Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 24th June 2021 Written Episode Update: Sugandha’s father realizes his mistake

Mere Sai 24th June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sai comes to a house for alms. He blesses the lady who comes out to give Him rice and looks towards the house worriedly. Is your son Shyam home? She denies. He must be coming anytime. Sai says he must play once he returns from school. She nods. He plays in the room where we keep some old stuff. Sai tells her to make sure he wont play in that room today. She asks Sai if there is a specific reason behind his request. Sai replies that everything happens for a reason only. Please do as I say. She nods. Sai leaves.

Shyam comes home from school. He asks his Aayi to give him food. I am hungry and want to play afterwards. She agrees. Play in the courtyard today. Shyam asks her why. She says I don’t know the reason but he always wants the best for us. Shyam wonders why Sai Baba does not want him to go in

the room.

Sai closes His eyes.

Shyam is playing outside with his friends but he is still curious to know why Sai Baba said no. I will go and check in the room. He checks on his mother. Noticing her sleeping peacefully, he goes to the store room. He does not find anything unusual. Why would have Sai said no? Aayi must have made that up. He notices his favourite toy in a corner and starts walking towards it. A snake advances towards him. Shyam does not notice the snake. The snake is about to bite him when a guy walks in telling Shyam to stop. Shyam becomes afraid. It is a snake charmer who scolds Shyam for not paying heed to what Sai had said. Shyam stands next to the door. He panics when he notices the snake under the table. The snake charmer catches the snake. Shyam runs to wake his mother. There is a snake in my room! They go to check and are scared to see the snake charmer holding the snake. The snake charmer walks towards a wall while holding the snake and suddenly disappears. Shyam and his mother look at each other in shock. They open the window and see Sai. They gape at in shock and then fold hands in reverence.

Shyam’s mother tells Sai she has understood the reason behind His request now. You wanted to save him from the snake and came there to save him yourself when he dint listen to you. Sai says I was simply following Ram ji’s order. He tells Shyam that there is always a reason behind our elders telling us something. We must accept it as it is even if we do not understand the reason always. Shyam nods. Sai blesses them.

Sugandha and her family is in Dwarkamai. Sai tells her not to cry. You are safe now. I assure you that you wont be locked in that room ever again. Sugandha says I don’t want to go back there. I will become a burden on my family if I don’t go back though. Is this my life? Don’t I have a right to lead a respectful life? Am I not important? Her brother says it is but your husband and his family are selfish people. They hurt you instead of taking care of you. I wont spare them! I will teach them a lesson right away. Govardhan stops Ganesh. Don’t lose your calm. Think it through. Ganesh says I have come to my senses. We always fulfilled their wishes yet they hurt my sister. I don’t have a right to be called her brother if I will bear the way they tortured my sister! Sai tells him against it. You need to clean the mess when it appears. Arguments and fights can never help anyone. We have to fix things. Govardhan asks Sai if things can still be amended without giving them money. I never said no to them till now just to make sure Sugandha is not harmed. I said no to them for the first time and see what they have done! My daughter lost her home.

Sai asks him till when will he fulfil their wishes. Have you seen a drunkard? Govardhan nods. How is that related to this? Sai reasons that no one is born a drunkard. Someone takes people out for a drink and if that person likes the taste then he will continue drinking it on a daily basis. He becomes habitual to it and he loses his cool if he cannot get alcohol. He becomes a menace to others sometimes. Govardhan is still confused. How is that related to this? Sai adds logs in dhuni and asks everyone if it isn’t burning too strongly now. Ganesh’s wife says it is bound to happen as you added more logs. Sai says that’s what I am trying to explain to you. Wishes increase when people get more than what they had expected! Greed is an addiction like alcohol too. It does not go away easily. Instead, it keeps on increasing. If you are capable of fulfilling someone’s wishes and are doing so then those wishes will end up increasing. He thinks that there cannot be an easier way than this to gain something. Greed exceeds with the fulfilment of every wish. He slowly begins to think that he rightfully deserves to get everything that he wishes for. Sugandha’s in-laws are also addicted to greed. You are responsible for it by fulfilling their wishes every time. They became so used to it that they couldn’t take your no positively. Spending money to give luxuries to your daughter is understandable but giving money to her in-laws to keep your daughter happy is no less than giving bribe. Dint you trust her enough that you ended up fulfilling their wishes one after another? They gave importance to money over your daughter. You kept reassuring them that you can go to great lengths to keep Sugandha and her in-laws happy under any circumstances since the alliance got fixed. Their focus shifted on your money instead of Sugandha at that moment itself. If you hadn’t done that then any family who would have come to see Sugandha would have accepted her for who she is. They would have said in the beginning itself otherwise if they were greedy too. You wouldn’t have to see this day then. Govardhan cries. I have understood my mistake but my daughter shouldn’t be punished for it. What will be her future now? Sai tells him to have faith on Ram ji. He never leaves an innocent alone. He will surely help. Have Shraddha and Saburi. Sugandha’s in-laws will also realise their mistake just like you did today. Take her home for now. She has been through a lot. She needs your love and support right now.

Sugandha’s husband tells his parents that Sugandha is not inside. His mother shares that she wasn’t outside either. I don’t understand where or how she could go? Her son says she must have gone home. She wonders how she would have gone there. She had no money. Her son points out that Bapusaheb must have taken her there. Her husband is worried that they would have found out everything then. Sugandha’s MIL says there is nothing to worry. It is the duty of her parents to give in to our demands. They wont be able to accept her anyways and will succumb to our demands. Go to their home. Don’t be nice to them. Instead, voice your demand once again with determination. Bring Sugandha back only if they are ready to pay or tell them to keep her with them only. We will get you married again.

Precap: Sugandha’s husband greets Sai. Sai says I need to talk to you. He tells Sai that he is in a rush. Sai advises him to visit Khandoba temple before going to Sugandha’s home. Sugandha’s husband goes to temple. A guy asks him to give him something in alms that actually belongs to him. Sugandha’s husband checks his pocket and is shocked.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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