Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 12th January 2023 Written Episode Update : Banta surrenders

Mere Sai 12th January 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sai says to Banta, your lies have brought you to this condition, today just say the turth for me, go tell police the truth and surrender. Banta says no one will believe me there. Sai says you just speak the turth and trust me I won’t leave you alone, and God will bless you, your duty is just to speak the truth and let the truth do its work. Banta agrees and says if truth wins I will start a new life with honesty and in case if I loose, I will take it as punishment for my past mistakes. Sai blesses Banta.

Banta surrenders and tells whole truth to Police. Inspector slaps him and says we knew you will drag Kulkarni in, Kulkarni showed us the proof and told you about your past. Banta says its his trick to save himself and push the blame on me, you may believe or not buts its Kulkarni behind this,

for the first time I am telling you the truth. Inspector says all proofs are against you and only Kulkarni and Kishan’s statement can save you.
Banta thinks about Sai and says Sai I have told the truth and now its in your hands.

Sai walks to a house, a woman inside coughing, Sai knocks the door. Kishan walks out and asks who are you. Sai says I heard your mother caugh and thought I should give her medicine and gives him. Kishan says no thanks my mother already has medicines. Sai says you are here in Nagar from Mumbai for business. Kishan asks how do you know, Sai says your mother has breathing problem and you don’t want to leave her alone so you take her along with you everywhere, you have consulted many doctors but nothing helped, try this may be it helps. Kishan accepts medicine and goes keeps inside.

Kishan walks to his mother and applies medicine on her neck as instructed by Sai. His mother starts feeling better and says this medicine is magical I am feeling so much better, I can breath normally. Kishan says I will be back and happily rushes to Sai. Kishan thanks Sai and says I didn’t give the respect you deserve but you cured my mother please come in. Sai says I don’t have time to come in, just pay me my fees.
Kishan says sure just tell me the amount. Sai says can you feed me a roti earned by honesty. Kishan says sure and goes inside.

Kishan in kitchen trying to light gas to heat roti but unable to, Kishan walks to Sai and says he doesn’t know how but he is unable to light the gas. Sai says I asked for roti earned with honesty so may be its not. Kishan says what do you mean. Sia says your mother is the answer too, your wrong work is causing all the problems and if you want your life to be fine, go to police station and tell them that you stole the idol and save an innocent. Kishan says don’t tell me what to do, I am not disrespecting you, because you cured my mother. Kishan leaves and closes the door. Sai blesses him and leaves.

Kishan starts seeing the stolen idol everywhere in his house. Kishan sees Sai outside window and asks for help. Sai says if you want peace accept your mistake and leaves. Kishan is haunted by the idol.

Kulkarni kidnaps Kishan, and threatens him and says you think you will go to police and I won’t find it out, I keep information of everyone I work with…
(Kulkarni mocks Santa on Banta’s arrest and then says Sai hasn’t shown his black magic, Banta’s wife worships Sai and so he will definitely jump in to help him and I don’t want that)
Kulkarni says to Kishan, I know you are influenced by that fakir. Kishan says yes but please let me go. Kulkarni says do whatever you want, if you tell my name infront of police, I will kill you and your mother.
Kishan leaves.

Banta in jail chants Sai’s name. Banta remembers all the times he and Santa misbehaved with Sai and his devotees in the influence of Kulkarni.
Kishan reaches police station and faints. Inspector asks who is he. Banta says he is Kishan.
Kishan gives statement in Banta’s favour and says he is not associated with the theft, Inspector asks who all is involved in this, Kishan says no one else and says I have a godown with stolen stuff and I am ready to surrender and accept any punishment you give. Inspector says you did good by coming and surrending, support us in investigation and I will try and reduce your punishment.

Inspector says to Banta, I don’t know how Kishan came here, but you spoke truth and if you stay true in court as well, I will give statement that your are innocent and you should be given some reward for supporting the truth.

Sudha crying near Sai and says why did Banta cheat me, Sai says Banta will answer all your questions. Sudha, he is in jail. Sai smiles. Sudha sees Banta walk in and happily rushes to him. Sudha gets upset and turns around. Banta looks at her and goes to Sai and falls in his feet. Sai looks at him and Sudha.
Banta tells Sudha the whole scenario.

Pre cap: Sai says to everyone that its been long we haven’t cured the floor with cow dung, I want to do that. Sai with others do it. Malchapati says looks like something special is going to happen, Sai says you will know.
Nanda watching Ragini take dance lessons from Champa, her mother scolds her saying did we come to Shirdi to see such bad things.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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