Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 18th February 2021 Written Episode Update: Sai saves Golu

Mere Sai 18th February 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Padmini’s MIL says I cannot see my son rotting in that poverty again. I wont go peacefully if that happens. Do you want that? Padmini shakes her head sadly. She recalls Sai’s advice. I had no intention of hurting you but this is my family too. It is my dharma to bring him on the right path. I must do something but what?

Golu is playing in godown. His mother tells him not to play here. He asks her to come home. She says I must help Kaki first. He reasons that she hasn’t cleaned her grains yet. She shares that Sai tells everyone to help others first. We will get all the help we require in return. Don’t act naughty. I am going. He nods.

Sai stops in his tracks worriedly. Golu is playing with the stick in the godown. It hits a lantern. It falls and the sacks catch fire. He shifts to

another corner out of fear and another lantern falls in the process. Entire godown is on fire. He shouts for help from his mother. He steps on a stool. He chants Om Sai Ram. Please help me, Sai.

Sai enters in Khandoba temple. He notices a pot of water kept there.

The stool has caught fire as well. Golu keeps requesting Sai to help him.

Sai keeps Kanha ji’s idol in a plate and picks the pot of water.

Ladies finally notice the smoke coming out of godown and rush to see. Golu’s mother panics. She requests Sai to help her. I only trust you now. Someone save my son please.

Sai starts pouring water on the idol. Few men run to the well to bring water.

Sai continues pouring water on the idol. Water starts falling on Golu from nowhere. He smiles. The fire is doused slowly. Villagers look on in surprise. The men come back with pots of water but are equally surprised to see that the fire has been doused already. Golu’s parents hug their son. Golu is smiling. His mother asks him how he got drenched. How is it so wet here? Golu says I was feeling really hot. I started thinking about Sai. I got drenched and the fire was doused as well. his parents thank Sai for saving Golu on time. Everyone says Om Sai Ram in unison. Sai smiles. Ram ji Bhala Karein.

Madhusudhan’s friends ask him if they acted nicely. Madhusudhan nods. They ask Madhusudhan if the plan will work. Madhusudhan nods. Everyone saw the act. People may be different but they have only one weakness – greed. That will become my strength. I am sure word has been spread now. People will soon come up to me with money seeking help. They ask Madhusudhan if he has found any assistant yet. You always have one. Madhusudhan says I have found him but he will come sooner or later.

Chihu Tai notices Govinda sitting quietly in a corner. He looks upset. What happened? He advises her to ask Srikanth. Chihu Tai says Baba told you that he does not have that much money to invest. Govinda says I understand. Even I don’t want to be a burden on him. We have an opportunity in Madhusudhan Kaka right now. Whats the harm of taking loan from family? I will pay everything. Trust me. Srikanth tells him to wait a little. You aren’t even 20 yet. Govinda asks his Baba till when he should wait. I will never be smart enough in your eyes. Srikanth says I only want you to work for some time, gain experience and earn money first. Govinda says you have been working all your life. What have you saved? We may not have anything for backup if we face any problem ever. Chihu Tai stops him from speaking to his Baba like that. Govinda says I am indebted to him for what he has done for us till date. You two might have forgotten it but I still cannot forget the day when I thought we will lose you. We dint have Sai’s udi with us as we were travelling. Even Vaid ji gave up on you. A flashback is shown. Vaid advises Srikanth to check at a nearby hospital. Srikanth visits the hospital and comes home. Govinda asks Srikanth if they can take Aayi to hospital. Srikanth shares that they must admit her for 2-3 weeks for the treatment. It will cost Rs. 200-300. We wont be able to afford it. Govinda gets worried. Srikanth assures him that she will be fine. We may be away from Shirdi but have faith on Sai. He wont let anything happen to her. Govinda says those 2 days were the scariest days of my life. I wasn’t sure if about your recovery. Sai did a miracle then. Everyone is sleeping. Sai comes to meet Chihu Tai. Don’t worry, you will be fine. He sits next to her and gives her udi. You will be fine soon. Take care. Chihu Tai opens her eyes but Sai has disappeared by then. She calls out to her husband and son who come running just then. She shares that Sai came here himself to give her udi. I feel great right now. Flashback ends.

Govinda says thode 48 hours taught me that money may not be important but it does matter. Srikanth asks him why he is worried when Sai is with them. Govinda reasons that what all will they leave on Sai. Sai says that God helps those who help themselves. I don’t want to be dependent on anyone. I have to become capable enough to take care of both of you. I want to earn enough money to make that happen. Srikanth apologizes to him. Problems are a part of life. Money may not be enough to help you then. Govinda says you may not understand me but I will do what I have decided to. I will take loan from Kaka. Srikanth gives him his swear. you will see my dead body if you do that.

Precap: Chihu Tai asks Govinda if he has lost his mind. He asks for his share. She slaps him. Srikanth experiences a heart attack. Chihu Tai cries. Please wake up. Sai gets tensed.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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