch on time and ask her to be careful as she still very weak. He cupped her face and ask why she is doing everything for others but didn’t take care of her own health. He is very angry at her. Mehak try to smile and ask him to calm down why you are scolding everyone on this small matter. Shaurya questioned her you faint it’s a small matter, how if anything happen. She quickly hugged him and caresses his nape to calm him down, he melts in her hug. He carried her to the room although she asked him to stop, he make her to lie on the bed, and he sat next to her and hold her hand. Kissing each of her fingers, Mehak looked at him attentively. Karuna maa brings the soup and some roti she ask Mehak not to say anything eat the food and rest, don’t enter kitchen for few days , she and Dolly will manage everything. Now she must take care of herself. She jokingly said your husband was angry with us because we overwork you, Mehak nodded to agree. Karuna maa left them both, Shaurya makes her sit and he took the food tray, Mehak said she will eat later not now she doesn’t feel hungry. He with his signature look he raise his index finger to her lips give her a look and ask her to quiet no more arguments just eat. So long I am taking care of you, you must listen to me and eat. Mehak became quiet looking at his serious expression. She just nodded and let him feed her the roti and soup. After finished the meals she gets out of bed, Shaurya warned her again not to move from the bed, just sleep and rest. Doctor said you are not enough sleep. She assured him now she is better and she is not used to sleep in day time. Shaurya get her IPad and turned ON for her and ask her to just surf internet and see something on the bed. He called Awara asked him to make some juice.

Awara came to pass the juice to them. Shaurya sat next to her and ask her drink now. Mehak looked at him and asked I just had roti and soup now juice, how to eat so much at one go. If you keep feed me like this I will become like fat cow like you used to call me last time. He put the juice aside and cupped her face, the eyes are my diamonds, and these two cheeks are my rasgullas. The caresses her lips with his thumb this lips are my laddoo. I don’t care you put on weight but never want to see you pale and sad. He hold the juice glass to her and ask her to drink it slowly and play games and rest, he will be there taking care of her. She held the glass and drank the juice, she finished the juice and Shaurya kissed on her cheek and ask her to rest.
Mehak playing games in her mobile and without realizing she fell asleep. Shaurya saw her he adjusted the pillow and cover her with blanket. He close the curtains so the sunshine doesn’t interrupts his beauty’s sleep. He sat at his work desk to follow up on his pending business correspondence. If Mehak was awake she wouldn’t allow him to work too long. He smiled at her who is sleeping soundly and does his works and he got a call he took the phone to balcony to answer them. Shaurya ends his call and came to the room and went downstairs to check on others.
Dolly maasi was in the kitchen with Karuna maa and saying didi lets call Mehak’s family and inform them about Mehak, they will be happy too. Karuna maa asked her to be patience tomorrow when they go to clinic they will do the test and clinic and let the doctor to confirm whtr she is pregnant or not. Dolly maasi said she knows definitely that she is weak due to pregnancy. She started to give example a few girls who get pregnant right after honeymoon etc. Shaurya joined them and said let’s not do any assumption, tomorrow I will go to clinic with Mehak and will do the test, why worrying so much, he ask her to not to create tension for Mehak or else she will be worried. He added that Mehak is still young to be a mother, we just started our marriage life after so much commotion so let’s not discuss more and create another issue.

Karuna maa agreed and ask Dolly maasi to be quite. Mehak wakes up in her room and saw Shaurya not in, she freshen up herself and went downstairs. She saw everyone at hall and upon she enters all change topic and start asking how is she feeling, Shaurya asked why she came downstairs , if she needs anything she should have just called he will get it for her. Mehak felt them all a bit strange and Shaurya behavior it’s not like himself. Karuna maa and Dolly maasi get moving from there, Mehak sat next to Shaurya and hold his hand and ask what happen why all behaving strange . Did something happened? He hold her cheek and said nothing you don’t worry anything. Mehak was not convinced and asked him please tell me Shaurya, we once had issue because you hide something from me, I don’t want we have problem again. Shaurya felt tremendous jolt with Mehak’s tone and he continued. Doctor said you are weak because you didn’t eat and sleep well for quite sometimes. But Dolly maasi thinking you are pregnant. Mehak’s eyes open wide in astonishment. He comforted her tomorrow we will go to gynecology clinic to check and do blood test. Doctor said you look anemic as well. I want everything to be alright with you.

Mehak rest her head on his chest, Shaurya do you think I am pregnant, I don’t feel anything like being pregnant. Or is it something is wrong with me. Shaurya pull her closer to him and assured her tomorrow we will check and we will know don’t think too much you, then your migraine will return again. At night Mehak lie down on the bed and her train of thought rummaging her brain. Shaurya came out from bathroom, he saw her being quiet, felt uneasy. He gets into the bed and crawl under the blanket and lie next to her and ask what she is thinking, is she scared about the doctor’s visit. She didn’t turn and look at him as she is crying quietly. He turn her face towards him and ask why what happen. He wiped her tears and ask her to stop crying, he can’t see her like this. Mehak compose herself. She asked Shaurya if tomorrow the doctor said I am not pregnant or say something will you leave me or punish me. He pulled her to his chest and say never think like that, I will never leave you at any cost. No matter what the test result tomorrow I will be always there beside you. It’s my promise to you. She hold his t-shirt tightly and felt his warmness in his hug. He promised we are just married few months and not to worry as they have long way to go to try for a child. Both compose each other till late night and dozed off.

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