Fan Fiction

Mehrya My version Part 63


Sharma’s came to Khanna’s the next day to go together for the picnic. Sonal went near Mehak and asked how is she how many times she called and she didn’t answer her and never reply the messages also , please yaar don’t be angry with me because of Mohit and maa. Mehak said I am not upset with you or anyone just tired and many things happening and I was busy. What happen Sonal insist to know from Mehak, Mehak just shakes her head and said now you will be expecting your baby just think about your baby I will take care of me. Although Sonal knows there is something behind but getting things out of Mehak is very hard.

Damdama Lake which is 1.5 hrs. distance from the city is a quiet and scenic atmosphere. In the serene location, one can enjoy boating in row boats, paddle boats and motor boats. Damdama is known for its splendid adventure sports facilities such as para sailing, kayaking, cycling, angling, rock climbing, and valley crossing also go for nature walks in the nearby Aravali hills. Its natural home for birds, & more than 190 species of birds, migratory as well as local, all throughout the year a variety of birds from different places flock to Dream Island. Some of the major birds seen here are water fowl, cranes, cormorants, terns, egrets, kingfishers etc. While driving to Damdama Lake, they catch a glimpse of peacocks and blue bulls. Shaurya while driving keep watching Mehak from the rear mirror she was chit chatting with Dolly maasi. Ever since the day they fought she has kept herself away from him and not even once they have exchanged a glance. His heart earns for her eyes and her love.

Once they reached the picnic area, Mehak with Awara and other carried the food items and other picnic stuffs. Shaurya tried to take the heavy warmer from Mehak’s hand she just ignored and took it by herself. Dolly pass some other stuff to Shaurya asking him to carry that. Later Nehal and Mehak lay out the picnic mat on the grass and Awara help them to set all the food items. Nehal suggested to walk and sightseeing the area before they start eating. Sonal said she will sit and wait here and Mohit decided to be with her as well. All agreed and walked along checking out the open area from the lake to green scenery. Nehal along with Mehak and Vicky was taking videos of the lake and the surroundings. Mehak gets some breads and feed the fish in the lake. She was telling Nehal look at the fish they all are so fat , Vicky saw that and said yes bhabhi all these fishes are so fat and full of flesh, if we do fish Manchurian , fish fry it will taste great, hearing this Mehak nauseated and start hitting Vicky. Shaurya seeing them smiling at their antics. Then he wants to irritate Mehak and said Vicky you said it correctly if we fry the fat fleshy fish the meat are juicy and taste wonderful. Mehak turned and looked at him he was smiling evilly after many days they are seeing each other’s face. Shaurya walked towards her. She turns herself and cling her arms around Nehal’s arm and started to walk ignoring him. Nehal after a while asked are you had argument or misunderstandings? Mehak asked why I look like trouble maker to you. Nehal said no di just wondering instead of holding your 6ft handsome husband’s arm why are you holding me, and he is at the back smiling and checking you out like the boy loafing around to check his girlfriend. Mehak turned slightly and saw Nehal was right he was smiling and looking at her. She was wondering what happen to him few days he was grumpy and now smiling, his mood is like weather unpredictable. Nehal was giggling loud and Mehak tapped on her head and ask her to keep quiet and walk. They went to the bird sanctuary see all types of birds. A keeper was holding a macaw parrot on his hand, he asked them to pat the parrot as it’s not harm. None dare to touch that but the parrot leap to Mehak and peck on her nose, she was shocked and trying to control her fear seeing the large parrot’s quirky action. The entire family laughs seeing the view and Mehak’s expression. Seeing this Shaurya took his mobile out took a video and few shots. Later the elders said they walked so much and feeling tired they want to walk back to their picnic spot to rest. Nehal ask them to go first and they will come back later. After sometime Nehal ask all Mehak Vicky and Shaurya to pose for selfie. Shaurya holds Mehak by her waist. Mehak’s expression changed and Nehal captured all her expression. Nehal saw the shots and started to laugh asking di why your face like this , Mehak saw and ask her to delete it and try to take the mobile from her hand Nehal throw it to Shaurya and he saw that shots and started to laugh as well. She tried to snatch the mobile from her but he raised his arms higher and Mehak tries to jump and snatch it from him , she ask him to return the mobile but he was amused with her cuteness and raised it higher and didn’t let her to get it. Vicky and Nehal stands and watch them. Mehak jumped to get the mobile but ended she lost balance and her lip touched Shaurya’s lip. His heart skipped a beat as her lips moved away. Her eyes widened in surprise and she just realized what happened she moved away and touch her lips and didn’t want to see him and walked quickly to the family members. She sees them and joined with them. Dolly maasi asked why bahu are you sick again Mehak nodded No and asked if she needs anything she will get for her, Dolly maasi pull her and ask her to sit down , at home you are working , at restaurant you are working now we came for resting and enjoy time with family don’t work today can or not? Mehak smiled and nodded her head. Later Harish papa ask to have anthakshari he didn’t play for a very long time. All sat together started singing started with PD. She sang a favorite old song from Dilip Kumar’s movie. Followed by Dolly maasi’s turn, she sang another song. Mehak watches under her eye lashes Shaurya’s eye gazing at her while he was paying attention to others. Few times she notice he was staring at her. She just gets herself busy and started to serve fruits for all, she just pass by Shaurya and didn’t offer him the fruits. In his heart he was telling you can run, you can hide but your love, your anger your smile your sleep your dream your hunger everything is all for me. After Dolly maasi it was Dadu ji’s turn. He sang a song after much struggle all laughed along. Mehak went back to sit next to Sonal. Sonal asked looks like someone on cold war. Mehak asked who? No not you we are talking about our neighbor. Budhu we are talking about you who else. Mehak asked in her cute face pouted, do you think I can’t see, I think you are upset with Shaurya right? Then why are you not sitting next to him and offer him fruits. I am watching from earlier, he is looking at you and you are looking at somewhere trying to avoid him. Mehak said nothing like you are saying doesn’t mean we are loving couple must act so much in love in public also right? I want to sit with you all here. Sonal said okay now don’t show that type cute face eat a bit and feed her some fruits.  After Vicky’s turn it was Mehak’s turn and she don’t know what to sing and start to think and asking them to give her clues. Sonal whispered something and Mehak sang.

Kabhi neem neem

Kabhi shehad shehad

Kabhi naram naram

Kabhi sakht sakht

Kabhi neem neem

Kabhi shehad shehad

Kabhi naram naram

Kabhi sakht sakht

Mora piya, mora piya, mora piya ho

Nazron ke teer mein basa hai pyar

Jab bhi chala hai woh dil ke paar

Nazron ke teer mein basa hai pyar

Jab bhi chala hai woh dil ke paar

Lajja se maare re yeh jiya

Piya, lajja se maare re yeh jiya

Piya re, lajja se maare re yeh jiya


Then she stopped realizing what is she singing because it has some meaning for someone and that person is looking at her look is just a word he is drinking her by looking at her , she quickly turn her face. All clapped and Nehal whispered to Mehak, di you have conveyed in your song selection about jiju and his love. Your love story is inspiration to all. Mehak shushed her and ask all let’s eat getting late. She and Awara helped to serve the food from their warmer and picnic baskets. Sharma’s brings some other snacks along Nehal spread those foods as well. Mehak pass the foods to others and for Shaurya she ask Nehal to pass it to him, he took it from Nehal and thanked her. As a family all sat and enjoyed the meal together. Shaurya and Mehak were stealing glances. Mehak decided not to entertain him she sat next to PD and Sonal gets busy talking to them. After spending some time with sightseeing around the area they decided to leave. As they were loading all the things into the car, Dolly maasi noticed Mehak’s right earring is missing. She asked her bahu where your earring on the right ear is. Mehak touch her ear and realize her earring is missing , she ask her to continue to put back all in the car she will go back to check , Mehak walks back to their picnic spot searching the ground for her earring and talking to herself where is it missing? Just then a strong arm gripped on her waist she was shocked and wanted to scream as the other hand cover her mouth. It was none other than Shaurya. Mehak tried to push him away but he tightened his grip around her waist. He grinned sheepishly as after many days they are standing closer, her very smell was flooding his senses now. Mehak bites his hand, he pull his hand away and let go of his grip, and Mehak looked at him with an angry look. She asked what you are doing. He asked why are you here and not in the car?  She just brushes off him and said nothing I just came for something and decided to walk away from him. He holds her wrist and asked is this what you are looking for? He asked showing her earring. He pull her closer to him and warn her with his eyes not to move and fix the earring into her ear. He gently push the hair from her shoulder his fingers touched her shoulder and he slowly fix the hook on her ear, he blows some air which Mehak closed her eyes tightly as sensation builds up in her. But she quickly gets into senses and walk away from him after looking at him for a while.


All get into their vehicles Sharma’s bid good bye to the Khanna’s and moved on. Mehak looking at the windows outside. Shaurya turned ON the radio. Song played.


Kahin Aag Lage Lag Jaave

Koi Naag Dase Das Jaave

Kabhi Gagan Gir Jaave

Chaahe Kuchh Bhi Ho Jaaye

Is Toote Dil Ki Peedh Sahi Na Jaaye


Mehak was listening to the song and the meaning was so deep. Lone tear escape from her eyes. She brushes off and continue to see the outside view. Shaurya although driving and fully focused on the road but he sees her every now and then. They reached Khanna mansion. After unloading all the stuff, Mehak ask the family members to go and rest and she will go and prepare dinner. She went to kitchen and check the fridge for the vegetables and ingredients. She started to cut the vegetables and ask Awara to freshen up and comeback after a while , she will handle , he was reluctant to leave her do all work alone at kitchen but Shaurya who was standing at the kitchen entrance signed him to leave and he left with a smile in his face. Mehak was wondering why he is smiling like mental, do I look like clown. She started to cut the vegetables and put them aside. She took out a pot from the lower shelf and place it on the stove, she ignited the stove. Adding oil and slowly adding the tadka and started to fry them and adding in the other ingredients and slowly frying them. All these while Shaurya was watching her from the kitchen entrance. She gets some fresh cream from the fridge adding into the gravy. Slowly stirring them and inhaling the aroma of the gravy. She tasted the gravy with her tip of finger and turn the flame slow suddenly she felt someone behind her caging her at the kitchen countertop. Mehak turn to see it was Shaurya she try to move away but she stuck in between his arms. She turn her face sideways and asked what this is? He replied naughtily I am checking what you are cooking. She nudged him with her elbow and ask him to move away from her, he let her go but follows her like shadow or more like a child asking his mom for his favorite candy. She ignored him and gets to the shelf to get the flour to make the roti and started to add flours into the bowl and add water into the flour and kneading them, Shaurya’s hands snakes at her arm and later joined her fingers into the flour to knead the dough. Mehak tries to look at him but her heart doesn’t want to see him because she is hurt. She quickly takes her hand off from the flour and asked him to knead the flour by himself. He looked at her in disbelief and talking into himself I came to pacify her but she made me to make roti. He try to come forward to her she quickly saw a knife on the kitchen counter and she quickly grab it and warned him if you come near me I will slit your neck , don’t play with me I am serious. Shaurya covers his mouth with his palm, what kind of biwi are you? Other biwis are praying fasting for their husband’s longevity but my biwi threatening me to murder me.  He try to walk near her but Mehak place the knife on his neck and said I am serious this time I will do , stay away from me. You have no rights to touch me. He walked even closer to her and press his body against hers with the knife still under his neck. He said in his sensual voice if I have to die because of touching you and by your hand than I willing to take my last breath. He bend his head down to her neck just then Awara coming in calling bhabhi what can I do? Shaurya moved away but Mehak was still in her trance. Awara called her again bhabhi, Mehak came out from her trance and asked what? He asked dinner ready or I will do something now, Shaurya ask him to leave the kitchen as he will help her to make the dinner, Awara ask in disbelief sir you will prepare is it? Yes I will prepare you have doubt on me? Mehak stops Awara and ask him to do his work but Shaurya kept asking Awara to leave the kitchen hearing all these noise Dolly maasi came in and asked today will we get to eat dinner or not and she saw Shaurya with flour on his hands. She asked what you are doing lalla. He said I am helping Mehak doing roti because all are tired from the picnic so thought of helping her, Dolly maasi taunted him we also been tired before this but you didn’t help us to prepare meal but now when wife is here you want to help. Mehak said maasi I can do ask him to leave first. He is not helping me. Maasi said she will come together so they all can prepare quickly and eat together. Shaurya was kneading the dough and eyes glued on Mehak. She was swiftly doing other stuffs ignoring him. Dolly maasi asked him lalla if you are done please leave we will roll the dough and make the roti he said no maasi I won’t quit from what I started so please wait I will do the roti as well. He started to roll the roti and maasi helped him to toast them over the tawa. Once all done Mehak and Awara arrange on the table and Mehak went to get Karuna maa and Harish papa to join for dinner. They came to the table and Vicky came in as well. They all sit together and Mehak started to serve all but Karuna maa insist her to sit down as all can help themselves as you are also tired. Mehak obeyed and sat next to Dolly maasi. Dolly maasi said didi today meal is extra special because our lalla join the kitchen to do as well. So today bahu, lalla did the dinner together. Dolly maasi keep asking Mehak to eat properly but she refused saying she is not hungry but tired she wants to sleep. She ask her to go and rest first. Mehak excused herself and left to upstairs. She quickly changed her clothes and rush to maasi’s room and went to bed. Shaurya came up and saw she is not there and went to peep at maasi’s room saw her sleeping there. He was not happy and told himself that you can run Mehak but once I catch you there is no way out. He close the door and left to his room.


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