Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 6th August 2021 Written Episode Update

Mere Sai 6th August 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Keshav tells Sai Shravan is about to begin. I was thinking. Kakasaheb greets Sai just then. Sai says it is good that you are here. I was thinking of you only. He tells Tatya and Keshav to go home and rest. I have to speak to Kaka in private. Like I said, bring everyone with you in the morning. Keshav gapes at Sai but Tatya gestures him to come. Tatya and Keshav leave. Keshav feels bad that Sai asked them to leave the moment Kakasaheb came. He dint even listen to me. Tatya says you know Sai. There is a reason behind everything that He does.

Kakasaheb starts massaging Sai’s leg. Sai asks him what he is doing. Kakasaheb requests Him to give him a chance to take care of Him. Sai says it can be done when your heart is pure. You are restless today as you thought ill of someone today. You have been unhappy

since you came here. You are upset with someone, right? Kakasaheb nods. Sarkar did not do the right thing. I respect Aatya a lot. She has done a lot for me. I have agreed to everything that she said till date and never questioned her. Aatya and my wife wouldn’t have to stay at someone else’s house if Aatya had understood me today. I am very affected. Why cant she understand why I am with you? Sai asks him why he is with Him. Kakasaheb says I came to get my leg treated but now I want peace. I want moksha. Sai reasons that one must learn to control their 5 senses for that. Not to think ill of anyone, not even Sarkar, is a part of that ordeal. You could not understand Sharda Tai. She is doing what she thinks is best for you. She never wished ill for you. Kakasaheb says I know. Maybe it’s my fault that I cannot explain to her. Sai says everything happens at the right time as per Ram ji’s wish. We are His puppet. If we do what He has planned for us then we must not make an opinion about others. What’s the need for that? Kakasaheb says I have realized my mistake. I vow not to say or think ill of anyone from today onwards. I have found a new life and a new vision since I came to Shirdi. I found peace here. I want to do something for this village and you. I don’t understand what I should do. Sai replies that He cannot help him in this. This should be solely your decision. Think with a calm head. You will find the answer yourself.

Kakasaheb notices ants in a corner. Sai follows his gaze. Kakasaheb recalls his first night at the dharamshala. Kakasaheb tells Sai he has decided what he will do. I will make a huge compound here. I will keep a part of it for myself and the rest would be a rest / guest house for the guests visiting Shirdi. Everyone will be at ease then. Sai appreciates his thought. Kakasaheb says I will look for the land tomorrow. Sai tells him He has seen it already. Kakasaheb smiles. You are great, Sai. You try to find solution for the problems of your devotees beforehand. Sai says it is Maalik’s wish. Ram ji Bhala Karein!

Next morning, Gangaram is on his way to Dwarkamai. I got late. Sai asked me to come in the morning. Santa and Banta follow him.

Everyone has gathered in Dwarkamai. Keshav tells Sai everyone is here. Please tell us now why you have called us here. Gangaram greets Sai just then. Sai asks him to come. I was waiting for you only. Gangaram tells Sai he has made the papers just as He had advised. Tatya asks Sai if these papers are of that land only. Sai nods. It is time to tell everyone how that land will be utilized. He shares Kaka’s vision with everyone and they are pleased. Tatya says you said a special person will come to buy it. Keshav reasons that everyone can pool money and get it ready. Some of my acquaintances will be more than happy to help. Sai declines. Like I said, a special person will come and do that. That person is here. It is no other than Kakasaheb Dixit. All eyes turn to Kakasaheb. Sai says he will buy the land from Gangaram ji. Kakasaheb is overwhelmed.

Keshav asks Sai why an outsider has to made the rest house when they can do it themselves. Srikanth seconds him but Sai denies. Kaka must do it. Abdul asks Sai why Kakasaheb should do it alone. We can chip in. Baizama tells them to understand that there is a reason behind everything that He says. We must respect His decision if He is saying that Kakasaheb will make that rest house. Kakasaheb says I know you all want to help. Honestly, there is another reason behind making this rest house. I want to make it as even I want to be a part of Shirdi like all of you. I will make a small house in one corner for myself. This way I will be a part of you all. I will become a part of honest villagers like you. Keshav is sad. Kakasaheb requests Sai to do the bhoomi pujan. Sai nods.

Mhalsapati ji suggests doing bhoomi pujan tomorrow. Papers are ready and it is the first Monday of Shravan. Sai tells him to give that money to Kakasaheb in exchange of the land. Mhalsapati ji nods. Sai gives the papers to Kakasaheb. Everyone folds hands. Sai notices Keshav’s expressions.

Santa and Banta tell Sarkar everything. Sarkar remarks that Sai made his work easy.

Keshav walks in sadly. Sarkar asks him if Fakir dint listen to him. Keshav ignores him. Sarkar keeps taunting him. You have nothing to do. Go and sit in your room. You had one work – to follow that Fakir everywhere but seems like He does not need you anymore. He has trapped a rich guy like Kakasaheb after all. Why would He need fools like you? Fakir does not need you anymore. He has shown you His true face. You would have become Barrister today if you had stayed in London and completed your studies. Fakir might have given you some leverage but you are nothing today. He needed you guys to become famous. He used you to show everyone how a London return boy gave up everything to follow Him. You got a prize for being foolish. Understand it now. Fakir is only interested in rich people like Nanasaheb or Kakasaheb. He dint tell anyone the reason as to why He wanted the land. This was bound to happen. There is still time. change for good. Keshav tells him there is no need to explain things to him. I still trust Sai completely. Sarkar smiles. He is saying something but it isn’t what he is really feeling. Tell yourself first and then you can convince me. Keshav heads to his room. Rukmani has overheard everything.

Rukmani tells Keshav she does not know what Sai is thinking. I am sure it will be good for everyone though. I would advise you to have faith in Sai. Everything will turn out to be good only. He nods. She goes to bring food for him. Keshav wonders why Sai dint calm him when He knows the truth. Why don’t you quench my thirst beforehand?

Kakasaheb calls out to Aatya and Annapurna. Annapurna comes outside to meet him. He asks her if she is fine. She nods. How can I be happy while staying away from you? Aatya asks Kakasaheb if he realized his mistake. Kakasaheb says I am not wrong and I haven’t done anything wrong either. He tells her about his plan of making the guest house in Shirdi. She is surprised that he has started making decisions without asking her. Am I not important to you anymore? Kakasaheb says I respect you just as much as I used to but you don’t seem to understand me today. I will continue with my decision this time as I know that you will understand it in future that neither I nor my decision was wrong. I only want you to come to bhoomi pujan tomorrow with Annapurna. I have come to invite you. Aatya refuses to come. You are wasting your time and money here. Maybe you don’t remember that your son’s upnayan ritual is due in 10 days. You should make preps for that but you are busy with dharmshala here. Kakasaheb says I remember everything. I will start preps for upnayan after the bhoomi pujan. Please support me in this venture. I will be happy if you will come tomorrow. Aatya goes inside. Annapurna tells Kakasaheb she is with him in his every decision. He requests her to make sure she comes. Annapurna says only you can pacify her. Don’t take her harsh words to your hard. She means well for you. He nods. I will convince her once we head back after completing the puja here today. I am sure she will understand. He turns to go but then gives the land papers to Annapurna. I cannot keep them with me. Dharamshala is not a safe place. She assures him that she will bring them safely tomorrow. Sarkar has seen / heard everything from the balcony.

Precap: Sarkar asks Kakasaheb to show him the papers of the land. British Government has given the responsibility to me to look after such proceedings. Kakasaheb asks his wife to give the papers to Sarkar. Annapurna is unable to find the papers. Sarkar looks at Aatya with a sly smile.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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