Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 5th January 2022 Written Episode Update: Sai helps Ramakant

Mere Sai 5th January 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Sai reaches school. He overhears Supaan saying that he only wants his younger son’s to get admitted in school. I have thought of something better for Gayatri. sai asks him what it is. Supaan says it is something that’s good and right for her. She will be happy too that’s why I have called her here. It isn’t that she wasn’t happy with her Ajji but I want to give her more happiness now. Sai says it is good to hear that he is focusing on Gayatri’s happiness. You should ask her once what she wants. I just met her. She is very talented. She wants to study so you should let her. Let her spread her wings. Supaan reasons that he is the sole earner of the family of 6. How will I pay for her fees? Think about it. Sai tells him to leave it on Ram ji. Get her admitted like your son, Moru. Supaan

says nothing will be left if I invest everything here. Moru is a boy. This is required for him but Gayatri is going to marry eventually. What good will this do to her? I know you have saved my house. I respect you a lot but I only have to run the house. Let me handle this please. Sai nods. I would only say that as a father you should help Gayatri fly freely in the sky. Supaan tells Srikanth ji that Moru will come to school with Damu from tomorrow. He leaves. Sai tells Srikanth ji to meet Him in Dwarkamai once his work here is done. Srikanth ji tells Him to go ahead. I am free as of now. Sai tells him to come over later.

Gayatri tells her mother not to worry. I have met the kids of Shirdi and they have become my friends already. I will spend time with them when I will go to school from tomorrow. They really loved my poem. Uma asks her to tell a poem to her as well. Gayatri gets excited. What should be the topic? Uma points at the cupboard. Gayatri thinks for a few seconds and then shares her poem. Uma hugs her. it is beautiful. You really compose lovely poems. Ajji sends Gayatri to bring neem leaves to make kadha for her. Gayatri leaves.

Ajji asks Uma why she is praising Gayatri’s poem. She wont focus on household chores then. Uma reasons that this is an additional talent. It isn’t wrong. Ajji says I wouldn’t have any problem if she could do other things too but she is focused only on composing poems. We can handle her here as she is at her parents’ house. Will she be able to manage her family after marriage? I am doing all this so she gets the respect that she deserves her in-laws’ place. Uma says I will teach her everything. She has come back to me after so long. Let her spend few days with me. mothers don’t get to spend much time with their daughter after all. Uma agrees. They are paraya dhan after all. Forget about poems, education wont help her afterwards either. She goes. Uma thinks it is easy to say that daughters are paraya dhan. She is my first child. She called me Ma for the first time. Why would she be a paraya dhan to me? I would want to see her happy for as long as she is with me.

Ramakant’s partner is waiting for Ramakant. I will cancel my partnership with him if he wont come soon. Ramakant greets him just then. Mahaveer asks him why he is so late. Why are you in this condition? Ramakant breaks down. It’s over! Mahaveer asks him what has happened. Ramakant tells him everything (in mute). His bag was stolen while he was on his way to Khandoba temple. Mahaveer is shocked. You have ruined everything! You have wasted time and money. I had taken a loan on interest. You will have to pay it now or I will drag you to court. Ramakant apologizes to him. I have invested all my money and sold my land for it. How will I pay it back? Mahaveer says I told you to visit a temple but you insisted upon coming to Shirdi. Is this the blessing you were seeking? Ramakant rues that he never met Sai so he was never blessed. This wouldn’t have happened if I had waited a little longer for Him. The same person who had robbed Ramakant calls out to him. Ramakant recognizes him and takes the bag from him. Mahaveer checks it but it is filled with dirt. Ramakant asks the person to tell him where his money is. He agrees to accept whatever punishment he will give him. Ramakant demands for his money. The robber tells him that it turned into dirt. Ramakant calls it a lie but the robber insists. Your partner came there while I was on the run. Mahaveer asks him when he met him. Robber says I am speaking about the other partner.

Flashback shows Sai standing in the way of robber. This is someone else’s money and it will be nothing more than dirt. Robber aks shim to move aside. Who are you to lecture me? Sai replies that He is the partner of the person he has just looted. Robber isn’t bothered. Move out of my way. Sai asks him to open the bag once. Robber is shocked to see inside. It is filled with dirt. Flashback ends.

Robber says I was too shocked after I witnessed that Fakir’s magic. You should handle this yourself now! Mahaveer calls him a liar. We have no third partner. We should take him to police. Ramakant takes the bag from him and smiles. The dirt turns into money again. Robber and Mahaveer are stunned. We saw it with our own eyes. Ramakant says I recognized the Fakir he was referring to. Only one person in Shirdi is capable of this magic. He is our third partner – Sai!

Sai smiles in Dwarkamai. Ramakant, Mahaveer and the robber come there just then. The person apologizes to Sai. I was looking for work everywhere since past few days but I couldn’t find any work. I was starving and that drove me blind. Sai tells him that he understands his compulsion but you must understand that we have to make our own fate. Someone else’s gold will be nothing but dirt for you. He admits that he has come to realize it. I promise you that I will never do it again even if that means that I will die of hunger. Sai gives him khichdi. Eat as much as you want.

Sai tells Mahaveer it is good to be punctual but humanity is above it. You must understand the problems others face and you should sympathize with them. You wont be able to earn the dedication and respect of your employees if you will be rude and mean to them. They will accept you wholeheartedly if you will be good to them. Mahaveer accepts his mistake. I will take care of it. Ramakant shares that he has also learnt that we should think of someone as our Guru from our heart. We can always find them in our hearts and minds just like Tatya said. Sai returns him Rs. 2. Ramakant is hesitant to take it but Sai tells him to put it on His behalf. I am your partner too. Ramakant tells Mahaveer the mahurat of breaking coconut is over. Mahaveer says the right time is now as we are in Dwarkamai with Sai. He also offers job to the person who had stolen the bag. You have realized and rectified your first mistake already. Sai and Ramakant smile. The person thanks Mahaveer. I will never break your trust. Mahaveer nods. Sai breaks the coconut and blesses them. They take His leave.

Srikanth ji greets Sai. You had called me here. Tell me what it is. Sai picks up His bag and asks him to come with Him.

Precap: Gayatri tells Supaan her books are not here. Supaan says it isn’t needed for you. Gayatri insists that she wants to study. Supaan replies that he has thought of something for her. She runs outside upset. Sai tells Gayatri that writing poems on sand wont help. The poem in my mind is better than any other poem.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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