Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 13th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Atmaram sees his father

Mere Sai 13th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

A couple gets their son to Sai and tells Sai that their son fainted on the farm suddenly while working. Sai applies udhi on his forehead and the boy gains conscious.
Gayatri visits Atmaram at his shop and brings him food. Atmaram says I have customers to attend once that is done I will eat food. Gayatri leaves.
Tinku and Kaddu go to Atmaram again and take away all his earnings.
Kaddu says to Tinku we will have lot of fun with this money and they find themselves in Dwarka Mai. The old man takes his money from Kaddu, thanks Sai.

A few villagers go to Atmaram and tell him they are from the traders unit and praise Atmaram for his success in one month and propose him to join their traders unit. Atmaram sees his father talking to him that he is working very well in fact better than him.

Atmaram gets emotional and agrees to join them.

Sai walks to Atmaram, Atmaram tells Sai he saw his father and he praised him too. Sai says to him, you saw something you always wanted to. Atmaram says I wish he was really here. Sai says he could be here. Atmaram says I will do anything that can bring him close to me. Sai says return money to Kaddu by tomorrow and I promise your father will come see you. Atmaram says how will this happen in one day, its 3000/-. Sai says God always comes with solutions and if you pass the test you will find the solution.

Atmaram counts money and tells Gayatri he has only one day to return 3000/-. Gayatri says why did you promise him just one month, tomorrow we have Vidhi’s birthday and we promised her a party, how will we do all this, guests are coming too. Atamaram prays to Paduka’s to help him find a solution, if he loses his shop, it will be proved that he is good for nothing.

A man walks to Atmaram’s house, he tells Atmaram he is a trader and wants Sai’s Paduka. Atmaram says you are mistaken this isn’t Sai’s Paduka. The man says I saw you taking PAduka from Dwarka Mai and don’t worry I won’t tell anyone you stole it, I just want to buy them because I heard they are magical and I am ready to pay 10,000 right away and he is ready to pay 20000 too. Gayatri asks him to take the money. Atmaram thinks of Sai’s words that God tests you before giving a solution. Atmaram denies it and says all I know is these Paduka have helped me survive. Gayatri says accept it. Atmaram says I have made my decision I won’t sell them. The man says very good and leaves. Atmaram thinks God did I do right?
Sai at Dwarka Mai smiles.

Next day, Atmram cleaning his shop. Sai walks to him and asks why did you open teh shop today, you don’t have money what will you do when Kaddu will takeaway the shop, so better go home and celebrate Vidhi’s birthday. Atmram says to Sai, his father told him always work hard until you can even if its 100rs, I will be in a better state than yesterday. Sai says think of some of the more advice your father gave you, you didn’t understand than may be now you understand them.

Atmaram remembers his father asking to wake up early for better progress. About how his father always handled situations with kindness and generosity and it helped his father.
Atmaram smiles and says to Sai, my father gave all the same advices that the Paduka gave. Sai says yes this is why your father gave them to me for you and I am happy that you didn’t sell the Paduka for money and so you passed the test. Atmaram happily leaves in tears.

Atmaram goes home to the Paduka’s and embrace them and starts crying. Gayatri confused asks him whats wrong. Atmaram says sorry Pitaji I wasn’t a good son then and may be you knew and so you didn’t gave me share in the property I didn’t deserve it.
Atmaram apologise to Vidhi that he didn’t make arrangements for birthday, Vidhi says why are you apologising my birthday arrangements are done. Gayatri tells Atmaram that Tatya had come to our place and told us whole Shirdi will celebrate Vidhi’s birthday.

Atmaram goes out with Vidhi and sees all Shirdi Villagers bearing gifts for Vidhi to celebrate her birthday. Tatya says we are all one big family that belongs to Sai and so we will celebrate together.
Kaddu walks to them and asks Atmaram for money. Atmaram requests him some more time and he will return money. Kaddu says if you don’t give money today your shop will be mine.

Pre cap:
Sai says to everyone in Dwarka Mai that he won’t do Pravachan today, he needs some peaceful time and at times we have to remain silent because one day we all will be silent.
Baizmaa says to Patil and Tatya that she can feel it Sai is definitely hiding something and I will find out that.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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