hello friends..here is the next episode. Thank you Alisha, jiya and jasminerahul for supporting this FF. This FF reached 50 th episode because of you all and thanks to all silent readers too..💖💖


Naksh apologises Manish..

Naksh:uncle..iam sorry for hurting you by telling wrong about kartik. I..i..i don’t know how..how I lost my mind at that moment..iam really sorry uncle.

Manish hug Naksh..

Manish:it’s okay..no problem. I can see your love for naira. As a brother you have right to get angry for your sister.. but be careful with your words always.


Manish: actually even I am upset with kartik as he easily forgot naira..

Naksh: don’t get upset uncle. Kartik loves naira truly..i saw how he was in pain for past 3 months. Now only he is fine..maybe due to Tina. He has to move on from naira..

Manish: you are right naksh. My son has suffered a lot..let him get happiness hereafter atleast. I need to see Tina..but I don’t know why he is hiding her.

Naksh: maybe she is shy to face us..

Manish: but before we leave Mumbai..we have to talk to her.

Naksh:yes..you are right uncle.

Manish:ok..did you send the divorce notice to Aditya?

Naksh:yes uncle..i just sent before before an hour.

Manish:fine..then let’s get ready for tomorrow’s hearing in court.

Manish and naksh goes..


Aditya gets divorce notice in name of Keerthi and gets angry..

Aditya in mind: Keerthi..you dint do right. How dare Manish uncle support you even though i manipulated him? I won’t leave Goenkas..

He goes planning something evil.



Priya goes to her parents and..

Mohini:Priya beta..

Priya angrily:iam Anika.. don’t try to change me. Anyways..iam going out for relaxation..i feel suffocated more.

Priya goes out and she walks on the road crying..

Priya in mind: why did my mom and dad do this with me? I never thought they can be so mean like this. Don’t they even consider their child’s happiness instead of believing that kundlis? To seperate me and ram..they did wrong with Priya by using her dead identity in me. She would have felt betrayed seeing this..i really feel hurt for what they did..

Suddenly a group of goons surround Priya shocking her..

Priya in fear:hey..hey..wh..who all..all are you?

Goon 1:we are your boyfriends.

The goons laughs and comes close to her while Priya pushes them..

Priya: don’t dare to touch me orelse I’ll kill you all..

Goon 2: what a joke? How come a single women can kill 5 mens? Are you any superwoman or any goddess??

The goons laugh while Priya stares them angrily..

Priya: you don’t know about me.. what I’ll show who iam..

Priya kicks those goons and she takes wood and beats them..


Ram comes out from Ahmedabad airport and he sees the city and he misses anika..

Ram in mind: this city just remains of you anika. We both planned to get married in your city..but all our dreams are shattered..

Ram walks emotionally..

Suddenly he passes the same way where Priya is there and he gets stunned seeing Priya fighting with goons..

Ram shockingly:Priya..

Priya holds one of the goons collar and..

Priya: now you would have realised that one women can defeat even 1000 mens..am I right?

The goons get scared and nods their head..

Ram gets shocked and he recalls how anika used to fight with goons without any fear..


When goons trouble anika..she fights with them..

Anika:you don’t know about me..i can kill even 1000 men’s. You guys think womens are weak..but I’ll prove that womens are infact stronger than mens.

She fights them and chases them away..


And he recalls how Priya used to get scared seeing goons..


When goons surround Priya… Priya cries and begs the goons to leave her..

Priya cries: please.. please leave me..I’ll even give my purse and jewels..but please don’t do anything to me..

The goons trouble her more seeing her fear..


Ram in mind: what am I seeing? Is this Priya? Anika used to fight with goons but priya used to Shiver in fear seeing goons..now..now Priya is fighting like Anika. Priya is completely behaving like anika..

Goons: we are sorry mam..we will never do like this again.

Priya:this is last warning for you all. And remember one thing..iam anika Basu.. daughter of moloy Basu who was ex inspector in this City. I can make you rot in jail with the help of my father.

Priya in mind: papa told that he was ex inspector here..so i told it. But I don’t remember anything of his work or job which he done before..

The goons asks forgiveness and runs away while ram is shocked to hear it..

Ram in mind: anika??

Priya’s friend Ridhima passes by and she stops seeing Priya..

Ridhima:hey Priya..

Priya stares her and..

Priya: iam not Priya…iam anika.

Ridhima gets shocked..

Ridhima:Priya.. what are you telling?

Priya cries and tells the truth..

Priya: i always used to get flashes of anika’s life. I always feel connection with ram..and i always dream of him and anika. I used to think why am I getting flashes of anika’s life instead of my life. Then i got to know from doctor that Priya died in accident and my face got disfigured..and my parents accepted to do plastic surgery of priya’s face to me..

Ridhima gets shocked..

Ridhim:but aunty never told about it.

Priya: she lied to me and everyone that iam Priya using my memory loss as a tool.

Ridhima gets shocked..

Ridhima:but why did she lie?

Priya cries:to seperate me and ram. Before accident she saw my and Ram’s kundli and found that there was a problem and she thought to seperate us but before she seperated us..we met with accident. And when she got to know that I am having memory loss..she lied to me that iam Priya..so that I won’t unite with ram..

Ridhima gets stunned while ram who overheads it standing little distance gets shocked and stumbles..

Ram:an..Ani..anika..that means..my..my anika is..is alive.

He recalls Priya behaving like anika and gets emotional..

Ram in mind:that means Priya is my anika..

He cries happily seeing her..

Ridhima:come..lets go and confront your parents.

Priya:no..i already confronted. They are just shocked..they dint show any guilty feeling. I don’t want to go home now as I feel heartbroken..i want to peacefull for sometime.

Ridhima:fine..lets go to coffee shop..come.

Ridhima takes Priya with her while ram is emotional..

Ram in mind: i…i ..i got my anika..anika back..

Ram follows back of priya and Ridhima..


Dheeraj is sitting tensed..

Dheeraj in mind:shall I say this to ranveer or not? If..if i say this then ranveer will lose his control and may do anything in anger. I’ll better call sirat bhabhi and inform.

Dheeraj calls sirat and she attends..

Sirat: hello..hai dheeraj.

Dheeraj:bhabhi..i should inform you something important.

Sirat get shocked as his voice is serious..

Sirat:what’s it tell me..is it about ranveer?

Dheeraj:no..it’s about your life. Yesterday..i was passing by st.john’s area and i saw you and my dad talking. Once you left..dad hired some men to kill you to make you rid of ranveer..

Sirat gets shocked hearing it..

Sirat: what? Your dad wants to kill me?

Dheeraj: i know my dad is doing wrong..but i don’t want to tell ranveer as he will go any extent in anger. So i told you.. please don’t tell it to ranveer. You don’t leave home for two days..I’ll do something.

Sirat gets worried..

Sirat:fine. I’ll be careful..but please stop your dad.

Dheeraj:I’ll surely stop him. You don’t worry bhabhi.


They cut the call and sirat cries..

Sirat in mind: why is Ranveer’s dad like this? I..i thought he..he will understand our relation one day..but..but he is trying to kill me..what a man he is??


Bani was sleeping in a room and veer comes there and sees her sleeping cutely and caresses her head and smiles..

Veer:bani..i love you so much. You are so cute while sleeping..i wish i take selfie with you now.

Suddenly veer gets an idea and smiles..

Veer:fine..lets take selfie but with a twist.

He takes bani’s lipstick and mascara and scribbles on her face and laughs seeing her..

Veer:wow.. you look exactly like devil’s girlfriend..haha. let me take a selfie..

He takes selfie..

Veer:there should be always fun in relationship..then only it will be interesting.

After sometime bani wakes up and naksh mishti Abir Mansi and Keerthi too enters and they gets shocked seeing bani..

Mansi:ohh my godd..why is bani di looking like chandramukhi?

Bani: what happened? Did i sleep that much long..

Mishti:nope di. We got shocked seeing your face..

Bani:why? What’s there in my face?

Mansi:look at yourself in mirror..

Bani looks in mirror and gets shocked and screams..

Bani:aaaahhhhh!! Why am I looking like an ugly devil? Who did this work?

Everyone except veer:we dint..we just came now to tell you that we are going to court tomorrow evening as Manish uncle told now.

Bani stares veer..

Bani: why are you silent? Did you do this?

Veer:woh..just for fun..

Bani: what? Just for fun? Wait..i won’t leave you till i change you into kaali.

Bani takes mascara and lipstick and chases veer while other laugh..

Veer:arrey..sorry yaar..it’s just fun.

Bani:even i will do just for fun..

Finally veer falls on sofa tired and bani scribbles his face with mascara and lipstick..

Bani:haha..now mr.veer looks handsome.

Veer sees his face in mirror and makes faces..


Mishti:you look like devil’s son.. funny.

Abir:no..he looks like devil’s father..

Everyone laughs while veer gets irritated and makes faces and..

Veer:stop it orelse I’ll make everyone devils..

They all laugh seeing irritated veer..

Veer: wait..I’ll take revenge from everyone one day.. especially bani.

Bani:it’s just tit for tat..haha.

They all have fun..


Next day..

Sirat sees naira missing and she calls her and naira attends..

Naira:hello sirat..

Sirat:where did you go early morning?

Naira:woh..to..to meet my classmate in the temple in Jubilee hills..

Sirat gets shocked and recalls when she found naira in foothills of Jubilee hills and kartik telling how naira fell..

Sirat in mind:ohh no..why is Tina going there? Kartikji told she fell down from that temple..it’s not safe for her to go again. She may get panic if she recalls tht incident.. Mm


Before she tells naira’s phone gets switched off due to low battery..

Sirat:ohh no..her phone got off. I should inform it to ranveer immediately.

Sirat calls ranveer and ranveer attends..

Sirat:hello ranveer..where are you?

Ranveer: ofcourse in hospital only. What happened? Why is your voice shaking?

Sirat:ranveer.. Tina is going to Jubilee hills to the same temple where she fell from to meet her classmate. I tried to tell her not to go there..but her phone got off before that.

Ranveer gets shocked hearing it..

Ranveer:what? Ohh no..she has still internal head injury..if she sees that place and recalls then she may panic and get into trouble. We should reach her before anything happens…

Sirat:yes..you ask kartik also to come. For me..it’s very long from here to Jubilee hills..but for you it’s nearby from your hospital..so go soon.

Ranveer:yes.. kartik’s house is near y only. I’ll pick him up and go..

Sirat:ok done..I’ll too go now.

They cut the call and sirat immediately goes while ranveer calls kartik..


Mansi gets ready and comes out..

Bani:where are you going? Why did you get ready suddenly?

Mansi: actually I am going to meet my friends.

Mishti:your friends? You studied everything in udaipur..then how come you have friends here?

Mansi:my Instagram friends and Facebook friends..

Abir hits his head with his hands and..

Abir:i think you will meet your friends to whichever place we go because you did same even when we went for tour last year as you have so many friends in social media.

Mansi: offcourse.. anyways iam going…bye.

Mansi goes walking in road..


Naira is seen walking on road towards Jubilee hills..

Naira in mind: i forgot to charge my phone yesterday..it got off. Sirat was going to say something but it got off before that..it’s okay..I’ll ask her when I reach home after meeting vedika.

Samrat who was passing by the way sees naira and gets shocked..

Samrat in mind: she is the girl whom Narendra sir asked me to kill.

He takes the photo and looks at it and smiles..

Samrat in mind: yeah..she is the girl. But in photo she has short hair…here she is having long hair.. whatever but she is the girl..I’ll kill her by shooting her.

Samrat takes the gun from his pocket and follows naira..

Dheeraj who was coming that way in bike gets shocked seeing naira and he sees samrat following naira and gets more shocked..

Dheeraj in mind: i think she is Tina who is staying with sirat bhabhi.ranveer bhai told us about her..she looks exactly like sirat. But why is samrat following her with gun?

He recalls the talk between Narendra and samrat and gets stunned..

Dheeraj in mind:dad asked samrat to kill sirat. Wait.. that means samrat would have misunderstood Tina as sirat..i should save Tina from samrat.

Dheeraj follows samrat in his bike and suddenly his phone falls down from his pocket and he stops the bike and goes to get his phone while Mansi who was coming that way sees this and thinks something..

Mansi in mind:you are the guy who irritated me that day..now see.. what I’ll do.

Mansi immediately takes his bike keys from bike and she hides and smiles..

Mansi in mind: you should search for your keys for sometimes then I’ll give you. This is your punishment for what you did with me that day.

Dheeraj takes his phone and comes to his bike and he gets shocked seeing his key missing from bike..

Dheeraj in mind:where is my bike key? I left in bike only..

He searches for it and gets more tensed..

Dheeraj in mind:ohhegod..where did this keys go? I should stop samrat somehow..if i dint get keys then..

He immediately leaves his bike and runs..

Dheeraj in mind:i can’t waste time by searching for keys. I should follow that samrat and stop him before he shoots Tina..

Mansi gets shocked seeing him going..

Mansi in mind:is he mad? Who leaves bike just like that if he lost keys? Can’t he search little more time? I’ll better give him..he is stupid.

Mansi goes behind him and stops him..

Dheeraj:you again? What do you want?

She gives the bike keys and..

Mansi:i..i stole your keys to take revenge from you. But i saw you leaving bike..so i thought to give it back to you..

Dheeraj gets shocked and gets angry and shouts at her..

Dheeraj:are you an idiot? For taking revenge..will you do these things? You are so stupid to take revenge for silly things.. because of you someone’s life will fall into danger.

He gets the keys and takes his bike and goes away angrily while Mansi is stunned..

Mansi in mind: i thought he is a cool guy that’s why i took revenge..but he is a rude guy. But why did he say that someone’s life will fall into danger because of me? Is he mad?

She goes in confused way while dheeraj sees samrat and Tina missing and feels scared..

Dheeraj in mind:shit..i missed them. It’s all because of that girl..she is a bad luck for me. I hope nothing happens to Tina.. i have to search them.

Dheeraj searches for samrat and Tina..


Everyone were eating breakfast together and kartik gets a call from ranveer and he attends..


Ranveer: kartik..come down immediately. Iam waiting outside your house..your naira has gone to temple in Jubilee hills to meet her classmate.

Kartik gets shocked hearing it and he recalls how naira fell from cliff last time and gets shocked..

Kartik: what? Why did she go there? That’s the place where i lost her last time..i thought i should never go to that place again as it took her from me. But now..i won’t let history repeated..i will go there and bring her back.

Ranveer:yes..come lets go. If she recalls that incident..she will panic..we should stop her before that.

They cut the call and kartik gets up and goes while Manish stops him..

Manish: what’s the matter? Why are you leaving your food and going? You seem tensed.. what’s the matter?

Kartik:papa..it’s about Tina. And it’s emergency..i should go now. I’ll tell when right time comes..now please don’t ask anything about her. And please don’t follow me and come..i will handle my problem.

Kartik goes and thinks..

Kartik in mind: iam sorry papa..i can’t tell about naira now. Naira is not completely fine..if you all meet her then she may get panic like how she got with me first..i handled her somehow but you guys can’t control the emotions.

Kartik goes to ranveer and they go..

Manish: why is kartik hiding about Tina to us? Come lets go and find out..

Swarna:but he said..

Manish: if you believe his words..then he may not show Tina to us at all. I’m not against his love but want to know about them. So whoever wants to come..come with me.

Everyone agrees and they go with Manish and they hire a cab and follows Ranveer’s car..


Naira reaches temple in Jubilee hills and she sees vedika standing near the cliff end and goes to her..


Vedika turns to her and..

Vedika: Tina..thanks for coming on my behalf.

Naira:it’s okay..tell me what you want to tell.

Vedika:i know..i did mistake. Iam really sorry for it..i.. genuinely love kartik sir..that’s why I did in jealousy. If i love him..i should approach him in right way but I did wrong. Iam really sorry..i realised my mistake.

Naira gets shocked.

Naira in mind:she is telling that she loves Kartik to me atself. How will I tell her that she should not love kartik as he is my boyfriend? Now what should I do?

Vedika:will you forgive me Tina?

Samrat hides behind a tree and he smiles..

Samrat in mind:now this place is safe as there is no people except they two. I will shoot her and escape..

Samrat points gun towards naira while vedika gets shocked seeing it but she couldn’t see his face as he hides behind a tree…

Vedika in mind: who is he? Why is he pointing gun at Tina? Now what should I do? Ohh no.. though i hate her but I can’t be heartless to let her die..

He was about to shoot but vedika screams..

Vedika: Tina…look backkk..

Naira sees back and gets shocked and bullet was about to hit naira but vedika pushes her off and naira falls down the cliff and holds the rock and hangs…

Kartik and ranveer who reaches there gets shocked seeing it and they rush near vedika and they scream..

Kartik:vedika.. how dare you kill nai..tina?i won’t spare you if anything happens to her..

Kartik sees naira hanging and shouts..

Kartik:nai.. Tina.. don’t worry..iam there for you..i will save you somehow. Be strong and hold strong..i will do something.

Naira cries seeing him and flashes of how she fell down leaving kartik’s hand comes in her mind..

Naira gets scared and shouts..

Naira:kartikkkk…i love you..i don’t want to dieee..pleaseee.. don’t leave my hand..i want to live with you till eternal.

Kartik gets shocked as he realises that naira is getting affected with past and getting panic..

Kartik in mind:ohh godd..naira is getting flashes of that incident I guess. I should not allow her to get panic orelse she will get scared and leave the hand..

Kartik: naira.. i won’t leave your hand. I will hold your hand till the end of this universe..i won’t let you die. I will save you at any cost..but please you stay stronger..

Naira cries seeing him..

Naira: i will stay stronger for you kartik.. i love you so much.. please take me from here soon..iam so scared..

Kartik cries seeing her tears..

Kartik in mind:bhagwanji.. please help me to save naira. We can’t live without each other and i can’t see naira in pain. Please help me to save her somehow..

Everyone reaches there and they stand little far and they gets shocked seeing kartik..

Akhilesh: what is kartik doing here?

Abir:this is same place where naira left us..why did kartik come here and what is he seeing there?

Kartik gets idea and he tells ranveer and ranveer agrees and he holds rope and kartik slowly walks down the class holding rope and he reaches naira..

Kartik:see naira..i came for you..now hold my hand..lets leave from here.

Naira holds his hands and slowly kartik takes her out..

Ranveer emotionally smiles seeing naira safe..

Ranveer in mind:thank you krishnaji for keeping Tina safe.

Once they reach the land kartik and naira gets emotional and they hug each other tightly and cry expressing their emotions..

Naira:kartik..i thought i will die but i fought with lord through my heart that not to seperate you from me. I want to live with you and die with you..

Kartik:even me too naira. I want to live with you till eternal. I want to grow old with you..

Naira:even me too..

Kartik kisses her hands emotionally..

Kartik:i love you naira..i can’t live without you if anything happens..iam alive only for you..

Naira:i love you too kartik..even I can’t live without you and i won’t go from this world leaving you alone..

Vedika gets shocked and also gets confused as kartik calls Tina as naira..

Mishti:i think she is Tina..Tina has fallen from cliff like naira di but she would have been hanging..that’s why kartik jeeju went and helped her.

Abir:yeah..he tried to save naira but he couldn’t. He would have tried harder to save his gf now as he surely can’t bear other loss..

Veer:we can’t able to see Tina’s face clearly from here..come lets Go and see little near..

They all go little front and gets stunned seeing naira..

Goenkas shockingly:naira..

Naksh couldn’t believe his eyes that he is seeing his sister in front of him after 3 long months..

Naksh shockingly:naira..

Kartik:naira..come lets thank god.


Kartik and naira goes before Krishna idol and thanks the lord..

Kartik prays:once upon a time..you dint help me to save naira though I was near her. So i dint come to this temple from that day. But today you helped me to save my naira though I was far..thank you so much krishnaji.

Naira prays: thank you for saving my life.. please make my and kartik’s life together always. I don’t want kartik to suffer..and even I won’t live alone anywhere even after death..

Once they finish praying they both smile and naira rests her head on kartik’s shoulders and kartik holds her smiling..

Naira: i wish the time gets freezed now.

Kartik: then let’s freeze our moments from now on..

They both smile..

PRECAP:- Naira sees her family and faints. Kartik screams at vedika. Ram and Priya hug. Mansi gets ragged by drunkards.

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