hello readers..here is the next episode.please do keep supporting..

Veer reaches Lake park and sees bani’s car standing and he gets out..

Veer in mind: today i will find out what she is doing and what’s the problem..

Veer goes in and finds no one and suddenly he sees bani’s phone lying down and gets shocked..

Veer in mind:why is bani’s phone lying here? Is she in any danger?i have to find her somehow..

Veer searches for bani here and there while Daksh ties and holds bani strangulating her and bani screams..

Daksh:what do you think? You thought you can live peacefully after spoiling our lives huh?

Bani:pl.. please leave me..

Shanaya comes near her and..

Shanaya:not until we kill you..you will die in front of our eyes. I want to enjoy your death bani. You made Daksh and my father arrested and my father died due to heart attack as he missed me so much in jail and now you will see how we will take revenge…

Shanaya Daksh and along with some goons takes bani and throws her inside water tank and they on the water pipe and water starts to fill the tank while bani cries and shouts…

Bani cries:please save me.. please..

Daksh: don’t you remember bani? I cried like this to not make me arrested but you dint listen and now i will do the same…

Bani cries while Daksh and Shanaya enjoys seeing her struggle..


Rajshri varsha and Shaurya gets worried as bani doesn’t come home yet after so long and that too it’s 10:30 pm..

Shaurya:are you out of your senses varsha? Who told you to leave her out at this time..see she isn’t home yet and what If she is in my danger?

Varsha cries: please don’t tell like that..my daughter won’t be in any danger and god will be always there with her. Please don’t be upset..i will call akshara and ask whether she gone there or not…

Rajshri:i will ask naira whether she gone to goenka’s..

Varsha calls akshara meanwhile Rajshri calls naira..

Akshara:hello..bhabhi? Why did you called at this time suddenly?

Varsha tells the happenings while akshara gets shocked..

Naira:hello..nani..why did you called suddenly at this time?

Rajshri tells the happenings while naira gets shocked..

Akshara:she haven’t came here at all and now everyone has slept too..wait I’ll wake up naksh and ask him to search.. don’t get tensed.


Naira:ohh god..where may bani gone? Don’t worry nani..i will go and search for her along with kartik.

Rajshri:ok beta.. please call us immediately if you get any news.

Naira cuts the call and she goes and sees kartik sleeping deeply..

Naira in mind:he is sleeping peacefully..why to disturb him? It’s better I’ll go myself..

Akshara tells naksh about it and he wakes up immediately and gets readied..

Naksh: don’t worry muma..I’ll go and search for her.

Akshara:ohh godd.. please don’t bring any disasters among our lives. Ok..naksh call someone with you.. Why to go alone?

Naksh:no need muma..let everyone sleep peacefully . We shall not give them tensions..

Akshara:acha..you too be careful huh?

Naksh:sure maa..

Naksh goes out in search of bani while naira too goes out and Abir sees naira through his window and gets shocked..

Abir in mind:why is bhabhi going out alone at this hour? Do kartik knows this? I’ll better follow her of where she is going alone…

Abir follows naira..


Veer searches for bani and finally he gets tired and he takes bani’s mobile and fixes the sim and cards.

Veer in mind:now iam sure bani’s parents would been tensed..shall i tell them that her phone was found here?


naksh decides something and he goes towards police station and naira decides to call bani..

Naira in mind:nani told that bani’s phone was off..i will check once again..

Naira calls bani and veer picks the call..

Naira:hello..bani..bani.. are you fine?

Veer:bhabhi..iam veer..

Naira gets shocked..

Naira:veer..how do you..

Veer:iam sorry bhabhi for not telling this. Actually yesterday i noticed bani was tensed and not headache and so i asked her and she lied but i got suspicious and went to her home and found a drug packet in her car dicky and then i thought to find the truth which she was hiding and i asked my friend to send me the tracking app and with that i started tracing bani when she went out and now i found she was here but when i reached here..she isn’t there except her car and phone..

Naira gets shocked..

Naira: now where are you?

Veer:in Lake park bhabhi..

Naira:ok..keep searching the surrounding and i will reach there.

Naira cuts the call and sees naksh’s missed call and she calls him..

Naira:hello bhai..

Naksh:where are you going? I was going towards police station as bani was missing and suddenly i saw you driving now..

Naira:bhai..iam going to Lake park..

She tells everything whatever veer told while naksh gets shocked..

Naksh:i guess someone is behind this. Bani can’t do such crimes by buying drugs..

Naira:yes bhai..i guess the same person would have kidnapped her now..

Naksh: yes..we should find her and catch them red handed and then inform police.

Naira:you are right bhai..

Naksh:did you inform any others?

Naira:no bhai..i thought not to make tensions and give fears at this late hours so i came alone to handle without waking anyone..

Naksh:shetan..are you thinking you are a heroine? Either you should have brought kartik or you should have called me..thank god veer is there and iam also coming. They can do anything if you had gone alone..

Naira:ok you can scold me later. Now come soon to Lake park and we will search her..

Naksh:yeah..but you drive carefully ok?


Naira and Naksh drives their car towards Lake park while Abir follows naira in his car..

Abir in mind:why is bhabhi going this side? Shall i call kartik and inform or shall i keep following her? I’ll better follow her..

Abir follows naira’s car and after sometime naira reaches near Lake park and suddenly she loses control and gets shocked seeing a lorry coming towards her car and she fastly turns the steering and the car goes in wrong direction and falls into a pitch..

Abir gets shocked seeing it and he stops the car and runs towards the pitch and sees a big passage going inside..

Abir in mind:ohh god..bhabhi has fallen into this but this is not looking like pitch..it looks like some passage..i guess bhabhi’s car too would have gone inside. I’ll also go and check..

Abir climbs down slowly inside the pitch..

Kartik wakes in between and he gets shocked seeing naira missing..


He switches on the light and searches her whole house but he doesn’t find and he also gets shocked seeing Abir and veer too missing while the rest of the family gathers there..

Manish: what’s wrong with you kartik? Why are you making sound and putting lights at this hour?

Kartik:papa..woh naira veer and Abir are not here.

Everyone gets shocked..

Dadi:what? Where will they go at this hour? Common call naira and see kartik..


Naira reaches some dark garage through tunnel and she gets out from her car and she walks further and sees a group of men along with a girl laughing and she goes more closer and gets shocked seeing Daksh Shanaya and his men and also she sees bani in tank with 80% water filled her body and gets shocked..

Naira:bani..that..that means these are the guys who hve kidnapped bani and involved some drug case..i have to save bani somehow. I’ll better cal veer and naksh bhai here..

Suddenly she gets kartik’s call and gets shocked..

Kartik in mind:did kartik got up? Anyways i will tell him..

Naira answers the call..


Kartik:naira..where are you? Is Abir and veer with you?

Naira gets shocked that Abir is also not there at home..

Naira in mind:Abir.. only veer told that he is there in Lake park and Abir doesn’t know about bani’s kidnapping then where would he gone?

Naira: actually..

The goons sees naira standing hiding and they shout..

Goon 1: hey..who are you?

Naira gets scared and she drops the phone without cutting the call..

Daksh: if there is someone here..then go and catch you fools..we should not get caught so go and catch that person.

Naira gets scared and tries to run but the goons come and hold her and she screams..

Naira:hey..leave me..leave..

Kartik who was in call hears everything and gets shocked and shouts..

Kartik:naira…naira..are you fine?

He doesn’t hear her more as they drag her in while kartik cuts the call tensed and the Goenka’s gets shocked seeing him tensed..

Andy:kartik..what happened? Where is naira and others?

Kartik:i guess naira is in trouble..i heared her scream..

Everyone gets shocked while dadi worries and prays..

Dadi:ohh krishnaji..what do you want? Now only naira got relieved after Arjun cheated her and now you are again giving her trouble.. please keep her safe bhagwanji.

Manish:kartik..call Abir or veer and ask what’s happening.

Naksh reaches Lake park and sees veer alone and goes to him..

Naksh:hey veer..did you find bani?

Veer:no naksh..how did you?

Naksh:woh..varsha aunty called my mum and my mum informed me and naira told this place..

Veer:ohh..but she told she will also come..where is she?

Naksh: what? Dint she come yet? She came before me atself and still..

Veer:ohh god.. what’s happening here? I don’t understand..

Kartik calls Abir and abir picks his call..


Kartik:is naira there with you?

Abir: actually she came out of house alone and i came following her and suddenly her car fell into pitch near Lake park and iam also going inside the pitch which is looking like a big tunnel to find her..

Kartik:acha..i guess naira is in trouble..so please go to her soon and hep her and i will reach there in some minutes.


Kartik immediately gets out and Abir goes inside while the goons bring nsira near Daksh..

Daksh:wow..you look so hot..

Naira:shut up..how dare you all kidnap my sister bani?

Shanaya:hey..we have certain enemity with her and that’s why we are taking revenge.. and as part of our revenge she will die in some minutes as water filled 80% and if you want you can also join her..

Naira sees bani struggling and gets angry and she bites the goon hand who have held her..

and she kicks and fights with everyone..

Abir reaches there and gets shocked seeing bani in water tank and naira fighting goons..

Abir: Bani..ohh god..i should save her somehow.

Naira’s phone which is lying near abir’s leg rings and Abir takes it and attends..

Naksh:naira..still you haven’t came to Lake park huh? Where are you? Are you safe?

Abir:naksh..iam Abir. Woh..i followed her as i saw her going alone and she fell into the pitch and i also came inside and you also come here soon..bani is in danger and naira is also fighting with goons so please come here soon..

Naksh gets shocked..

Naksh:where is that place?

Abir:there is a pitch at backside of Lake park and come inside that soon..

Naksh:ok..I’ll come there.

They cut the call and naksh informs veer and they both go towards the pitch while a guy holds naira’s hands and she pushes him..

Daksh:you are very smart lady…but that doesn’t work on me miss..see what I’ll do..

Daksh takes iron rod and he was about to hit naira but Abir comes and holds it..

Abir:you can’t do anything mister. Now you are gone..

Abir beats Daksh while naira gets suprised seeing abir..

Naira: Abir.. how did you..

Abir:bhabhi..woh i saw you coming alone from house so i followed you. Please don’t take me wrong..

Naira:no..you did right by following me. Actually these guys have kidnapped Bani and as bani’s grandma infoed me that bani is missing i came in search of her and also veer knows it..

Naira tells about how veer suspectef and traced bani’s location..

Abir:thank god..he did right.

Naira:now we should save bani first..lets tie these idiots.

They both tie the goons including Daksh and shanya who was lying weak after getting beatings from Abir and naira while one goon alone stands far by escaping from their sight and sees naira lustfully..

Goon in mind:god have sent you again to me miss.naira.. now we will unite which we couldn’t do it earlier..

Abir and naira finally ties the goons and they run and starts kicking the glass tank to release bani meanwhile naksh and veer reaches there..


They both get shocked seeing bani drowning in water tank..

Naira:bhai..veer come and break this soon orelse bani’s life will be in danger.

Naksh and veer too joins and kicks the tank and finally the water glass tank breaks and the flows out while bani was about to fall unconscious and veer immediately runs and holds and lifts her..


Veer sits and places in his lap while everyone tries to wake her up..

Naksh: bani..bani..get up..

Veer:look we all are here.. please open your eyes.

Bani doesn’t breath shocking everyone..

Naira:ohh god..bani is not breathing..

Veer:i guess she would have swallowed more water. We will get the water out so that she will get breathing..

Veer presses her belly and Bani ousts the water through mouth and everyone gets happy..

Abir:thank god.. nothing happened to bani..


Suddenly the goon throws a paper on naira and naira picks and reads..

“Come to the room at first floor to know something..”

Naira in mind:who is this idiot? Did any goon escaped.. I’ll better go and check for bani’s safety.

Naira sees everyone waking bani..

Naira in mind:let everyone be there with bani so that she will feel better.. i will go myself..

Naira goes to the room upstairs and gets shocked seeing the goon..


Kabir locks the door smirking while bani opens her eyes..

Naksh:bani..bani are you fine?

Bani sees naksh Abir and veer and she recalls veer asking her problem and gets emotional and she immediately hugs veer and cries..

Bani:i..is..iam sorry veer..if if i had told you the truth.. this wouldn’t happened..

Veer caresses her face and..

Veer:it’s okay bani.. sometimes our fate control us.. so it’s all happened according to god’s wish. And moreover you are fine that’s it..

Bani:yes.. actually i will tell the reason now. The guy Daksh and..

Suddenly she coughs and naksh sees water bottle nearby and he brings immediately and gives it to bani..

Naksh: now drink water.. today you take rest. You can tell the reason tomorrow..


Kartik comes there and..

Kartik:what’s happening here?

Veer tells him everything while kartik gets shocked..

Kartik:ohh god..thank god you traced the location with your suspicion orelse anything could have happened. And first let’s drop bani home so that she will rest..

Naksh:yeah.. come lets take her.

Kartik:you guys take her and i will call police and get them arrested.


Abir veer and naksh holds bani for support and they take her while kartik calls police and informs them..

Kabir pulls naira closer while naira gets angry and pushes him..

Naira:i dint expect that you have become a goon Kabir. And don’t dare to get close to me orelse i will break your bones..

Kabir:i became goon only because of you naira. I couldn’t digets the fact that you left me for that idiot Arjun in college..

Naira:just shut up..i dint leave you. It was only you who loved me and that’s called one sided love..and also you tried to force me then who will like you?

Kabir:i forced you as i couldn’t digets the fact that you love Arjun..now god has given second chance.. please accept me.

Naira:i will never Kabir..and iam already married so better behave yourself.

Kabir gets angry and he forcibly pushes naira on bed and falls on her shocking naira..

Kabir:i don’t care naira..but i want you. I will get you atleast forcibly..now you can’t do anything.

Kabir caresses her shoulders and necks angering naira and she tries to push him but he controls her and tries to get intimate…

Naira gets choking and she cries when Kabir caresses her face sensually..


Kabir gets shocked and stares her..

Kabir: darling..you love Arjun right then who is this kartik?

Naira cries:leave me..he is my husband. Now please don’t do this..leave me..

Kabir:ohh..so you and Arjun broke up huh? Anyways i don’t care whoever your husband is but i need you that’s it.

He again starts caressing her while police comes and arrests the tied goons including Daksh and Shanaya..

Inspector:thank you mr.kartik. this guy was already in suspicious as he escaped from jail and was living in his twin brothers name..now i understood he is Daksh the criminal only. From now he can’t escape..

Inspector arrests everyone and goes while kartik remembers naira and finds her missing..

Kartik in mind:where is naira? I..i forgot her as i got busy in bani’s matter..

He searches her everywhere and finally he opens the door upstairs and gets shocked seeing Kabir trying to force naira..


Naira cries:kartikkk..save me..

Kartik gets very angry and he pulls Kabir and he beats him nicely..

Kartik:how dare you misbehave with my wife? I’ll not spare you…

He beats him nicely and he again informs police and they arrest him also while naira cries vigorously and comes and runs out while kartik follows her..

Kartik:naira stop..

Naira runs home crying and even kartik follows her and she enters the house while goenka’s gets shocked seeing naira’s state..

Swarna:naira beta..

Naira doesn’t respond and she runs to the room and goes inside the washroom and cries…

While kartik comes and goenka’s stop him..

Swarna:kartik what happened? Why is naira crying?

Kartik:maa.. actually some idiots kidnapped bani but there is something wrong between bani and them from before and i don’t know exact reason and now they drowned her inside a water tank and veer naira naksh and Abir have saved her somehow and the three went to drop her but a guy misbehaved with Naira..that’s why she is upset.

Goenka’s gets shocked..

Dadi:my god..thank god nothing happened to bani. Kartik..you go and pacify naira as if guys misbehaves then they will feel so hard..we will pray to God for family’s peace and sleep..

Kartik:ok dadi..

Abir and veer enters..

Veer:kartik.. actually as we concentrated bani we forgot naira ..did you bring her?

Kartik:yes.. actually a guy misbehaved with her and so she is upset now..

Abir:ohh godd..ok go and pacify her. But one thing..naira is great yaar..i don’t know what to name her because she fought with those goons bravely..

Kartik smiles..

Kartik:she is sherni.. since childhood she bravely fights so i named her sherni..

Veer:wow nice and aptable name..

Akhilesh:ok..you guys go and sleep..rest we will talk tomorrow.

Veer and Abir goes to their and rest of the people goes and prays thanking God nd for safety while kartik goes to his room and he hears shower and goes to washroom and sees naira scratching herself under shower and crying and gets shocked..


Naira cries and scratches herself of wherever Kabir touched while kartik runs and back hugs her comforting her..

Kartik:naira..are you mad? What are you doing?

Naira turns to him and cries..

Naira cries:kartik..iam iam feeling miserable..i haven’t shared you one thing in my life..that guy is Kabir my colleague and he loved me but i rejected him as i loved Arjun and he became furious and tried to force me but somehow i escaped and even now..he..he tried..

Naira cries more while kartik’s heart too aches hearing it and tears forms in his eyes..


Naira:kartik..you don’t know how i feel now..i feel very miserable..he..he touched my face my neck and hands..i..i really felt like drinking poison at that moment..

Naira cries while kartik caresses her face tearfully..

Kartik:i can feel your pain naira..iam sorry i couldn’t be there at that moment..if i was there i would have banged him like anything. But please stop crying..now everything is over..he went to jail..i know you are feeling miserable on his touch but try to forget it..iam always there for you hereafter to erase your pain..so please..

Naira looks him emotionally while kartik hugs her tightly that even the air has no space to enter giving comfort to naira while naira feels her soul soothing after hugging kartik..


precap:- kartik and naira feels jealous. Will Mishti win? Bani and veer’s outing.

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