Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 17th March 2022 Written Episode Update

Mere Sai 17th March 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Vishnu comes there with sacks of grains just then. He greets Sai. Sai asks him to wait for Him. I will speak to you soon. Vishnu nods. He sits next to the kids and offers them something to eat.

Sai asks pundit ji to dip the tong in the bowl of water and take it out. Pundit ji does as told but looks at the tong in confusion. Sai tells him to lift the water. Everyone looks on in confusion. Sai tells pundit ji to try. Pundit ji complies but nothing happens. Sai makes him try again and again. Pundit ji reasons it that tong cannot hold water. Sai says this is what you must understand. You wont feel restless or incomplete anymore then. Think of this pot as the universe, the water as the knowledge and yourself as the tong. So far you have only absorbed knowledge which equals to the droplets on the tong

whereas you still think you have learnt everything. This ego and feeling greater above others is what’s inculcating these feelings in you. He asks Vishnu to sit with them. Vishnu joins them. Sai introduces him to pundit ji. He isn’t well read like you. He has read very few books. Ask him if he is restless like you. Sai asks Vishnu if he feels incomplete. Vishnu denies. Problems come in life. There are some worries too yet I can sleep peacefully. Pundit ji asks him how he does that. Sai says he has learnt about love more than other things. He has shared just as much as he has received which is why he is content. You dint give time to your family or had anything to do anything anyone else. It isn’t late though. Go home and accept your responsibilities. Get over your ego and share your knowledge with love. Ram ji will fix everything. Kids smile.

Pundit ji says what I had heard about you doesn’t do justice to what you really are. You shared such a big thing so easily. For the first time in years, I feel as if I can see God. Sai says a shloka. God is present everywhere equally. I know that God appears where there is love. God came in front of you as soon as love sprouted inside you. Pundit ji replies that he has understood everything. Sai blesses him. Pundit ji takes His leave. Ragini tells Sai they have understood the meaning of the doha too. She explains it. Sai says the one with true knowledge can truly love others. He knows that everyone is one. They are equal as they all belong to the Almighty!

Vishnu tells Sai he has brought the share of grains for Him to distribute to the needy. Sai says you give it every year without fail. Does your family approve of it? Vishnu shares that he wants his son to work hard and give part of his earnings to others. I sometimes feel that he does not understand me properly but I hope he will change for good one day. Sai suggests him to head home. Vishnu nods. He tells his assistant to keep the sacks inside. He nods.

Keshav asks Sai what He meant by His words just now. Mohan hasn’t said anything to Vishnu Kaka till date. Why will he say so now? Is there something? Sai replies that the surface of the diya that lights the world is dark.

Two men tell Mohan that they pity him. How do you bear to be with a father who cares about others more than you? He asks them what they mean. They tell him how Vishnu gave his land to Pandurang today. Mohan holds one of them angrily by their collar. My father donates but he isn’t a fool.

Vishnu and Mohan are eating. Vishnu asks him what he is thinking. Mohan suggests sowing cashews in the field. Vishnu tells him to let Pandurang decide. Mohan thinks of what the villagers had told him and asks him why he gave their land to Pandurang without asking him. You think only about others. What about us? Mohan’s wife tells Vishnu he could have thought about their baby at least. Did we not look after you well? Vishnu denies. We will still be landlord. Mohan asks him of his responsibility towards them. Vishnu reasons that he also took that step so as to make sure that Mohan starts working. You will not stand on your feet otherwise. Mohan asks him how he could give their property to anyone else. Vishnu corrects him that it was his land. Mohan insists that he is the heir but Vishnu argues that he never even saw the field once. Mohan tells him to take the land back from Pandurang right now. Call him home! Vishnu calls it impossible. Mohan tells him that he does not deserve to live here in that case. This is the only house that’s left. You will end up selling it for others if you stay here any longer! Plus, this house belongs to my grandfather so I have a right on it too. Get out of the house or I will drag you to the court! Vishnu is hurt. You will drag our family name to court? He asks his DIL to say something to Mohan. She ends up asking him to leave quietly as well. Mohan asks him to leave again. Vishnu asks him where he will go. Mohan says you have done so much for the society. Ask them to do something for you now! Vishnu says I live in this house as you and Anusuya are what make this house my home. You are my family. Mohan holds his hand and pushes him out of the house! He closes the door on his face.

Sai looks sad. Baizama asks Him what happened. Sai replies that it pains a lot when the plant that you nurture all your life ends up hurting the gardener with its thorns as it turns into a tree.

Vishnu is walking sadly. Everyone is hearing Sai’s pravachan. Vishnu sits down in the end and cries silently. Sai tells them a story. A farmer sowed a mango seed in his courtyard. His son helps him water it. He looked after it diligently and the plant started growing. His son is still helping him. The plant turns into a big tree. The son pushes his old father out of the house. You have spent every penny trying to help others! There’s no place for you here now. Sai pats at the old man’s shoulder. He asks Sai why this happened to him when he has only helped everyone till dat. Sai points at the mango tree. It has become your shade today. The old man thanks Sai. Vishnu continues crying.

Sai says this story tells us that goodness is like air. We don’t see it but it helps us. It starts giving life the moment everything else ends. Our good karmas surely come back to us!

Precap: A man asks Sai where He is going at this hour. It is raining hard. Vishnu covers someone with a shawl. He looks at the door and notices Sai.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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