Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 23rd August 2021 Written Episode Update: Sakku Tai and Tejasvi badmouth Jhipri

Mere Sai 23rd August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sai stands in the way of Jhipri’s husband and MIL. They get tensed as He is holding axe in His hands. Jhipri’s husband asks Sai who He is. Why are you staring at us and are holding this axe? Sai says I am a lakkadhara. I have my eye on one of the branches of the tree. I cannot do it because of my age. Will you help me? Jhipri’s MIL asks Sai if her son is his slave. Sai says I dint say so. I simply asked for help. One has to climb on the tree, sit on the branch and cut it. Your son is young. It will be done easily. Jhipri’s MIL calls Him mad. Don’t fall in Fakir’s words. Come. Sai says you are doing this since long already, Sakku Tai.

Rihana asks Jhipri why she dint tell anyone anything. Jhipri says I dint have the courage to repeat this to everyone. Rihana hugs her. Whatever you went

through was bad but don’t worry. You are in Shirdi now. You will have a new beginning here. Jhipri asks her if she thinks everyone will treat me nicely after finding out everything. What will their reaction be after finding out that my husband has abandoned me? Rihana calls her mad. You are still a family member for us. Who can stop loving a family member? Jhipri asks her why her family dint think like that. Rihana tells her to have Saburi. Everything will be fine. I will get stuff to make blankets by evening. We can start then. Jhipri nods. I will go home now. Rihana realises Sai’s meaning. You told me that the helping hands will appear on their own but you dint tell me that I will be able to help one of our own through this.

Latika asks her mother if everything will be fine now. You got work. Jhipri nods. We will go to Rameshwar Kaka’s house. He has the second biggest Gaushala here. Latika asks her why she needs to do that. You got to make blankets. Jhipri smiles. The more I work the better life I can give you!

Sai asks Sakku Tai why she is pushing Jhipri away from her. She is the one who has brightened your home. Jhipri’s husband is surprised to find out that Sai know everything. Sakku Tai complains that she never liked Jhipri. She had nothing to give. I never liked her from day one but my husband insisted and got her married to my son. Sai tells them Jhipri’s qualities. He asks Shashikant why he never said anything in Jhipri’s defence till date. It is the responsibility of husband to look after his wife and kid after marriage. You left them alone so you could use your father’s inheritance because you think it is your right. Right and duty go hand-in-hand. You have been ignoring your duties for your own selfish reasons. You may get material happiness but not mental peace. Sakku Tai says seems like Jhipri said a lot against us. Sai calls it one of Jhipri’s qualities. She never said anything against you but I could see it in her eyes. I can see your reality in your eyes too. Sakku Tai tells Him to stop His nonsense. We have to throw her out of the house. I will do what I want! She walks away with her son, Shashikant.

Tejasvi’s maid tells Tejasvi everything. Tejasvi is furious. Her maid asks her what she will do now. Tejasvi decides to cut off all helping hands so that Jhipri is left alone.

Sakku Tai and Shashikant reach Jhipri’s house but it is locked. Shashikant decides to go back but Sakku Tai denies. She only had a mother and it looks so clean outside. Who else can stay here apart from Jhipri? She notices a few ladies nearby and smirks. I don’t need Jhipri to be here to accomplish what I have come here for. She would have tried to share her side of the story if she was here. It is good for me only. She calls out to the ladies to ask about Jhipri. Kaki shares that Jhipri and Latika have gone somewhere. Who are you? Sakku Tai says I am her MIL and this man here is Jhipri’s husband. Few neighbors gather around. Jhipri never told us anything. Sakku Tai badmouths Jhipri. She never stayed at home here or at her in-laws. She never respected her husband or me. She used to argue with us on everything. She continues lying. Jhipri spoiled Latika too. I threw her out of the house when I couldn’t take it anymore. I don’t have a strong heart like her so came here to check on her. I honestly don’t care about Jhipri but I worry about Latika. We gave her a lot of love but her mother has ruined her.

Kaleshwar tells his wife (Gopika) about Jhipri’s childhood. Jhipri praises his father and him. Gopika allows Jhipri to take cow dung from their shelter every morning. If Baba allowed you then so will we. Tejasvi tells Gopika Tai to be careful. She might even take your husband one day. Jhipri is stunned. Kaleshwar asks her what nonsense she is saying. Gopika asks Tejasvi why she is badmouthing her. Tejasvi says how can we trust someone whose husband has abandoned her. am I wrong, Jhipri? Has your husband not thrown you out of the house? You can tell the truth if I am wrong. She tells al those gathered around that she is telling the truth. She turns to Jhipri. It is true that you couldn’t manage your family so your husband and MIL abandoned you. You have come here seeking abode now. She asks villagers if in-laws will throw out their DIL without a valid reason.

Strong wind starts blowing. Sai looks at a plant. Baizama is concerned about the plant. It might get uprooted because of the strong wind. Why don’t you give it a support to stay strong?

Latika tells Tejasvi she is wrong. My Aayi isn’t like that. Tejasvi says Jhipri is using her daughter and letting her accompany her to showcase a good image. I too have a son but I don’t use him as a shield like Jhipri. Gopika asks Tejasvi what she wants to say. Tejasvi shares that Jhipri has been using her husband since she has returned. He has spent a lot of money in fixing her mother’s house again. Jhipri calls it a lie. Other people helped too. Tejasvi relates what had happened at the previous Gaushala. Kaleshwar says we know her since childhood. We should help her if she is actually in trouble. Tejasvi says this is what I was afraid of. Jhipri is luring all the men in her sweet words. Did you see for yourself, Gopika Tai? She knows she wont be able to do anything on her own.

Sai says this plant may be having a hard time right now but it is a strong enough to hold its ground. We can give it a support now but it will cause a problem later on. It will become a strong and healthy tree later on if it will learn to fight right now. Storm will break it if it wont learn to fight now. Baizama asks Sai why He is so emotional suddenly. Sai says I am thinking about gold. It is precious yet it must burn to prove its worth.

Kaki asks Sakku Tai why she let Latika go with Jhipri if she loves her so much. Sakku Tai says Jhipri has filled her ears against us. I tried my best to save her but she misbehaved with me and came with her mother forcibly. We are doomed because of her but thankfully we got rid of her. You all appear to be nice so I would like to give an advice. Please don’t blame us if Jhipri’s company spoils others too. That’s how she is after all. She had started instigating the married women of our village. People used to complain to us about Jhipri. Hope things don’t turn out to be same here now that Jhipri has come to Shirdi. It was my duty to alert all of you. You all are smart enough. She turns to Shashikant. Let’s go back now. They leave. Neighbors start gossiping. Sakku Tai thinks I wont let you (Jhipri) win so easily. You will come back to me on your knees when all doors will close for you.

Precap: Neighbors refuse to let Jhipri stay here. Sai is on His way. Jhipri refuses to leave her mother’s house. I will see who can throw me out of here! A man decides to teach her a lesson and advances towards her. He is holding a stick in his hand. Jhipri covers her face.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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