Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 24th December 2019 Written Episode Update: Sai’s Advice For Susheela

Mere Sai 24th December 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Susheela hangs herself. Sai notices it in water well and breaks rope via his magic. Susheela falls down. She sees snake and requests him to bite her. Sai via his magic orders nake to go away. Snake crawls away. Susheela confronts god to stop playing with her life. Sai picks Susheela god idol and smiles. On the other side, Mahadev falls asleep while cooking food for Giridhar and burns his hand. Girdhar walks to him and asks if he is burnt, to take care of him. Mahadev is appalled to see that.

Sai returns to Dwarkamayi. Susheela follows next and asks why god is punishing her so much. Sai asks her to get inside first. Baizamaa consoles Susheela while Sai offers her water. He tells Susheela that trying to end life is an insult to god. Susheela says when god is not helping he, what can

she do. Sai says god tests human. Susheela says when her husband confines and punishes her, what can she do, and when Sai told she tried to stand up for herself, but her husband didn’t bother at all; her beauty is a big curse for her, because of which her husband is being insulted and she being punished by her husband. Sai says her husband has mental issue and instead of venting out anger on the person he vents out anger on Susheela; it is her husband’s mistake, life should be enjoyed and not run away. He suggests her to inform her husband to respect her like a wife and ward off bitterness between them; she has to win the anger battle with love. Susheela says her husband is very dangerous and she cannot withstand him. Sai says when a storm comes, it wipes off even a biggest tree but cannot harm a tiny grass; it is up to her how she gets rid off fear from her mind; till she was afraid, she used to draw veil on her face and when she is fearless, she is without veil now. Susheela asks what if her husband hits her. Sai asks her to do what he says ad explains. She nods head.

Mahadev prepares herbal concoction for Giridhar and insists him to have it, Giridhar resists and runs. Mahadev runs behind him saying a person becomes kid in old age.

Sai asks Susheela to get him curd. Baiza maa asks from where will Susheela get curd. Sai asks Susheela to check curd ports as some curd must be left. She finds a curd pot and gets emotional. Baiza maa feeds him curd.

Precap: Mahadev runs behind Giridar to Dwarkamayi and imagines Baizamaa and Sai as Yashoda and Bal Krishna.

Update Credit to: MA

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