Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 20th August 2021 Written Episode Update: Tejasvi’s maid misunderstands Jhipri’s intentions

Mere Sai 20th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Chetan is limping. Sai asks him what happened. Why are you crying? Chetan says I got hurt. It is paining a lot. Sai checks his wound. Chetan continues to cry. It is hurting a lot. Sai caresses his face and tells him not to cry.

Swami gives medicine to his father. He asks him why he wont listen to Sai. He is genuinely concerned for you. His words seem to be true. I have heard it from villagers that He has treated many illnesses which aren’t easy to cure. Dr. Pillai calls it nonsense. He tries to get up but in vain. Why is my medicine not helping me? What’s happening to me? Swami says looks like your pain hasn’t subdued yet.

Sai mixes udi in water and looks up. Prabhuji Kare Sahay plays as Sai applies udi on Chetan’s wound. He ties a cloth on Chetan’s wound next.

Dr. Pillai’s

pain disappears as well. He is surprised.

Sai asks Chetan about the pain. He stands up and smiles. It’s gone.

Dr. Pillai stands up as well. He walks around a little and smiles excitedly. It’s gone. My medicine worked. I have a solution to everything. Why should I listen to that Fakir then? No Fakir can treat such illnesses. Villagers are innocent. They believe everything easily. There might be a log behind their recovery. I know such people who talk sweetly but don’t really do anything. Fakir is one of them. He couldn’t trap me but He has impressed you. I am saying it for your well-being. Stay away from such people. I am glad to know that you are concerned about me. There was indeed pain in my leg but it disappeared when I took medicine. I have taught you the logic behind how things work. How can you trust such people then? I will bring medicines from inside. Let me know if someone comes. Swami nods. He misses his late mother. Appa is becoming stubborn and strict. This wouldn’t have happened if you had been here today. I dint even have to give up on music then. He hears a sound and looks up. He notices Sai. Sai looks at him from far. Have Shraddha and Saburi, Swami. Music and Ram ji will come close to you the day your father will give up on his arrogance. He walks away.

Sai stops in His tracks suddenly and becomes serious. He finds Tatya and Keshav telling the car driver to take the sacks to the fields. We will be there soon. Sai calls out to Tatya. Tatya asks Him why He looks so worried. Sai asks them if they are on their way to fields. Keshav nods. What is it? Sai tells Tatya and Keshav to go past Rihana’s house to the fields. Keshav asks Him what the matter is. Sai worriedly tells them to hurry up. I don’t have time to explain.

Shyamlal Kaka’s son tells Jhipri that his father passed away few years ago. You can take cow dung but you must give me one rupee daily. She says your Baba never took money from me. He calls his late father a fool. She tells him not to say that about his father. He was a very nice human being. He loses his cool. Am I a fool then? You came here to beg and are lecturing me? Latika gets tensed.

Sai borrows gamcha from a cleaner. He keeps all the food on the gamcha and puts leaves in His bag instead.

Jhipri says I dint come to beg. I came here to seek help thinking that you are one of us. He tells her to look at her class. Jhipri says the one who cannot even give cow dung in alms is speaking about class. He taunts her on her caste again. What else can I expect from you? She says I am not a small person who will insult someone who has come to seek help. He decides to teach her a lesson and goes inside to bring stick.

Sai stops in His tracks.

Shyamlal Kaka’s son comes back holding a stick. He makes Jhipri and Latika step away from his house and closes door on their faces. Latika looks afraid. Jhipri feels dizzy again. Sai keeps the bag full of leaves on a stone. Jhipri falls and hits her head on the stone (though nothing happens to her because of Sai). A lump appears on His bag full of leaves. He smiles.

Latika tries waking her mother. She shouts for help. Why are you not saying anything Aayi? Tatya and Keshav wonder why Sai would have told them to take this route. They hear Latika crying for help and rush to their side. What happened? Latika says I don’t know. Keshav asks a neighbour to bring water. He complies. They wake up Jhipri by sprinkling water on her face. She looks at their faces and passes out again. Tatya suggests taking her to Rihana Kaki’s house. Keshav agrees.

Keshav lifts Jhipri in his arms. Tejasvi’s maid notices them thus and gets tensed.

Rihana fans Jhipri. She sits up with a start. How did I come here? Rihana tells her that Tatya and Keshav brought her here. How are you now? Jhipri nods. Rihana gives her lime water. It will give you strength. Jhipri accepts it. Rihana asks her if she is feeling better now. Jhipri nods. She asks about Tatya and Keshav. Rihana shares that they went to fields. Jhipri nods. I am meeting you after so long but I dint plan to meet you this way. Rihana asks her how she passed out. Latika says it is bound to happen if she wont eat anything. Jhipri tells her to be quiet. She asks Rihana about Salim, Ali and her work. Rihana tells her everything. I am worried how I will complete the order of blankets. I was going to refuse but Sai told me to accept the order. He said that helping hands will arrive on their own. I don’t know when that will happen though. I don’t have much time. Jhipri offers to help her. You can give me whatever you want. You can look at my work and decide. Rihana tells her not to speak like an outsider. Will you be able to give us time? Hope your family members wont have any problem. Latika tells her that they have left everyone and come here to start afresh.

Sai borrows axe from Chandu. I will deliver it to your house once I am done. Chandu agrees.

Jhipri’s husband and her MIL have reached Shirdi. Jhipri’s son asks his mother why they are here. Why does it bother us what Jhipri does when you don’t want her to live with us? She tells him to be quiet. You haven’t done anything in life so you don’t know how things work. If she becomes independent then she will set an example for others. It will disturb the social balance. You are still young and look well. You might have to marry again. Who will give you their girl if Jhipri becomes independent? They will blame us instead. We have to make her infamous so you can settle later on. He asks her why she is thinking about all that. I don’t want to marry again. She asks him if she will do all the household chores then. Either Jhipri will apologize and come back to our home or you will get a new wife. She has to fail so you can succeed. I will make her do everything that I want her to! Her condition should be such that every girl would choose to die instead of leaving her husband’s place. They ask Tejasvi’s maid about the lower basti. She points in the right direction. Who do you want to meet? Jhipri’s MIL refuses to answer her and continues walking ahead with her son. They murmur about Jhipri and how her husband has left her. Tejasvi’s maid is now positive that Jhipri will try to trap Keshav Jija ji. I must tell Tejasvi Didi everything.

Sai stands in the way of Jhipri’s husband and MIL. They get tensed as He is holding axe in His hands.

Precap: Gopika Tai tells Jhipri to take cow dung from their shelter every morning. Tejasvi tells Gopika Tai to be careful. She might even take your husband one day. Jhipri is stunned. Sai looks at a plant. Wind is strong but plants become stronger only when they face storms. Jhipri walks away with Latika in tears.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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