Fan Fiction

Mere Rehnuma (Epi-4)

Hey guys shruti is here again with amazing episode of swasan of mere rehnuma. Sorry for the late i was bit busy. Now here we go.

Episode starts with sanskaar & nandu coming to their house. Sanskaar goes to his mom to see her. She is fine & his father is sitting beside her.

Sanskaar : Papa how is mom?

Dp: Nothing to worry sanskaar she is fine. Just feeling bit stressed.

Nandu: Why mom is like this papa? What happened to her? From last 6 months she became like this unwell. What is the reason behind this?

Dp remembers sime flash incidents if one lady pleading him for something by crying but he just stands there silently. And suddenly snother comes to her & drags her out by scolding first person seriously.

Dp closes his eyes by remembering those scenes. Few tear drops falls from his eyes.

Dp: Dnt worry nandu everything will be fine. You will get your mom back. Go you both have food & sleep.

Sanskaar : Nandu you go i will come in a minute.

Nandu: Ok bhai. Good night papa.

Dp: What happened sanskaar?

Sanskaar : Papa i am asking you from so many days what happened to mom? Y she suddenly fall sick? And what about bua she is not even calling us?

Dp: Sanskaar when time comes i will tell you everything. And shomi will call us soon maybe she is busy.

Sanskaar : Fine papa but dnt forget one thing your son is grown up & he will support his parents & family at any cost.

Dp comes to him & hugs him emotionally & says thanks to him.

Later nandu & sanskaar had dinner & sleeps in their respective rooms. Exactly at 2 in night in sanskaar’s room.

Sanskaar’s sleep is getting disturbed by some fb scenes. Those are not seen clearly. A girl smiles by running & someone catches her tight & lovingly they both are doing romance. Suddenly he leaves her & girl is seen crying vigorously.

Sanskaar gets up by shouting NO. NO NO. He is full of sweat & fear in his eyes. He quickly gets up & drinks a glass of water. Then after composing himself he takes his phone out & by seeing someone’s photo he cries hard.

Where are you? How should i found you?

Here in London

Swara is packing her bags & manik is also doing same.

Manik: Di are you sure we have to go their? Just forget what had happened?

Swara: Are u insane manik? Do u understand what you are talking? How can i forget everything? That one month just changed my life completely. I had to go to india at any cost. Its your wish if you want to come with me or not.

Manik: No way di i am not going to send you alone. And i am coming with u for sure. But di will that girl help us seriously.

Swara: Sure manik. She is trust worthy. I know only little about her but i feel like she is very close & will help me for sure.

Manik : Fine as you are saying so. But what about dadi? I can’t manage dadi. Its your duty.

Swara: I totally forgot about her. Now how can i agree her.

She goes to her dadi.

Swara: dadi..

Dadi: Ha shona tell me what you want? Do you want to eat? Shall I prepare something?

Swara: No dadi but i want to say to you something important.

Dadi: Ha shona tell me.

Swara: dadi..vo…vo.. me & manik are going to INDIA.

Dadi is shocked.

Dadi: What? But y?

Swara: We have some work in India & we will be back in one month.

Dadi got angry listening to her.

Dadi: Swara have you gone mad? Have you grown-up that much early that even you didn’t bother me asking permission to go their. Just you brother & sister have decided & before leaving you are informing me.

Then manik comes.

Manik: No dadi we are not leaving now but tomorrow so dnt worry we are informing you before only.

Dadi: you just shut your mouth. I will not agree for this. You both are not going anywhere thats final.

Swara: Please dadi. Its very important for me. I will be back soon.

Dadi: You are not understanding shona. You don’t know about those people….

Manik: What people dadi?

Swara: Ha dadi about whom you are talking about?

Dadi: Nothing ok fine but on one condition you will go their.

Manik: What is that?

Dadi: You both should promise me that you will go or meet any of those maheshwari’s. Okay.

Manik: Maheshwari’s? ?? Who are they?

Swara: Dadi u are talking about bade mamu & mami right.

Dadi: ha…

Swara: But y dadi? What is their fault? Y we shouldn’t talk to them? You know dadi they loves me so much.

Manik: Di first clarify me who are they?

Swara: Manik..vo..

Dadi: No need to clarify him anything. If you want to go their make promise on me.

Swara after thinking a little.

Swara: Okay dadi me & manik both will not meet or talk with maheshwari’s. PROMISE.

Dadi: good i hope u will keep your promise & come soon here.

Swara says okay & comes to her room. She stands there thinking about maheshwari’s & her childhood moments with them.

Manik: Di what is dadi talking about? Who are these maheshwari’s?

Swara: Manik they are….

Before she could say she feels to vomit & goes to washroom. Here manik is tensed to see her like that. After sometime she came out looking so tired.

Immediately manik holds her & makes her to sit. He gives her water. She dranks it.

Manik: Di what happened? Are you fine? Shall i call dadi?

Swara: no manik i am fine. Dnt call dadi.

Manik: Then you got suddenly vomiting?

Swara: Because…. i am pregnant.

Screen ends on shocked face if manik & pale expression of swara.

Thanq guys. Please comment.


I don't know how hard being together is, nothing is worse than being apart.

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