Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 4th February 2019 Written Episode Update: Sai Sings Lullaby

Mere Sai 4th February 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sai tells Krishnakumar that he is not getting sleep due his worry for his wealth. Krishnakumar says his wealth is safe because he is holding it, what is the connection between his wealth and sleep. Sai says there is a connection and takes him to lawn. At Madhav’s house, Udhav asks Bhaama if British government will throw them out of their house. Bhama says no and asks Madhav how will they run house without money. Madhav says he has sought job from Appa Patil to work in his fields, he will manage. At Dwarkamayi, Sai gives sand to Krishnakumar and asks to hold it tightly. Krishnakumar angrily holds sand thinking how will Sai treat his insomnia with this. Sad slips away from his hand leaving only a few grains. Sai says whatever he lost is wealth which was not in his fate and what is left is

wealth which is in his fate, he should realize this fact and fall asleep. Krishnakumar tries to sleep fuming, but cannot. Sai asks how he used to sleep in childhood. Krishnakumar says his mother used to sing lullaby and makes him sleep. Sai sings lullaby taking Krishnakumar’s wealth bag. Krishnakumar imagines Sai making him sleep on his lap under a tree. Sai’s all disciples fall asleep hearing lullaby in his magical voice.

Madhav goes to work in Appa’s fields. He tells labor that he will pull plough and labor cab push from behind. Labor says he is a teacher and cannot handle hard work, so he should push plough from behind. Madhav says he teaches children to do their work themselves, he will pull plough. He pulls plough trying very hard. In the evening, labor tells he worked 2 shifts at Appa’s fields, 1 each at 3 different places, he does not know howmuch money he has to get. Madhav says it is very easy and teaches him addition. Appa sees that and thinks Madhav is helping others even in his hard time, he is such a nice human being.

Krishnakumar wakes up in the morning late and sees Sai already ready to go out, asks why did not he wake him up. Sai says Krishnakumar slept after such a long time, so he did disturb him. Krishnakumar says as per Sai’s advice, he left greed for his wealth and could get peaceful sleep. He continues that his friend used to ask why he is not getting sleep even after being so wealthy, they don’t know how hard he had to work to become reach, sacrificing his childhood, so he is afraid of losing his wealth and could not get sleep.

Precap: Sai asks Krishnakumar to give charity to a needy person who does not ask due to self-respect. Krishnakumar asks who can be that person. Sai asks to try himself.

Update Credit to: MA

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