Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 2nd June 2021 Written Episode Update: Bala admits his mistake

Mere Sai 2nd June 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sai advised Lakshmikant to use his heart to look at things sometimes. He asks Vidya if she too can think that Rama can steal. Lakshmikant says like Vidya, even I cannot believe my eyes. I want this to be proven wrong anyhow. It is a thing to wonder how the jewellery ended up in Rama’s bag as no outsider came over. He asks Rama to tell him one incident / thing which can prove her innocence. Even I want to believe that you are innocent. Rama looks at Sai who tells her that this question was asked by her. you should answer it or don’t you have anything to say in your defence? Bala thinks that his parents think too highly of her and trust her. It will be a problem if she will say that she saw me with this potli. Rama starts thinking. Sai tells her to think carefully. He keeps His hand on her head. Rama closes

her eyes. She recalls seeing Bala holding that potli when she had gone to Vidya’s room to take saffron. She opens her eyes and looks at Bala in shock. He gets tensed. Vidya asks Rama if she remembers anything. Did you take them out to clean and forget to keep them back in the cupboard? Did you see someone else keeping them? I still feel that you cannot do this. Lakshmikant seconds her. Please speak up, Rama. They all follow Rama’s gaze and look at Bala. He tries to avoid them but Lakshmikant points out that he was the one who blamed Rama. Did you do this? Bala denies. Lakshmikant pulls his ear. Tell us the truth. You don’t like her and have been troubling her since she came here. Did you keep them in her bag? Tell me now if it is true or you will see the worst of me if I find out later. I will throw you out of the house for forever! Rama tells him not to say so. Bala and I fight but he is like a brother to me. How can a brother do this to his sister?

Rama requests Lakshmikant not to speak about throwing Bala out of the house ever again. Only I know how much it pains to be away from their parents. I would not want to give this pain to anyone even in my dreams. I am being honest when I say that I don’t know how they ended in my bag. It is also true that I dint steal them. I have shared my side of the story. You can decide now. I will accept your decision. Sai asks Lakshmikant to share his decision. Lakshmikant says forive me but the proof is in front of all of us. Rama took them with her in her bag. She has no answer to how they came in her bag hence, Rama cannot stay here anymore. Rama cries. Sai tells Lakshmikant that Ram ji pardons the first mistake but the same mistake that’s repeated again is unpardonable. It is on you now. Ram ji Bhala Karein! Bala avoids looking Him in the eye. Sai leaves with Rama and Keshav. Vidya falls with a thud. Lakshmikant and his kids are shocked to see her thus.

Sai is putting Rama to sleep. Keshav, Rihana and Rambha are there as well.

Vidya has high fever. She keeps taking Rama’s name in her unconscious state. Bhagirathi and Lakshmikant are looking after her. Bala peeks from outside and feels bad.

Rihana tells Sai that He stopped her from taking Rama the other by telling her that it is Rama’s house. You can see the consequence of sending her to a house which had rejected her once in the past. They threw her out of the house by blaming her falsely. Sai says the motive to send her there was to make them aware of her importance. That family needs their daughter. That family is incomplete. It will become whole when she will join them but! Rambha asks Sai till when must Rama bear this pain. You can do anything. Can you not clear her name? Sai says nothing can happen before time. It happens sooner or later. A culprit might escape the punishment at the moment but his conscience will never stop him making feel guilty about it. Ram ji has set a small courtroom inside everyone’s heart. It does justice one day for sure. Rama too has done her bit which is why she is sleeping peacefully while the one who did wrong cannot sleep peacefully even after achieving what he wanted.

Bala is unable to sleep. He keeps thinking about Rama and how mean he has been to her since day 1 yet she saved him today. He sits up with a start. I troubled her every day since she came here. She never complained. She kept quiet even when she was blamed falsely. She saw me the jewellery yet she kept quiet. She could have told the truth to stay here. She even called me her brother but I still kept quiet. Aayi fell ill again as soon as she left. I am a very bad person. I don’t want to be a bad person anymore. What should I do? He hears a voice (Sai) telling him to tell the truth. You may encounter some hurdles in the beginning but you will find happiness one day. Bala looks around but does not see anyone.

Vidya is in tears. I still cannot believe that Rama stole the jewellery. Bala walks in just then.

Next morning, Sai asks Rama to come with Him to collect alms but she politely refuses. He asks her why. Rama replies that she kept wondering why someone would have abandoned her since Ajji told me the truth. I used to feel bad thinking that my family would be pained at the idea of losing me. I used to wonder if they will still be looking for me and how their pain will be greater than mine. I have met almost everyone here but I have realised that no one here is looking for their daughter from 10 years ago. I think my family has left Shirdi or they have forgotten me. I don’t want to find anyone now. Why should I when no one came to look for me? Those, with whom I had no relation, loved me and accepted me! First it was Ajji and now it’s all of you. I have decided that Dwarkamai is my house / family. I will stay with this family instead of trying to be a part of some other family now. Sai says life is about trying constantly. Failing once does not mean that you wont try again. This family loves me and accepts me as their own. Rihana seconds her but Sai disagrees. Not succeeding once does not mean that we should give up. Do you remember what I had told you? Rama nods. You said that you will bring me back if I lose. Sai says you haven’t lost yet. This was your first attempt. Life is all about trying. Isn’t it? She nods and gets up. Lakshmikant calls out to them. Everyone looks up. The entire family is in tears. Rihana asks them why they are here. Is there anything left to say?

Lakshmikant says I regret my actions. He apologizes to Rama for not believing her and for blaming her falsely. My son was the real culprit. He has admitted his mistake. I made a very big mistake.

Precap: Lakshmikant and is family reach home. Vidya asks Lakshmikant if Sai made a mistake. Sai denies. They are surprised to see Sai there. Sai takes out Rama’s locket from His bag. Lakshmikant, Vidya and Rama are shocked to see it. Lakshmikant asks Sai how He got it.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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