Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 3rd August 2021 Written Episode Update: Kakasaheb experiences Sai’s warmth

Mere Sai 3rd August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kakasaheb Dixit walks up the stairs and hugs Sai. Sai asks him to have a seat. Kakasaheb obliges. I have come to you with a hope. I have heard that everything is possible for you. Please help me. Pease help me get rid of this pain. I am feeling suffocated. It has made me handicapped. Sai says you have become handicapped mentally too. Physical pain can be cured but what about the pain inside your heart? Kakasaheb is confused. I dint understand. Sai reasons that a lot many people go through this. Disabled people stop introspecting. He forgets his capabilities and looks at the world. He keeps wondering what the world must be thinking about him. You will think of negative things when there is negativity inside you. That’s why such people accept defeat easily. They assume that they are weaker than the

rest so they wont be able to compete with others in any way. Thus, they lose self confidence and thinks that they aren’t worthy of this life. That feeling hurts them more than the amount of pain a physical injury can cause. Sometimes people take it as a challenge too. They decide to show the world that they are capable of doing what a normal person can never do. You too have done something similar too, right? Kakasaheb Dixit nods.

Sai says you attained great success on your own. You worked hard and joined Bhartiya Rashtriya Congress. You also help people in need. You become the voice of repressed and help them gain opportunities in all spheres of life. You have gained immense respect because of all that you have done. You are a well respected citizen. You dint work this hard even before you were hurt. Am I right? Kakasaheb nods. My heart has pained me more than this physical pain. I thought this disability will be treated here but I think my body is fine as it is. Body is just a physical part. I need to clear the disability of my soul now. I want to go closer to God. Sai says Allah Maalik. He looks at Kakasaheb’s leg. Kakasaheb feels movement in his feet and touches it. He is able to flex it. My pain has reduced suddenly. Everyone smiles. Mhalsapati ji says it was bound to happen. Those who are blessed by Sai are bound to feel relieved. Kakasaheb thinks Aatya wasn’t able to understand Sai. I am sure you will experience a similar feeling once you will meet Him. You too will make Him your Guru then.

Sai asks Kakasaheb to come for evening pravachan. Kakasaheb agrees. Where will I stay? Madhav offers him to stay with him but Mhalsapati ji requests him to let Kakasaheb stay with him. I will have company too. Bheeva brings his sister and BIL to Dwarkamai. They need your help, Sai. Bheeva’s BIL shares his pain with Sai and requests for help. Sai says I will be glad to help you but please come tomorrow. I will be able to help you then. Bheeva’s BIL wonders why Sai is asking them to come tomorrow. I have heard that He gives money immediately. Why is He asking me to wait then? Sai asks them where they are staying. Bheeva shares that they will stay at the Sarai where people who come to meet Sai stay. Kakasaheb decides to stay there as well. He politely apologizes to Mhalsapati ji. Mhalsapati ji reasons that that place is very crowded. You will be uncomfortable. Madhav seconds him. There is no bedding there to sleep too. People bring their stuff along. Kakasaheb says I would like to stay there just like all the other devotees of Sai. Sai smiles.

Kakasaheb is setting his bed when a person requests him to sleep in another corner. This is my family and I want to sleep with them. Kakasaheb agrees. He lies down in the corner but has nothing to cover himself with. He notices ants in the corner. Should I let them bite me or should I close that point? It is their home though. He goes outside. It is cold though.

Sai holds a blanket in His hand. He closes His eyes and the blanket covers Kakasaheb. He falls asleep within seconds. Sai is patting at His knee.

Next morning, Kakasaheb comes to Dwarkamai with the blanket. He greets Sai and sits in front of Him. Sai asks him if he slept properly. Kakasaheb nods. I experienced something strange last night. He tells Sai what happened last night. I was covered with this blanket in the morning. This saved me from cold. I couldn’t even thank my well-wisher. Sai smiles. If you will look after the ants then someone will look after you as well. Kakasaheb nods. He realises what Sai said and is shocked. How do you know about the ants? It means it was you? Everyone looks at Sai with a smile. Kakasaheb says I don’t worry about anything as you are taking great care of me. Santa and Banta look at Kakasaheb curiously. Banta recognizes him. Sarkar had approached Kakasaheb Dixit sometime back but he dint help Sarkar. Santa nods. He is a very big lawyer. What is he doing here? Banta says let’s find out. Sarkar will give us prize after hearing the news in evening.

Bheeva, his sister and BIL greet Sai. Sai blesses them but asks them to come tomorrow. I forgot to do your work. Bheeva looks at them. Don’t say no to Sai’s order. It is for our good always. He takes Sai’s leave.

Kakasaheb watches Sai. I must go home now. I don’t feel like leaving you but I have to be present in court for a case. I dint even inform my family before coming to Shirdi. They will be worried. Sai agrees. Come back once your work is done. Kakasaheb asks for His blessings. I promise to fulfil my promise to you. Santa and Banta look on. Sai blesses Kakasaheb.

Precap: Suryakant asks Sai to help them today. Sai asks him to come some other time. Suryakant refuses to wait any longer. We have been coming here every day without fail but you refuse to help us. We wont let you insult us like this anymore. We are leaving now!

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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