Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 14th September 2021 Written Episode Update

Mere Sai 14th September 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sai tells the women to take out half an hour in the evening and learn different skills from Jhipri in the evening. Parvati reasons that they have other chores to do at that time. Sai tells her that they must manage to take out some time to learn those skills from Jhipri especially as they are going to benefit them in the long run. Srikant agrees with Sai. We will chip in whenever needed. Sai asks the women and men one by one if they agree. They all say yes.

Dabholkar ji questions a lady when she takes a lot of time in opening the door. She tells him that she was in kitchen. You look disturbed. Did something happen? Vaishnav apologizes to Dabholkar ji. I wont take Shirdi’s name ever again. Dabholkar ji heads to his room quietly. She asks Vaishnav about it. He tells her about Dabholkar ji’s

dream. He saw Shirdi’s clinic in dream. I told him to go there. She says this cannot be the only reason for him to be upset. There must be something else too. Vaishnav says there is. Nanasaheb met him few days ago and spoke highly of Sai Baba. Dabholkar ji was against the idea of meeting a Baba / Fakir so he refused. He was quite persistent about it too but this dream might be a sign that Sai Baba is calling him to Shirdi. That’s what I was telling him but he got upset. Dabholkar ji tells him to stop. How can I dream about meeting a Fakir? I don’t believe in Baba or Fakir. Fakir’s are up to no good. It does not suit a rich man like me going to a Fakir. I regret telling you about my dream as you always end up telling me to go to Shirdi every time. I wont go to Shirdi. No one can take me to Shirdi against my will.

Jhipri takes leave from Sai. She tells Baizama she will come in the afternoon. I will do my best. Baizama tells Sai that Jhipri was looking for a place for her workshop. I suggested her to start from my home. Sai calls it a good omen as she has the blessings of Baizama now. Start asap. She agrees and heads home. Sai tells Baizama that they will see a new enthusiasm in Shirdi from tomorrow. The women of our village were aware of their potential already but they have understood the meaning of independence and freedom now. Baizama says even men are commendable as they allowed their wives to step out for some time. Sai reminds her that they are husband and wife and no permission is needed for such things. Baizama speaks of how the men make decisions in their society since the beginning. They have agreed to support their wives if needed during this time. I am sure all men will help women become independent. Sai says God knows who will support whom and till what extent. She looks at Sai in confusion.

Dabholkar ji sees Shirdi’s milestone in his dream and wakes up with a start. He goes outside. He notices someone shooing the scorpions away from the doorstep. He asks Him who He is. The person stops and turns. Dabholkar ji wakes up before he can see His (Sai) face. I saw the same dream again and couldn’t see the face today too. What’s happening?

Dabholkar ji asks his wife why she dint wake him earlier. She asks him if he saw the same dream again. He tells her not to worry. I am fine. She tells him that Vaishnav has brought a message from office for you. Vaishnav gives the letter to him. Dabholkar ji is taken aback to read it. His wife asks him what’s written in it. Dabholkar ji shares that he has to go to Shirdi today itself. He does not look pleased and tells his wife to pack bags. Vaishnav asks her if she thinks that this is a mere coincidence.

Nanasaheb tells Sai he met Dr. Pillai yesterday. He has fully recovered. Swami is with him too.

Chandu and his friend discuss as to who will cut the crops now. It is time but the men aren’t allowed to work. 2 people ask Gangaram ji about the groceries. Gangaram ji says my godown is filled with stuff but there is no one who can transport them here. Don’t know when this ban will end. Nanasaheb and Sai overhear everything. Nanasaheb suggests Sai that they must do something.

Tejasvini serves food to Sarkar. He asks for milk. She tells him that she does not know how to get milk. I cannot bear the smell in Gaushala. There is no worker who can do this. I am doing all that I can. He asks her why she dint ask Rukmani. She tells him that everyone’s work has been divided already. You announced the ban and we have to take the brunt. Santa says even Sarkar will have to bear it. Sarkar glares at Santa and Banta but Banta says it is an important matter.

Sai comes to Mhalsapati ji’s house for alms. He is surprised to see Mhalsapati ji at the door. He shares that he is helping Parvati so she can be free in the evening for the workshop. Sai says something to him which puzzles Mhalsapati ji. Why did you say that to me? Sai smiles and walks away.

Santa and Banta tell Sarkar that the crops are ready to be cut. We checked in nearby villages but it is the same case everywhere. No one is free. It is best to withdraw your decision. Sarkar refuses to back down from his word. Tejasvini leaves. Sarkar tells Santa and Banta to stop being callous. There are many free people in the world and you two couldn’t find any worker? You have to clean the Gaushala and house till the time this ban is on. They comply against their wish. Sarkar decides to think of a way out of this problem. The ban should be lifted in a way that I don’t appear to have given in.

Villagers meet Sai in Dwarkamai. They are worried because of the current situation. There is a lot at stake and the people from small colony are needed for work. Abdul says you arranged for their meals but they need work as well. Sai says Mukhiya of Shirdi has barred villagers from working. What can I do in this? You should ask him directly. Only the one who gave such an order can cancel it too. Srikant asks Sai if Sarkar will agree. Sai says there is no possibility for him to agree if you wont ask. It is possible that he might be finding it equally hard to manage the daily chores without those workers.

Sarkar beats Santa and Banta and tells them to come back after tidying themselves. He notices villagers coming to his house and stops. Santa and Banta stop in a corner to watch it too. Everyone greets Sarkar. He asks them why they are here. Patil ji requests him to withdraw his order. We have to bear huge losses because of the ban. You were angry with Jhipri as she left her family and came to live here. Her family is with her now. Situation has changed and she hasn’t challenged any societal norms so we want you to withdraw the ban asap.

Precap: Sarkar asks Sai about His decision of helping women become independent. Married women belong in their homes. You cannot change it even if you want to. Sai reminds him that he had said something similar about the villagers too. Sarkar is taken aback.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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