Fan Fiction

Mending of Broken Heart ~ Twinj ff epi 3

Hey guys back again….
This chappy is dedicated to nishu diii nd our TWINJ CLAN…


Lets begin….

A/N:This Article isn’t mean to hurt anyone’s Emotions or Sentiments.. It’s based on a Sensitive Issue.. Read Further if U can Handle Sensitive Issues..
Kunj went home after visiting the Park near Orphanage as his daily routine..
It gives him Peace of Mind and keeps him away from darkness of his Life For sometime..
He reached home only to be greeted by Manohar..
M:Kunj.. My Boy (Evily)
Kunj rolled his Eye’s in disgust knowing what he want..
M:U are Late My son.. I think U don’t want Ur Mother to be treated on time..
K:(Teary Eyed)No papa.. plz don’t do anything to Maa.. I will do whatever U will say..
Manohar Smirked Evily?
M:Then what are U waiting For My Boy.. Come On get yourself changed and leave for the address given to U.. It’s Already Late.. It’s Almost 8:00.. U need to be there by sharp 9:00..
Kunj nodded with Teary Eye’s and left for his Room to get Ready..
He changed himself into black shirt and blue jeans.. And left For the Given Address..
Kunj was standing at the door of the given address.. His Eye’s were having tears.. Again he have to do what he hates the most himself for.. He wiped those Un-Shed tears knowing it was of No Use and knocked the Door..
A beautiful s*xy Lady of about 23 opened the door and gave Kunj a Sensous Smile..To which Kunj Rolled his Eye’s..
The Lady was wearing a Short Black Shimmery Dress up till her thighs.. it was a backless dress with deep neck exposing her assets..
He pulled Kunj inside the House and closed the door..
She then made a drink for herself and asked Kunj to have it to which Kunj refused..
She looked at Kunj lustfuly and pushed him on the Couch coming on top of him..
She kissed him hard.. Kunj didn’t responded back to her Kiss..
She pulled out of the kiss being Frustrated.. She then Smirked and leaned toward’s Kunj Ears..
She spoke huskily in his Ears bitting his Earlobes.. Let the Girl be Alisha..
Al:I think Kunj U don’t want me to Call Ur Father and tell about U being Irritating me Haan?
Tears Formed in Kunj’s Eye’s knowing what harm Manohar can cause to Usha if he didn’t responded to her…
He closed his Eye’s letting those tears brushed away.. He wiped them knowing he can’t let that beast harming his Mother..
He pulled Alisha beneath him and kissed her back.. Soon there clothes went of eachother and screen got blurred them being intimate..
(Please don’t kill me for this?I know U won’t like Alisha and Kunj being Intimate but it was Essential to proceed the Story?)
Hope I haven’t hurt Anyone’s Emotions.. If mistakenly done this So I am Sorry?
Here I End Third Episode..
Hope it was upto the Mark..
NOTE:This Story is based on a True Life Event’s.. It is a bitter truth of Our Society that besides Women or Girl’s No one is Safe from these Tortures and Chaos created by Human.. It’s not a Story of a Particular Person..The Topic and base is taken from a True Story I listened from one of the Victims.. But rest is Fictional.. So that no one Sentiments gets Hurt..
Chalo people I will take a leave..
Take Care?
Love U All ??
Urs Presha


happy to go lucky girl...and die hard fan of sidmin and crazy for sidhant

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