Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 25th August 2022 Written Episode Update: Suraj surrenders to police

Mere Sai 25th August 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Tatya and others step forward and say you can’t touch Sai, you can’t arrest him and these people are with Suraj, I had seen them outside his house. Tatya says this is all Suraj’s plot and we won’t spare him. Inspector says we have proof against Sai, so he has to be sent behind bars. Worker say this is plot against Sai, we won’t let this happen. Sai says whoever wants to choose violence can leave and have nothing to do with me, I am trying to bring in nonviolence and look what you people are doing. Sai walks to inspector and says these two men could be with Suraj but now they are with me, so can I talk to them once.
Inspector says okay.

Sai walks to two men and says you are Tukaram and Mahesh right, they say yes Baba. Sai says even Suraj calls me Baba and so ot

doesn’t matter because of whom you brought these weapons and you are like my children and so I accept your responsibility, and I am ready to accept that you are here because I asked you to create violence in mill. Tatya says but Sai. Sai stops Tatya. Sai says to inspector we all are culprit including their wives. Mahesh says why our wives, Mahesh and Tukaram’s wives join the rally. Sai says these two were participating to save your jobs but look what you didm Tukaram and Mahesh apologise and tell inspector that they were lying because of Balvant, he paid us to do this and Suraj is also innocent and reveals Balvant’s plan. Workers demand arrest of Balvant and Kulkarni for plotting things.
Inspector says I can’t trust these two men because they are continuously lying, first they blamed Sai then Suraj and now Balvant and Kulkarni. Malchapati says but now we know Sai is innocent. Inspector says I have to because he was part of yesterday riot in Kulkarni wada. Patil says this is injustice, we all know Sai stopped yesterday’s riot. Sai says let me tell you what happened yesterday.

Suraj walks to them and says Sai stop today I will speak and says I am here to surrender, I know you will take either me or Sai, and I won’t let Sai be arrested, it was me who attacked Kulkarni Wada, and it was Sai who stopped me or else we would be at Kulkarni’s funeral so arrest me. Sai says Suraj, you will be released soon but don’t take wrong step. Suraj says Sai I respect you so I don’t want to lie to you and leaves. People start cheering for Suraj as he surrendered.

In middle of Jungle Suraj smiles and says before sunset you will release me and whistles. Suraj’s men jump in and attack police. Suraj threatens police and says you will loose your job like we did because we will beat you until you go handicapped.
Inspector release Suraj. Suraj’s men tie police to tree and says you all also feel how snatching away freedom is and let me tell you know one usually takes this road so God help you. Inspector stops Suraj, Suraj says I wanted to hit you and slaps him and says this is not because you hit me but because you dragged Sai in between, Suraj says to Mahesh and Tukaram to go tell Kulkarni and Balvant what happened and they won’t live longer now.

A cart passing by, police shouts for help. Men with covered face in the cart, police ask for help. They get down and start hitting police, and reveal that they are with Suraj and says Suraj wants us to whack you all hard and return all the pain you gave him. Inspector faints, Suraj’s men leave.

Kulkarni and Balvant in police station with inspector. Kulkarni says Suraj surrendered and then took revenge as well and now what reputation you have here, its such a big insult, you all should commit suicide. Inspector says we don’t have the force or else I would teach him a lesson and rot him in prison. Balvant says that will make him more strong, already there are anti British movements in India and heres letter from collector, I explained them situation and they have given shot at sight order against Suraj.

Kulkarni praises Balvant for his move, I didn’t think Suraj would rebel and with so much strength. Balvant says dangerous is my thinking, I knew Suraj would do something like this and so I had asked my men to keep an eye on Suraj and the moment Suraj left my men hit police, so that we can get this order against Suraj. Kulkarni says can we kill him. Balvant says not legally but as self protection we can kill him and now soon Suraj will be dead.

Pre cap: Suraj stops everyone from entering mill.
Sai tells others Suraj has to see someone as example and that person should be someone who can influence him deeply.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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