Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 14th July 2021 Written Episode Update: Sarkar plants money in Dwarkamai

Mere Sai 14th July 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Prathamesh calls Sai pure. Doubting Him is equivalent to doubting God. There is still time. Rectify your mistake or you will be in trouble. Chakranarayan tells him to stop lecturing them and leave. Sarkar tells him that he will regret going against him. I do not have the will to forgive people. Prathamesh says it will be like insulting Sai if I get afraid of you even after knowing Sai. He leaves. Chakranarayan tells Sarkar his plan was good but no one in this village can do / say anything against Sai. Sarkar says one door has closed but another door is still open. You only told me that we can either get someone’s testament or black money. You will surely find money. Hari Om!

Prathamesh has told everything to Nansaheb, Tatya, Keshav and Baizama. Baizama asks him how he could go against Sai. Prathamesh

admits that he fell in their trap. They told me that it will be good for Sai. Sai opened my eyes at the right time or I would have done something wrong. Nanasaheb says it is still not over yet. They will come up with another plan soon. This is what I told you about. Baizama says everyone knows that Sai is a saint. I know that this is His another miracle. I will give statement in His favour if needed. Nanasaheb says court wont accept that as valid. She cannot understand why people are after Sai. He never hurts anyone. Nanasaheb is sure they failed once but they will come up with another plan soon. He tells Tatya to keep an eye on every stranger that comes to Dwarkamai. Sai smiles.

Sarkar gives something to Bhujang. Execute my plan well. My helpers wont spare you otherwise. Bhujan assures him that it will be done. Sarkar tells him that Fakir can mess with people’s brain using black magic. Don’t engage with him. Bhujang agrees to maintain distance with Sai and leaves. Sarkar asks Santa and Banta if he can trust Bhujang. They nod. Sarkar tells them to go and inform Chakranarayan. They leave. Sarkar smirks. I will see who will stop Fakir from going to jail now. Hari Om!

Nanasaheb says an official named Chakranarayan has been given this task. He is a good guy and honest too but he follows rules strictly. Keshav advises him to speak to Chakranarayan once if he is good. He might believe Sai too. Nanasaheb nods. As far as I know, he only accepts facts and evidences. It can be difficult but there is no harm in talking to him. I will speak to him today itself. Sai tells them that no one will go anywhere. Baizama reasons that they have misunderstood Him. Sai says Ram ji will fix it then. Who are we to stop them when they are doing their work? Nanasaheb is hesitant but Sai reasons that people realise the logic behind things when they do something on their own. It remains etched on their mind forever. Prathamesh is in tears.

Sai tells Tatya that He will meditate now. It will be done by evening. No one should bother me till then. He sits down to meditate.

Nanasaheb tells Baizama that he has made a decision. Sai may not like it but it will be good for Him only.

Kutubai and Raghav are walking. Two ladies taunt her indirectly for leaving her husband and coming back to her father’s house. Kutubai retorts that this is her father’s. Raghav tells her to let it be. They will ask more questions if you will retort. They ask Kutubai why she kept Vat-Purnima vrat. You have left your husband and cut all ties with him then why were you praying for his long life? Kutubai asks them who they are to question her. they point out that they are society. We have every right to ask you that question. Kutubai reminds them that they are beneath her. I have servants at my house who can do the work that you do. She walks away with Raghav.

Kutubai complains to Raghav that all this is happening because of Sai. I was reluctant to keep the vrat but Sai made me keep it seeing your and Baba’s sad face. He asks her if she really dint want to do this puja. I thought you meant it and were thinking about Baba. She sends him home. I will go to jeweller alone. He wants to accompany her but she shouts at him. Leave me alone and go home. Raghav goes sadly.

Chakranarayan asks Santa and Banta if they saw Sai picking a stone which they mistook it to be a diamond. Banta denies. Sarkar has sent a message for you. The guy who gives black money to Sai will be in pravachan today. You can catch him red handed. Chakranarayan asks them why he should believe them considering their past record. Santa and Banta admit that they made a mistake in the past. It is Sarkar this time and even British Government listens to them. They walk out knowing that Chakranarayan is running out of time. He will be there surely!

Bhujang reaches Dwarkamai. Flashback shows Sarkar giving money to Bhujang. Hide it in Dwarkamai. No one should see you while keeping it there. Chakranarayan will go there in evening. He will find this bag and Fakir will be caught! Bhujang looks at Sai who is still meditating. Tatya notices him and becomes curious. He approaches Bhujang and looks at him from top to toe. I haven’t seen you in Shirdi before. Bhujang shares that he is from a nearby village. I have heard a lot about Sai so I thought to drop by. Tatya says Sai is in meditation. Bhujang tells him that he will look at Sai from far and pay his respects to Sai. Keshav and Tatya leave to bring water from well.

Bhujang looks around Dwarkamai. He notices a basket in a corner and sits next to it.

Gautam tells Chakranarayan everyone will find out about them if they will search the place openly. You only said that we shouldn’t expose ourselves. Chakranarayan doesn’t mind if Sai will be exposed this way. Gautam calls it a risky operation but Chakranarayan has made his mind.

Bhujang looks around. Sai is sitting with Chandu and looks at Bhujang. He looks at Sai again who is still meditating. His eyes widen in shock. What I saw must be wrong! It must be an illusion. Why is my heart vouching for it though? He turns and notices Sai sitting next to him. He can see Sai still meditating as well. He wipes the sweat off his face but experiences a similar incident yet again. Sai keeps on appearing and disappearing around him. He recalls Sarkar’s warning words. It must be His black magic. I should finish my work asap and leave. He keeps the money in the basket.

Precap: Kutubai gets lost in a jungle and calls out for help. A lady approaches her. Kutubai offers her her jewellery. Please give me some water. She turns around and notices Sai there.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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