Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 8th March 2021 Written Episode Update: Madhusudhan revisits his past

Mere Sai 8th March 2021 Written Episode, Written Update on

Villagers bring Madhusudhan and his mother to Dwarkamai. He is relieved to see Gautam and hugs his son. Padmini gets tensed. Madhusudhan asks Gautam if he is fine. How did you come here? Gautam shares that he was missing aayi. I left house to look for her. I would have been hurt if it wasn’t for Sai Baba. You have met him, right? He calls out to Sai. Padmini holds him.

Sai asks Madhusudhan if staying away from his son for a day caused him so much pain. Did you realize how a mother would be feeling when you separated her from her kid? Forget about Padmini. How could you become so selfish? You claim that you love your son a lot yet you snatched his happiness from him. Why do something because of which you cannot even raise your head? Why be afraid of getting caught when you aren’t ashamed to

do it? Look at these people. You have cheated them. These are your loved ones. They trusted you and accepted you whole-heartedly. Why did you do this to them? Villager says he must have turned greedy. Greedy people don’t have any friends or relatives. They cheat those who they call their own. Sai denies. It wasn’t greed but the need to take revenge. It just got out of his hand. Right, Madhusudhan? Madhusudhan looks at Sai in surprise. How do you know? Sai says that isn’t the question here. Question is, why did you try to take revenge from these people when they accepted you from their heart? Madhusudhan says everyone is selfish. What wrong did I do? I was thinking about myself only. Villagers were respecting me as I was helping them double the money. Govinda was supporting me as I was helping him hide his secret. I was supporting him. Everyone focuses on what’s best for them. No one belongs to anyone. It is sham! Sai says we cannot blame the entire world for the mistake that one person has made. Madhusudhan says I am not taking revenge from one person. Entire society is in focus here. I am only doing what the society has done. Srikanth asks him what he is saying. You belong to such a nice family. Your father was so nice and merciful. Madhusudhan says that dint help him at all.

Madhusudhan shares that his Baba could not see anyone in pain. He would distribute 80% of his earnings amongst the needy. Flashback shows Madhusudhan’s father hearing bad news. He sits down in shock. Little Madhusudhan asks him what happened. Madhusudhan shares that their factory caught fire one day. It was burnt down! We had to sell off our house to compensate for the loss. My father fell ill but no one helped us. My Baba was a good man. He used to help others and donate a lot. People simply looked away when he needed help. It is because he had become bankrupt. He had lost everything. That’s why I say that humanity does not exist. That day I decided to turn selfish too. Another flashback shows little Madhusudhan and his mother cry as Madhusudhan’s father breathed his last. Baba was in deep shock after what had happened and how the world had decided to turn their back to him. He experienced another heart attack. No one came to our help even then. He helped everyone yet no one came to even take him till the cemetery. That day I saw how good dies in this world. I vowed to take revenge from this society that day! Sai says revenge does nothing but burns you from inside. It hurts the one from whom you seek revenge too. Madhusudhan says those who did wrong to Baba weren’t wrong in return. Nothing went wrong with me either. Sai asks him why he wakes up with a start in the middle of the night. Anger makes one blind. It limits our strength to see and understand things clearly. It makes us lose our patience. It cannot make things better though. The same thing has happened to you. You could only turn mean to people. Your conscience noticed it though. How can we sleep peacefully when our conscience is shaken up? It is time to see that truth. You must see what you sowed and what you have reaped. Close your eyes.

Madhusudhan closes his eyes. He finds himself in a dark place. He notices a lady and her husband discussing how they will ever cover the loss that Omkareshwar has caused them. He will never be able to live with peace! Many such flashes are shown where Madhusudhan is able to see the consequence of the harm that he has caused to people. So many people have cursed him. Madhusudhan closes his ears and cries. He breaks down. Sai tells Madhusudhan to open his eyes. Madhusudhan is crying now. Sai says you made a mistake but you got so afraid when you saw how that turned out. You never get afraid of consequences. Which one of them had harmed you? Anyone who came in contact with you got hurt in the process. You couldn’t keep your lovely wife happy. You couldn’t even help find your beloved son a friend. You couldn’t understand how lonely he is. You became so occupied in destroying the lives of others that you dint realise when you actually ended up destroying your family. We reap what we sow!

Precap: Tejasvini has brought police. She tells police to arrest Madhusudhan. Keshav tells them against it. Tejasvini says Sai must have told you to be great again. He suggests her to ask anyone who he is present here. Tejasvini asks the villagers if any one of them are capable of telling the truth. Madhusudhan offers to tell the truth.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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