Fan Fiction

Mera KABIR Episode 12 ( SAVITRI DEVI)

Guys u give me suggestions thanks for them….i will use them later but today’s epi is dedicated to rosy

Sanchi gets a call

Sunny :- Di rosy is very sick….the doctor say that she has major damage in her kidneys…..

Sanchi:- what

Sunny cries n say:- we can’t save her

Sanchi:- I m coming…..u bring her home

Sanchi cuts the call n leave without informing anyone……just she wany to see her lifeline rosy

At home
Sanchi ….Jaya n dadi were waiting ….rosy came
Guys its my own experience

Sanchi’s POV

The first time I saw her in this condition….she is in sunny ‘s lap ( actually my father brought her) she is unable to move…..we make her sit her on sofa but she want to go to her bed… sunny carries her……every relative came to see her…..n I m unable to control my tears

I remember she came 9 years back in winters….I n sunny were studying n my cousin told me that our puppy came….

The first time I saw her…..she was sleeping as she was born 2-4 days ago only…..she open her eyes in front of me….she took her first step ….she bark first time in front of me….she jump on bed…..she used to get scared of mixer grinder’s voice…..she can’t live alone……she is so nice that whenever any member is sad…she put her hand on Thiers to give him support…..n now she is like this…….I remember how she save me from monkey….she is so brave……but now ….

In the evening she take round of whole house as she always did… its 4-5 day n today she not evening drinking water…..she is not able to stand…she is just lying …..every or says she is completing her breathes……but I can’t accept this….I m praying for her….I know bhagwanji will do something……dawa nhi to duaa sahi…..
She is like my little sister whom I saw raising up….so I can’t let her go…

Guys I hope u like this one…its my personal experience…. M sorry if I bored u …..but I wanna express my feeling…..



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