Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 17th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Sai revives a dead person

Mere Sai 17th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Das Ganu paces worriedly. Sun will set soon. I wont be able to leave now. I am not worried as to what they will do to me afterwards. I am sad that their puja will be incomplete. Forgive me God. I cannot say no to God. A guy greets Sai. Sai smiles as he looks at him from top to toe. Ram ji Bhala Karein! Sai introduces Jyotendra to Ganu. How is Babasaheb? Jyotendra says he is fine and has send greetings for you. Sai says you have come at the right time. Jyotendra gets confused. Sai gives the Ektara to Ganu which surprises him. Sai says you have to go for puja. I don’t want your promise to break because of me. We cannot let a hindrance come in puja. Go and do kirtan with all your heart. Ganu folds his hands gratefully and smiles. Thank you, Sai. Please bless me. Sai tells him to take Jyotendra with him. He

tells Jyotendra to go to Sakori with Ganu. You too should be present in the kirtan. Ganu asks him if it is important for Jyotendra to come with him. I don’t even know him. We have just met. How will I take him to the kirtan with me in this situation? Sai tells him that he can go to Sakori only if he will take Jyotendra with him. You can return the Ektara to me otherwise. Ganu gets tensed. Jyotendra agrees to go with Das Ganu if Sai wants it. Ganu asks Jyotendra to come.

Jyotendra asks Ganu why Sai asked him to accompany him suddenly. Ganu says only Sai knows the logics behind his actions.

Everyone has gathered for the kirtan. Ganu and Jyotendra fold hands in front of Sai’s photo. Ganu takes his seat. Sarkar walks in with Santa and Banta. Ganu looks at him. He smiles as he folds his hands in reverence. He says Sai Baba ki Jai. People repeat after him. Ganu starts the kirtan. Banta asks Sarkar why they have come here. Have we come here to hear him praise that Fakir? Sarkar says there must be a reason why that Fakir stopped Ganu from coming here. There must be a drama that we will end! Hari Om!

Sai has closed His eyes and is meditating.

Everyone is enjoying the kirtan except Sarkar, Santa and Banta.

Few guys are carrying someone’s dead body.

Ganu says Sai is God in a human form. He is everywhere. He takes everyone’s pain away. He can even bring a dead to life. Not just this, His every help changes people and their life for good. He shares an incident with the villagers.

One guy says we saved Sardar from police and brought him here but what next? He isn’t even breathing. We thought he will survive. Another guy says we cannot leave him alone like this. People are chasing us. Third guy says we cannot think of anything. Sardar would have helped us if he was alive. They hear Ganu praising Sai. Everyone says Sai Baba ki Jai in unison. Dacoits walk in and hold everyone including Sarkar, Santa and Banta at hostage. They bring their Sardar’s dead body. A dacoit says you were saying big things. It is time to make it come true. Bring our Sardar back to life if your Guru is indeed that powerful. Ganu keeps looking at the Sardar’s body in shock. A guy points out that he went pale. You said it can happen. Ganu says Sai might be able to do it, not me. The first guy tells him to call his Guru Sai. Everyone present here will die otherwise. Jyotendra tells the dacoits to understand. Sarkar asks Ganu to ask Sai to revive their Sardar’s life and save everyone’s life. Ti should be easy for Sai after all that you have told us. Dacoits nod in affirmation. Tell your Sai to do it. Call your Sai. Another guy points his gun at Ganu. Call your Sai or I will shoot everyone. Santa asks Sarkar why he got them in trouble. Sarkar calls him fool. I added fuel in fire. A dead person cannot come back to life. Ganu will fail and these dacoits will kill him. Nothing will happen to us. I will give a lot of money and a safe escape to them in return of everyone’s life. They must accept it as Fakir will be exposed by then. They will have no option but to comply. Now Ganu wont be able to escape! Hari Om!

Sarkar notices everyone’s worried face. He asks Ganu to call Sai. What are you thinking? Wont He come to save His devotees? Why delay? One dacoit decides to count backwards from 10 to 1. I will shoot everyone if your Sai wont come here by then. Jyotendra folds his hands in reverence. Please help us, Sai. The dacoit says 10. Jyotendra starts chanting Om Sai Ram. Ganu and rest of the villagers follow his example. Sarkar smiles looking at the dead Sardar.

In Dwarkamai, bright light emanates from Sai. The dead Sardar is entering in a tunnel. He notices bright light coming from the other side. Sai appears in front of him. Why did you stop? Sardar asks him who he is. Sai says I came to take you to your destiny. Come with me. Sai extends His hand. Sardar keeps his hand over Sai’s hand.

The count has come down to 1. Everyone keeps chanting Om Sai Ram. Dacoit says your time is up. He notices his Sardar moving just then. The smile on Sarkar’s face disappears. Everyone looks at Sarkar wide eyed. Mere Sai Baba plays. Ganu smiles.

Sai opens His eyes and smiles.

Precap: Sugandha is in a store / godown. She falls down as it is too dark. She prays to Sai for help. Sai is rubbing stones (to start a fire).

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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