Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 22nd December 2020 Written Episode Update

Mere Sai 22nd December 2020 Written Episode, Written Update on

Gajanan asks everyone if Aamir is blind. Aamir looks at everyone. I only asked you about Sai. Why are you calling me blind? Sai steps forward but Aamir still cannot see him. Everyone is puzzled. Salim tells Aamir that Sai is right in front of him. Aamir looks everywhere but cannot see him. Salim points at Sai. Aamir tells him not to joke. I cannot see him. Abdul asks him what he is saying. Aamir asls them if they all can see Sai. Everyone nods which puzzles Aamir all the more. Why are you doing this to me? Come in front of me. I want to speak to you. Why are you hiding from me? I bore so much pain to come here yet! Sai holds him as he stumbles in his step. Aamir can only feel his embrace. He smiles. You told me not to come here. I realise my mistake now. Forgive me. Sai. Sai says your treatment can happen

in old Chawdi only. I told you last time and I am repeating it today. You don’t have to leave that place at all. Aamir agrees to follow his words. Why can’t I see you? Sai says faith and commitment to your words is what matters the most to Allah. You will get the desired results if you will have faith in Him. Live by your word now. Allah will return everything to you that has been snatched away. Aamir agrees. I wont leave old Chawdi till the time you will ask me to. Salim takes him back. Om Sai plays.

Aamir winces in pain on his way. Santa and Banta are questioning Aamir’s assistants. They also ask questions about Aamir. Aamir’s assistant points at Aamir. Salim Bhai is heping him way. Santa and Banta refuse to believe them. How can he be a Seth when he looks like a beggar? They share that he isn’t keeping well since days. Nothing worked. They tell them everything (in mute). Santa and Banta watch Aamir intently. They stop the conversation midway and send the assistants away.

Santa and Banta follow Aamir and Salim. Aamir takes a break as he is unable to walk anymore. I am going back to old chawdi like Sai said but how will I manage things there. Everyone would come rushing to me I would just scream in pain. I lived a life of luxuries back at home. How will I manage the switch in this condition? Salim says Sai knows our capabilities well. He gives us only what we can manage. Have faith on Him. Everything will become easy then. You shouldn’t doubt Him after what you witnessed in Dwarkamai today. They resume walking. Santa and Banta decide to tell Kulkarni Sarkar everything.

Baizama and Rambha serve food to Gajanan. Sai apologizes to Baizama. I cannot eat anything today. She nods. I understand. I don’t know why you are doing this but I understand that you are doing the right thing. Whatever be the reason, you are God for me. He resides in everyone. That’s why I served this food to Gajanan ji. I will feel the same peace that I feel after feeding you. Sai remarks that a mother has a big heart. She can forgive her son’s every mistake. He tells Gajanan to start eating. Gajanan takes a bite. He likes the food. Sai says I know you will love it our Baiza ma is no less than Ma Annapurna. Everyone smiles. Sai says there hasn’t been a day when I dint receive food from her home since the day I met her. Gajanan pushes the plate away. This is tasteless! I wont eat it even if I am dying because of hunger! Sai looks at Baiza ma. Tatya asks his Baba how Gajanan can disrespect Aayi’s food. Appa Kote tells him to have faith and patience. Sai asks Gajanan what happened. Gajanan says this is tasteless. Who invites someone and serves such food? This is an insult to the guest. Tell her to cook again. Sai asks Baiza ma if she can cook for Baba again. He dint like it. She agrees. I wont want a guest to feel insulted or dissatisfied. Everyone feels bad for Baiza ma. Gajanan says that’s how one will feel if you will serve food like this. Tatya says you told us what rights guests have but does a guest have no responsibility towards the host. Shouldn’t they respect the host as well? Gajanan says I am blunt. I will decide if I am being looked after properly or not. If you have a problem then tell me on my face. I will leave on an empty stomach from here! Sai denies. It wont happen, especially when Baiza ma is here. Baiza ma tells Tatya he is forgetting how to behave with the guests. She asks for some time from Gajanan. Please rest till then. Gajanan agrees. It wont be good for anyone if you will serve me food like this again! He asks Sai to tell them what kind of food he likes. Sai nods. He heads to the kitchen with Baiza ma and Rambha. Tatya and Gajanan glare at each other. Tatya goes inside.

Sai is sitting with Rambha. Baiza ma tells her to feed Baaji. She goes. Baiza ma tells Sai to let it be. I will manage. Sai says I know a mother does not need her kids to help her but it is the duty of a kid to help his Aayi. You were scolded because of me today. she replies that someone may or may not understand but I do. There must be some hidden good behind this entire incident. I will be very happy to help my son in the process. Sai smiles.

Appa Kote tells Tatya he is not a kid anymore. You cannot lose your temper like that. Learn to compose yourself. Tatya asks him if he should sit quietly when someone will insult his family. Appa Kote says I got upset too. I know Gajanan ji has been rude. Remember that he is Sai’s guest before us. Who are we to say anything when Sai is keeping quiet? Have faith on Sai. Keep your mind and heart calm. Tatya apologizes to him. I should have been calm inside as well. Don’t know why Gajanan Kaka is so upset and angry with all of us. We have only tried to help him. Appa Kote nods.

Baiza ma says there is something that you know. No one can become so bitter without any reason. Sai says you can see it. Everyone else can only see bitterness in him. She asks him why he wont tell everyone the real reason. Everyone would be calm around him then. Sai reasons that nothing can be disclosed before time. It is a process of development for Gajanan ji and the villagers. I have to teach them to recognize a person. She leaves it on him. Why are you testing me in the process? When can I feed you again? He smiles. Allah Maalik. She smiles. The food is ready.

Aamir lies down with great difficulty. Milk boils and starts spilling. He hurries towards the stove but everything gets spilled. How much more will you test me now Lord? Sarkar walks in with Santa and Banta. They look at the chawdi and Aamir with pity.

Sai keeps the plate in front of Gajanan. Baiza ma’s magic will work this time. I was sitting with her when she was cooking this time. You wont get a chance to complain now. Gajanan nods. He takes a bite but makes a face again. What has happened to you? You think you will feed me anything and I will praise you? I wont give this kind of food even to dogs! Who cooks like this for guests? Baiza ma requests him not to get angry. I will cook something again if you will allow me. He nods. She heads back into the kitchen.

Aamir asks Sarkar who he is. Santa and Banta give his introduction to Aamir. People come from far for treatment. Sai asks them what he is doing here now. Santa says he couldn’t bear it when he found out that you are here in this condition. Sarkar tells him to keep quiet. Do what I had told you to do! Sarkar has brought food for him. Aamir looks at the stove. I promised Sai I will do everything on my own but I haven’t been able to do much lately. Plus, I am hungry. Sarkar convinces Aamir to accept the food. Aamir starts eating immediately. Sarkar, Santa and Banta smile. Once he is done, Sarkar asks Aamir why Fakir dint give anything to him to eat. Aamir says Sai told me this is right for me. Sarkar wonders how he dint feel pity for him after seeing his condition. Santa tells Sarkar how Sai has been behaving differently these days. Sarkar says that’s why I don’t trust him. He does not help anyone without a reason. he must be taking advantage of that elderly man as well. Aamir reasons that Sai could have sent him back if that was the case. Sarkar says he dint want people to believe that he dint even try. Which Vaid leaves the solution of their problems on the patients? Get yourself treated from me. I will take care of you. Santa and Banta try to convince Aamir as well.

Baiza ma brings food for Gajanan. Sai says now even I have begun to wonder if Baiza ma can cook good food or not. I think you will have to leave on an empty stomach today. Gajanan smirks. Appa Kote’s family feels bad. Gajanan takes a bite. This is somewhat worth eating. Sai smiles. Baiza ma smiles as well when Sai looks at her.


Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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