Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 18th June 2021 Written Episode Update

Mere Sai 18th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

The dacoits are relieved to see their Sardar fine. He sits up. Sarkar, Santa and Banta are stunned. Dacoits ask Sardar if he is fine. How did this happen? Sardar says even I thought I was dead. There was darkness all around when I saw a light in the form of a Fakir. I opened my eyes the moment I held His hand. A guy asks him about the Fakir. Sardar says I don’t know Him. I have never met or seen him before. Sardar demands to know who these people are. Why are we here? He starts scanning the room when he notices Sai’s portrait. It is the same guy! Dacoits are shocked while Ganu smiles. He tells Sardar that this is Sai’s leela. There is no doubt that He protects His devotees. Sardar asks him if he knows Sai. Take me to Him. Das Ganu agrees. All dacoits drop their weapons and fold hands in reverence.

They chant Sai Baba ki Jai in unison. Banta asks Sarkar how this is possible. He wasn’t even here! Sarkar says this Sardar might not have died. His men were mistaken. Banta points out that he said he saw Sai. Sarkar says he would have heard the commotion and woken up. He must have heard people praising that Fakir. He saw the portrait and believes that that Fakir has revived him. While waking up, people often don’t realise the difference between reality and imagination. He couldn’t remember anything else though! Let’s leave now. We have wasted enough time.

Sugandha’s father apologizes to Sugandha. I am not happy after stopping you. Sugandha’s husband tells him to forget it. Sugandha’s mother says Sugandha is a lovely girl. I am sure she will fill your house with happiness. Don’t hurt her and forgive us too. He reminds her that no one apologizes to their son. Don’t think that I am upset with her or you guys. I understand everything. Sugandha is indeed Lakshmi. She has kept our house together since years. I can never find a better life partner than her. We need your blessings more than anything else. Sugandha’s father says it is with you always. He says we don’t need anything else then. I will make Sugandha the queen of our house without borrowing a penny from this house. Even Sugandha knows this. Right, Sugandha? Sugandha keeps quiet. Sugandha’s brother tells Sugandha they may not have money but I am ready to help you in any way possible. Just let me know if and when you need anything. Sugandha hugs him. Sugandha’s FIL takes their leave. Sugandha leaves with her husband and his parents. Sugandha’s father breaks down. I am such an unfortunate and helpless father. I broke my daughter’s dream first and now I have sent her away. His son and wife support him.

Sugandha comes home with her family. She seems hesitant as her MIL asks her to come in. Sugandha says you all must be tired. I will take bath and cook lunch. You all can rest afterwards. Her MIL tells her to rest. You too much be tired. Sugandha tries to help but her MIL insists. Sugandha looks at her husband who nods at her.

Sugandha’s MIL tells Sugandha she need not do any work after today. You will stay in this room from today (storeroom). Sugandha requests her not to do it. Her MIL says I am helpless. Everyone has decided this mutually. You cannot roam around in this house anymore. Sugandha requests her again. I did try. Her MIL says the results were 0. Your father is responsible for this. She locks Sugandha in the storeroom. Sugandha requests her to let her out. She even requests her husband to say something to his mother. Her MIL says this wont help. Sugandha asks them why they are punishing her. I have taken help from Baba every time and he never said no before. He is really not in a condition to help right now. Her MIL says you should have requested your father like this too. You accepted his no very easily. You could have begged him but you dint do it. You dint want him to help us. I understand everything. You can stay here now! She walks away. Sugandha keeps shouting for help but in vain. She cries. Sai!

Sai is watching everything in dhuni in Dwarkamai. He picks up 2 stones and starts rubbing them (to start a fire). Sugandha takes a step further and hurts herself. She tries again but meets the same fate. She sits on the floor and cries her heart out. Sai continues rubbing the stones. Sugandha screams as a mouse runs past her. She requests Sai to help her. An old diya lights up suddenly which puzzles Sugandha. She notices Sai’s face in the flame. You came here to help me. Please get me out of this problem too. Sai says Shraddha and Saburi. Ram ji will fix everything. Remember that sunrise happens after night only.

Next morning, Das Ganu and Jyotendra reach Dwarkamai with Sardar and his men. Sai smiles as soon as He notices them. All the villagers are taken aback to see the dacoits. Sardar becomes emotional and kneels down before Sai. Sai asks him to get up. Sardar says I am not capable of looking you in the eyes. I have committed many sins yet you gave me a new life. Sai says who am I to give life to someone. No one can change what’s in nature. Only Ram ji can give or take life. He sent you back as you still had to live. Sardar calls it impossible. I do remember that I was dead. There was darkness all around me when I saw bright light suddenly. I saw you when I started walking towards the light. You said that you will take me to my destiny. What were you referring to? I thought I will burn in hell because of all that I have done. Sai says you must burn in the fire of penitence. You will have to do this here in this very birth itself though. Good deeds are the only thing that will stay and make a person immortal! Everything else is momentary. Understand why Ram ji brought you back here. You have to do penitence for all the misdeeds. This will be your penitence!

Precap: Sugandha’s mother wakes up with a start screaming Sugandha’s name. Her husband and son ask her what happened. Sugandha’s father shares that she isn’t well since last night. I let her sleep for a little longer and she woke up screaming Sugandha’s name. Sugandha’s SIL says it must be a bad dream. Sugandha’s brother asks his mother about her dream. She tells them (in mute). Sugandha’s father is sure it wont happen but his wife is sure that ther daughter is in trouble. Take me to Sai. I want to tell Him about this dream.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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