Abir: don’t get angry..iam sorry. I..i just made fun that’s it

Mishti:you and your stupid funs!! I was worried for you but you are making fun..i never saw such a careless guy like you..

Abir:acha iam sorry sorry..now don’t become Hitler mishti please..i dint get hurt deeply..it’s just a cut..so calm down

Mishti:ok..come I’ll drop you home. Go and take rest today.. don’t roam anywhere today

Abir in mind: i spoiled my proposal day because of my carelessness. Now i can’t propose mishti as her mood is not good. I will propose some other day romantically.

Abir smiles and then he goes with mishti and reaches his house and mishti tells the matter to Goenkas.

Mishti:surekha aunty.. don’t leave him outside..let him take rest today. He is always careless.

Surekha:yes beta..you are right. Abir..you always don’t care about yourself.. first go and takes rest now

Dadi:iam really worried.

Abir:no need to worry dadi. It’s just a small cut..and I’ll go and take rest now. Once i take rest..I’ll get fine completely

Abir goes to take rest while mishti goes from there too.


Bani reaches the address which ram bave and she knocks the door and ram opens the door and gets happy

Ram: welcome to my house miss.Bani. i was scared whether you wouldn’t come..now I am relieved

Bani makes faces.

Bani:you no need to welcome me as I am not your guest..iam just came here to cure your mother ..that’s it

Ram:ok..come in

Ram goes in and takes her near his mother jhanvi’s room.

Ram:you wait here..I’ll tell mom and then you come inside


Ram goes to his mother who is sitting lifeless sadly and crying.

Ram:maa..iam sorry..i should have trusted your words. You told that Anika wouldn’t have died but i strongly refused you..but now your words came true..our Anika is alive and she is back

Jhanvi gets so happy hearing it and she smiles after so long time and gets emotional.

Jhanvi: i know my anika won’t leave me and you. She loves us truly that’s why god saved her from such a cruel accident..but you dint believed your love. Bring her to me..i need to hug her kiss her and pamper her.

Bani gets sad hearing this and Ram goes and brings bani to jhanvi and jhanvi gets so happy and she hugs her tightly and cries.

Jhanvi: I missed you so much anika. Even your own lover forgot you but I never forgot my daughter..i was eagerly waiting for your arrival..i know you will be alive. But your ram never believed it.

Ram’s heart get pricked hearing it and gets sad.

Ram in mind: iam sorry maa for lying about anika now..but the truth is Anika is dead. You are so I’ll and your health is worsened as you never eat anything from the day anika left us..that’s why i brought her lookalike to cure you

Jhanvi holds her hands and smiles.

Jhanvi:beta..all these months where were you? Was you in coma?

Bani doesn’t know what to answer and she looks ram and ram signals her to lie something and bani thinks and.

Bani: maa…my..my friends took..took abroad for..for my treatment..as i was injured more.

Jhanvi smiles.

Jhanvi:thank god now you are returned. Now i can be peacefully die after seeing your and Ram’s wedding

Ram:maa.. don’t talk like that. You will get fine.

Jhanvi:but i heared your talks with doctor ram. I know he said my kidneys are getting failure and my body parts are deteriorating something..so i know my time is not there to live more

Ram and bani gets upset hearing it.

Bani:maa.. don’t tell like that. Doctor just give false hopes..but your daughter and son will give true hope..we are saying that you will love long healthily.

Jhanvi smiles hearing it.

Jhanvi: iam happy to hear it from you anika. I wish I get a chance to play with your and Ram’s children too.

Ram and bani gets dull hearing it but they fake smile.

Jhanvi: seems my son is not interested in anika now..you never showed happiness for the return of anika..you are still like a cold man

Ram suddenly holds anika holds and they both fakely smile.

Ram:who told maa? Iam the happiest guy in the world now..i..i got my lost love back..then won’t i be happy

Suddenly he kisses bani’s palms shocking her and making jhanvi happy.

Ram:she is always my one and only beloved.

Jhanvi smiles.

Jhanvi: i thought you forgot your love soon..now I saw that you love her truly. I will soon conduct your both wedding and welcome my daughter home.

Both gets upset but they fakely smile and later.

Bani:maa…i ..I’ll go now. I will visit you tomorrow ok as it’s time up

Jhanvi gets dull.

Jhanvi:i feel like keeping you hereatself but what to do..i can’t do it as once marriage rituals starts bride and groom shouldn’t meet each other. Iam sorry for not stopping you for leaving beta.

Bani:it’s okay maa..even if i don’t love here..this is my home only. Ok you eat properly and take rest..iam going bye

Jhanvi bids bye and bani goes out while ram follows her and stops her from getting out.

Ram: actually i want to thank you for coming and making my mom happy

Bani gets angry and.

Bani: actually i feel like killing you for kissing my palms. Even my own bf dint do it yet..but how dare you?

Ram:iam really sorry…my mom was doubting my love..so that’s why I did like that to prove her. I can’t bear if anyone says that my love for Anika is false..she is my life..no one can replace her. After my mom gets completely cure..i will tell her the truth and we will live in the memories of anika. Until that please bear some difficulties.

Suddenly bani recalls naira’s death and gets sad..

Bani in mind:poor guy lost love..i can see his pain as I saw the pain of kartik. The one who lost love are very unlucky..i should help him wholeheartedly..

Bani:ok..iam sorry for getting angry. I’ll help you.

Ram:thank you..and iam sorry for kissing you too. I won’t try to such nonsense next time

Bani:ok..bye I’m going


Bani goes and veer who was lying in bed feels restless suddenly.

Veer in mind: why am I suddenly getting bad feeling? Is bani in problem? Let me phone and check.

Veer calls bani and she attends.

Veer:bani..where are you?

Bani:iam..iam..iam just went out for..for buying market items.

Bani in mind: i can’t tell veer that I am helping a stranger man..if i say then he may feel jealous and bad. I don’t want him to feel that.

Veer:ohh..you should have called me too..we could have spent some time together in reason of buying market items

Bani:no need for that..come to our usual meeting place at evening..we will spend time together roaming around City.

Veer smiles..

Veer:ok..bye darling.

Bani:bye veer..

Then bani goes to her house..


Sirat was walking with Rohan..

Rohan: after 1 month you have 1st round selection match in udaipur. So practice well like today..

Sirat:yeah..i will. Iam sure i will reach a stage where i will play for India and get medals for India.

Rohan smiles..

Rohan: actually what’s happening in Tina’s life? You was about to say something about her that day..

Sirat:i and ranveer found about her. She was getting flashes of her past when she met a guy..but she dint understand why she get like that. So we decided to make her bond with that guy to know make her recall the past herself..

Rohan gets suprised..

Rohan: ohh..so you haven’t disclosed the truth yet that she isn’t Tina and your sister?

Sirat:not yet..let her recall her past first and reconcile with her family first and  then we will tell her because we should not shock her with this as she can’t hold shocks now..and we have bonded like own family so she will surely get shocked and upset..that’s why we decided like this.

Suddenly Sirat hits someone while walking..

Sort:ohh iam sorry..

Suddenly she sees saroj reem and dheeraj and gets suprised..

Sirat:saroj aunty..reem.. dheeraj bhaiya..

Saroj emotionally smiles and hugs her..

Saroj:how are you beta?

Sirat:iam fine aunty..nice to meet you after long time.

Saroj:yes..i always ask Ranveer to bring you to home but he doesn’t as you know the reason.. because of his father..

Sirat gets dull..

Sirat:i know aunty. It’s okay..sometimes we have to maintain distance for maintaining some relations. I hope one day Narendra uncle will understand my love..

Saroj:even i wish too..

Then reem hugs sirat..

Reem:i too missed you so much bhabhi..


Reem:yeah.. anyways one day you will be my bhabhi.. so I am calling nowatself.

Sirat smiles..

Sirat: anyways..how is your college going?

Reem:yeah..well. and how is your boxing matches?

Sirat:i got selected in the nominee for playing finals. And now i have 3 selection matches more to get selected to play for India..

Reem:that’s nice to hear. All the best..and i will always cheer for my bhabhi. Iam sure you will lift medals for India..

Sirat smiles and dheeraj come to her and hugs her..

Dheeraj: hi bhabhi..

Sirat:you too calling bhabhi?

Dheeraj:yeah.. because I am too brother of ranveer like reem..so i have rights right?

They giggle..

Sirat:yeah. But i won’t consider you as my brother in law because you are always like my brother.

Dheeraj:even you are like my own sister but i will call you for formality and for respect  as bhabhi..

Suddenly Narendra comes there shocking everyone at and Narendra stares at sirat while Chauhans feels scared..

Sirat:na..nam..namaste un…uncle..

Narendra:i don’t need any respect from the people who wants to steal my son for money and who has shameless family..

Sirat gets upset while Chauhans feels bad for her..

Saroj:Narendra…stop it. She loves our son wholeheartedly.. don’t taunt her like that.

Narendra: wholeheartedly? Haha.. if she loves him truly then she would have seen for Ranveer’s betterment. Think about ranveer marrying a girl whose mother ran away with some men and father died out of depression..and also her poor status. And she has no other family members too except that old women.


Narendra:we have reputed status in society. And every big politicians and big actors knows our family well.. everyone will attend our children’s weddings. What will they think about us when ranveer marries such a poor girl who has shameless family? The media will taunt is every news. If this girl sirat really loved ranveer then she would have left him for his family’s sake..

Dheeraj:dad..they love truly only..that’s why they are waiting for 6 years for your approval..if sirat bhabhi’s love was just for money then sirat bhabhi would have forced ranveer for marriage even without your permission. But she dint..she is waiting for your permission..why don’t you understand it dad?

Narendra:i not only reject her for that. But also for sports..will this girl (sirat) be able to start a family sooner? No..right..she will first give her preference to boxing only. I don’t know after how many years she will be ready to become a mother..it will affect my ranveer because of her career.

Sirat:uncle..it’s not like that. I can start a family sooner too.. because in boxing they give paternity leave permission too..

Narendra gets irritated..

Narendra:i don’t care..but i won’t accept you in Ranveer’s life. If you really love him..then prove your love by breaking up with him.

Chauhans gets shocked while sirat cries..

Saroj:you are so selfish Narendra. You are making two lives suffer because of your status and career..you will surely regret one day.

Narendra:let me see if that day comes..now everyone come with me orelse I’ll go.

Without any option Chauhan’s goes with Narendra and they feel bad for sirat and sirat stands there crying and Rohan watches this gets upset and tries to console her..


A girl was seen in ventilator in hospital..

Her parents were seen talking to each other emotionally..

Mohini: we lost our own daughter Priya that day.

Moloy: yes. Our other adopted daughter anika loves ram..and Ram’s mother treats anika like her own daughter and she wished for ram and anika’s marriage. But we couldn’t object though we know that their horoscope doesn’t match and if they marry..anika will face problems.

Mohini: so we were to about to prepare for their marriage preparations and suddenly ram and anika decided to go trecking in shimla..

Moloy:our stubborn daughter Priya joined them even though we objected it..and suddenly they three met with accident and our poor daughter Priya lost life.

Mohini:and our other daughter anika’s face got disfigured..and we gave our priya’s face to her.

Moloy:and we lied to ram that Anika died when he gained conscious after some days as we don’t want anika to be with him as this accident took place because of their unmatched horoscope. I don’t want to lose my other daughter too..

Mohini:yes..you are right. We should never let Ram know the truth..let anika be happy with us. We should handle her once she wakes up..

Moloy:what will we tell if she asks about ram?

Mohini: we will tell her that ram married someone as she was in coma..

Moloy:she won’t believe it..

Mohini: i know how to make her believe..

They both wait outside icu as anika came out of coma after some months..


PRECAP:- Naira and kartik play basketball. Abir’s proposal. Anika gets shattered. Veer and Bani’s romantic moments. Goenkas gets shocked.

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