Categories: Mere Sai

Mere Sai 8th June 2023 Written Episode Update: Atmaram steals the Padukas

Mere Sai 8th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Kaddu puts a knife on Atmaram’s neck and robs him. His wife requests Kaddu to leave him, an they don’t have enough money. Kaddu robs him and tells him that he will be back to get his money from him.

All the villagers are sitting together and discussing that Atmaram is very rude shopkeeper and doesn’t know how treat his customer. Everyone agrees. Sai is also listening to the villagers. A lady asks Sai that why is he even helping Atmaram, he should be thrown out of this place.

Atmaram’s daughter tells her mother that Atmaram promised her to gift her a bicycle on her birthday. Atmaram’s wife is folding clothes. His daughter says that she will also go to vacation. Atmaram comes back him and his daughter hugs him. His wife orders Vidhi to play outside, so that, Atmaram

can have some rest. Vidhi agrees to her and leave the room. Atmaram comes inside and tells his wife how is he going keep up to the promises he made with Vidhi. His wife gets frustrated and says that he said that he will prove everyone wrong, but now they are only seeing their downfall. Atmaram says that he’s working hard. His wife says that Sai cheated with him, now only some miracle can help them.

Sai gets up from the gathering and takes a piece of cloth hanging in the tree. Sai takes it with him and proceeds to burn it. A lady asks Sai that why is he burning the cloth? Sai replies, it got dirty so that’s why he’s burning it. The lady replies that they wash it to make it clean again. Sai says why to waste time in washing the cloth, when there are a lot of new clothes in the world. She tells Sai that clothes get dirty whenever they are exposed outside, and they can clean it to wear again.

Sai tells everyone that Atmaram is also dirty with laziness, then why are we talking about kicking him out of the village. Everyone realises their mistake. Sai says that everyone is lacking in something, and if we starts treating everyone in the same manner, no one would survive, everyone can work on their flaws.

Atmaram says that Dhaniram is getting all the miracles, and there’s him. His wife suggests Atmaram to get the Padukas from Sai. Atmaram says that he will do everything on his own. His wife tells him that Kaddu will not let him to do it. So she suggests him to steal the Padukas from Sai, and thats the only way which can help them.

Sai asks Tatya to put the Padukas inside a bag and hang it on the wall. Tatya does the same and puts the Padukas on the wall.

Atmaram coves himself and goes to steal Padukas. Atmaram searches for the Padukas. Atmaram spots Sai and checks wether he’s awake or not. Atmaram confirms that he sleeping. Atmaram finds the Padukas and takes it out if the bag. Atmaram grabs it and proceeds to move outside. Sai gets up and asks Atmaram that what is he doing this late? Atmaram tells him that he was just passing by and thought of meeting him, but he was sleeping. Sai asks Atmaram that what’s inside the bag? Atmaram says, some personal stuff. Sai advises him to go to bed early, so that he can open the shop on time. Atmaram agrees with him and runs away. Sai gives him blessings.

Atmaram’s wife is waiting for him. Atmaram comes back with Padukas. His wife suggests that they should worship these as Dhaniram did. Atmaram and his wife starts worshipping the Padukas.
Sai smiles and takes out a piece of paper from a bag, and burns it. At the same moment a books falls inside Atmaram’s room. Atmaram opens the book and notices that the same thing is written in the book which Sai advised him. His wife says that it’s a miracle, and Dhaniram must have gone through the same. Atmaram decides to obey Sai’s advice.

Atmaram gets up early in the morning. Atmaram also wakes up his wife. She wakes up and Atmaram tells her to take a bath because they have to obey Padukas miracles.

Vidhi asks Atmaram they woke up early, now what? His wife also asks the same thing. Atmaram says that Padukas only told them to wake up early, and he’s feeling that something good is about happen. Vidhi goes outside to play with her friends. Atmaram’s wife also goes to wash clothes as she’s already up early. Atmaram also decides to go to the temple.

Sai is cleaning the ground. A police officer shows up and Sai takes him to the temple. Atmaram watches Sai talking to a police officer and gets scared. Atmaram thinks that Sai got to know that he stole the Padukas and is now filing complaint against him. Atmaram goes and apologises to Sai by touching his feet. Sai asks Atmaram what happened? The police officer leaves. Atmaram gets up and says that police officer left? Sai says, yes, he was his old friend and wanted to see the tree to sowed when he was a child. Atmaram realises that he wasn’t complaining against him. Sai asks Atmaram if he saw the Padukas? Atmaram replies that he didn’t steal anything. Sai says, he didn’t said that he stole it. Atmaram gets scared.

PreCap: Sai tells Atmaram that customers are like a god. Atmaram tells Sai not to teach him about business.
Sai asks a person to wait for his money.

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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