Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 24th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Sai cooks dinner for Subhan

Mere Sai 24th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Keshav says we all know you wont do anything to save Sai. Sarkar says you couldn’t understand me. Keshav calls it impossible but Sarkar reminds him he is his father. You wont understand. I would have been pleased if that Fakir had died because of a disease. If that dacoit kills that Fakir because of your foolishness then I will be in problem. What will the Government think when someone will come to my town and kill someone under my leadership? People like Nanasaheb will make mountain out of a mole. They are at a better position. Truth be told, I only care about my status. I cannot let that Fakir die from the hands of Subhan. He will die for sure if you guys will make a plan! Keshav says till now you haven’t shared how you will save Sai. We wont stand as mere spectators in this situation. Sarkar says

it is police who will take action now. They will reach here soon. Bheema reasons that they cannot wait anymore. We must save Sai. Sarkar says you all have been so impatient to save your Sai. You call Him God and how He teaches one not to be violent. If you really trust Him and His words then you shouldn’t take weapons in your end. If that isn’t so then a part of your heart considers him to be an ordinary human being. Everyone drops the sticks. Tatya says no one knows the truth about Sai than us. You are right. Sai would not want us to become violent for Him. We will wait for police. Sarkar says Hari Om and smiles evilly. I know that I will be able to fool them. I came back at the right time. I guess even God wants that Fakir’s story to end now! Tomorrow will be the last day of your life, Fakir. Neither police nor these people will help you get freedom. I will do it for you through Subhan!

Subhan has kept water for Sai in a glass. Sai screams in pain as he reaches out for the glass. He drinks water somehow. The kid says his hand seems to be wounded badly. The wound is deep. It wont heal quickly in this age. Subhan looks at Sai.

Subhan is hungry. He paces around the room. Sai watches him check every container. He finds few raw ingredients but then sits down. The kid asks Subhan if he is hungry. Subhan throws a glass angrily. The kid says don’t make so much noise at night. What if Fakir’s devotees attack you? Are you hungry? Subhan says there is nothing at home to eat. The kid says there are some raw ingredients. Subhan says I cannot eat them just like that. The kid advises him to think of how Shanti cooks. You must have noticed something. Just give it a try. Subhan says it gets burnt every time. I don’t want to try. Sai asks him if He can help. Subhan tells him not to mess with him. I get angry when I am hungry. Sai says you will be able to run only when you will have food. How will you get strength otherwise? Can I make something for you? The kid convinces Subhan this time. Subhan gives in. Sai says you need to open my hands for that. Subhan opens the ropes. Sai is in pain. Subhan asks Him how He will cook if it is paining so much. Sai replies that one should not let their pain become so big that you cannot feel someone else’s pain. Subhan tells Sai to hurry up. I am hungry.

Sai is in pain but he continues preparing the roti. He requests Ram ji to help Him. Someone is hungry. Subhan and the kid look on as Sai makes the roti. Subhan breaks an onion and eats it with the roti. He starts coughing. Sai thumps on his back. This is what happens when someone is running all the time. You dint even eat slowly. One can eat their hard earned roti with peace. Try to enjoy it a little. Subhan calms down and looks at Sai. Sai makes another roti for Subhan. The kid tells Subhan they did so wrong with Him yet He is helping us forgetting his pain. Why? Subhan tells Sai to eat the second roti. Sai denies. Subhan says you haven’t eaten anything since morning either. Sai says I will eat the day you will change your path. Subhan says you will die of hungry then and takes the roti. Sai says Allah Maalik with a smile. Subhan and the kid look at Sai in surprise.

Rambha requests her in-laws to eat something but they shake their head. she cries. No one has eaten anything. Tatya is worried for Sai. Srikanth and Chandu assures him that police will be here soon. Tatya says I neither trust Sarkar nor his words. We all know what he wants. We cannot put Sai’s life at risk because of him. He apologizes to Keshav who seconds him instead. Even I don’t trust father as he is selfish. He stopped us somehow but I wont stop now. We must do something to save Sai. Keshav says we must do something to save Sai. He tells a plan. Most of us should pretend to leave from here and hide at a distance. We will nab Subhan the moment he tries to leave with Sai. We can attack him from behind and save Sai. Everyone agrees.

Subhan says now the villagers will do everything to save you. They will give into my all demands. Sai asks him what if things don’t work out as per his choice. What will you do? Subhan says I will go to a new town. I will take my family with me. Sai says the same cycle will continue and eventually you will be on the run again. Don’t you get tired of running all the time? Subhan retorts that he wont get tired till the time his family is with him. Sai asks him if his family is indeed with him. Were they happy with your actions? Did you wife welcome you happily when you used to return home from a loot? Were your kids proud of your actions? He thinks of Shanti and Devki’s reactions and gets thoughtful. Sai says if the answer is no then it means that you have snatched their happiness with every loot. You have killed your wife’s dreams and expectations after every kill. Your kids got nothing except insult in return! Subhan tells him to stop. You have said enough. I told you I wont bear any such thing again. You will be punished for it! He ties Sai again. Sai requests Ram ji to forgive Subhan. Subhan tells him to sit here quietly.

Precap: The kid and Subhan look at Sai. The kid wonders if he is dead. Subhan raises his axe to end Sai’s chapter but then steps back in shock. The axe falls from his hands.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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