Fan Fiction


Hey guys …its me dolly back ….I am very happy with the comments and plz do keep supporting ….
So here is the story,
Swasan composes themselves ….
They feel awkward to face each other ….
Swara (embarressed) : I just became emotional ……I ……I ….am …sorry
Sanskar (embarressed ) : its ….its ….OK ……
Swara : I ….think ….we should …….leave now …….
Sanskar : hmmm ….ya ..
Both gets into car and drives off …

Laksh and dp comes ..
Laksh (angrily) : how can they fire sanskar …..who gave them the right …
Dp : Laksh …we can’t do anything as they have more powers than us ….we need to just digest it ….whatever the fact ..
Laksh (angrily) : but dad ….sanskar do like that ….he just can’t cheat …..I mean copy others ..
Dp : we know it Laksh ….but what can we do ….
Laksh (worried) : now what sanskar will do …..his account is also freezed …his house everything is gone …..where he will live and now Swara is his responsibility …
Dp : ya that’s what ..y don’t we tell him to take another branch of maheshwari industries ….
Laksh : that’s a good idea …..but will sanskar accept ….has he …..
Dp : that’s a doubt ….but we can’t be sure ….
Laksh : let’s leave that we will call sanskar and Swara here ….as their house will also get into the hands of them …
Dp : OK u call them ….
Laksh nods ….

@swasan mansion ….
Both gets out of the car …
They see some officers standing in the door step …
Sanskar : what happened ….
Officer : Mr sanskar maheshwari …we r taking this house as it belongs to malhotra industries ….u will have to sign …
Swasan were shocked .
Swara : but how can u do like this ……u have just fired him and nothing else …..u can’t take this house in the name of malhotra industries ….


Swasan turns …..its arjun …and manik
Swasan were shocked and were angry …..
Swara (fumes in angry) : u ……
Arjun : oh oh calm down ..officers are here …..u can’t do anything ….
Sanskar (angrily) : I never thought u can stoop so low …….u betrayed ur own son ……
Arjun : I don’t care …..even if ur my son or daughter ….I only care about my revenge ….
Swara (angrily) : chiii ……u don’t even have the right to take the word son and daughter ….u r a bad image for an father …..u are making many sins ..Mr arjun malhotra ….
Arjun : I don’t care …..I will keep on making sins …but at the end ….I will have the money right ……now see …u both don’t have anything ……if u go to that maheshwaris ….what people will talk …dhamad is asking money and staying in his sasural house …..ha ha ….it will be a embarressing moment for sanskar …..and u …..people will talk after ur enter in his life ….he lost everything ….u r a bad luck for him ….
Sanskar fumes in anger …..but
Swara goes towards arjun and laughs …..
Which shocks manik , sanskar and arjun ….
Arjun : why r u laughing ….
Swara : u have forgotten …that I was ur so called daughter …and I have learn some tips from u Mr arjun malhotra …..
By the what did u say …..that u own the malhotra companies and u r heir for It (she laughs more)
Which shocks the trio ….
Arjun was confused ..
Swara : Mr arjun malhotra …..u have forgotten …there is something called past …..just think what will happen if I say that u have cheated someone and grabbed the money …..just think what will happen if Laksh ……ur late wife son ….my chachi son ….will appear and declare it …
As u know he is still alive and he is the only heir to malhotra industries …has its his mothers money …u can’t do anything ….
Now arjun gets shocked and tensed …
Swara smirks …..sanskar was surprised ….
Arjun laughs : Swara , Swara ….how can u prove he is my son …..the past was not captured in camera …or no one including ur family doesn’t know about it …who will trust u ….
Now Swara laughs …
Swara : u know what …this is called 80’s mentality …what if I do DNA decalaration ….Mr arjun ……what if the DNA proves Laksh is ur son ….u can’t bribe DNA …..
Now arjun is in extreme shock …..and sanskar was numb with Swara attitude ….
Swara : u have messed with the wrong people Mr malhotra ……and I will show u the real revenge …..
(She points finger) make itself ready to bear Mrs Swara sanskar maheshwari’s revenge …
Saying this she holds sanskar hands and leaves in car …..
Making arjun shock …..and made her rock ……

@some railway station area ….in Delhi
A lady is shown ….coming from the train ….
She looked lost and new to Delhi .
She started to ask some persons ..
Lady : u know how to go to maheshwari mansion ….
Stranger : no I don’t know ….
Then the lady keeps on asking everyone ….but no one knew .
At last …
Lady : u know how to go maheshwari mansion
A boy : ya I know but its in Kolkata …what r u doing in Delhi …..
Lady : Kolkata !
A boy : ya ….Mr durga Prasad maheshwari ..the big gangster house right …
She gets tears hearing Dp name
Lady : gangster ?
A boy : yep ….by the way who r u
Lady : I …I ….am relative to him ….can u plz take me there …
A boy : sure …but not today …….as I have collage tomorrow …maybe this weekend ….
Lady : sure …
A boy : till then u stay in a hotel OK ….
Lady : OK and thanks ..
A boy : ur welcome and now come I will drop u …
Lady : sure and thanks ….
The boy nods and they both leave .

Swasan arrives …..
Swara : come let’s go ….
Sanskar didn’t respond …
Swara : sanskar what happened ? Why aren’t u coming
Sanskar looks down ….
Swara understands ….she starts the car …
Sanskar was puzzled … her act ….but he didn’t bother to ask …..
Swara starts to drive …
Swara : u will not ask where we r going ?
Sanskar : I know …whatever u r doing is for my welfare …..
Swara was suprised with his sanskar and kept on driving ….but she couldn’t forget his betrayal ….
A tear falls from her eyes ….

Laksh : I am trying on calling them ….but no one lifting …
Dp : maybe they feel uncomfortable ……to talk …
Laksh : but dad ….Swara ….she is my own sis and ur daughter ..why can’t she lift if Sanskar is feeling guilt …
Dp : no laksh …now she is Swara sanskar maheshwari …..she will first think about him only ….
Laksh : but dad ….
Dp : let us give them some time …..whenever they feel like ….they will talk …we can’t force them …Laksh ….
Laksh stays numb …

Ap and ragini comes ….
Ragini (worried) : I saw the headlines about sanskar ….
Ap (tears) : why god is giving soo Much pain for them …..y can’t he let them stay happy ….
Ragini consoles ap …
Laksh : ma ….dotn worry we will figure out …don’t worry ….
Ragini (worried) : did u talk to them …
Laksh : no ..they are not lifting the calls ….
Ap (tears) : Laksh ..I want to meet them …Laksh ….sanskar would be totally broken so as Swara ….
Dp : no ap ….u can’t meet them …..I know how it feels …..they will feel guilt ..and u know sanskar right …..let us give some time to them …
Ragini : dad is right ….but where will they stay ..what about money …..
Dp : I don’t know what to say …..but I feel …sow thing good is gonna happen soon …as if I feel like my life is gonna come back …
All looks at him ….

Soon the most emotional day dozes off …..(what a big night it was)

@morning …
Sanskar wakes up and finds himself in a room
He was covered in blanket and room was looking so beautiful with many Swara pics …hanging on the wall …
It was pink in color …which was very big than usual …
First sanskar was confused ….he slowly opened the door and went down …
The house was huge and Mich more bigger than his mansion …..there were many waiter …
All were wishing him GOOD MORNING
At that time Swara comes from outside gate …
Sanskar : where r we ?
Swara : Delhi ….
Sanskar was shocked ….
Sanskar : Delhi !!!!!!!!!!!
Swara : no need to be shocked sanskar ….and by the way welcome to malhotra mansion ….
Sanskar was double shocked Now
Sanskar : what r u saying .
Swara : actually this is ur real place …..this is were I spent my entire life in the place of u …..yes ….even arjun was my so called dad ….this is my house …
Sanskar was suprised ….
Sanskar : but how he we come here …..I mean this is his house ….
Swara : I guess that’s his biggest mistake or the only good thing he did in his life ….
Sanskar was puzzled ….
Sanskar : what do u mean ….
Swara : my fake dad …once transferred this house in my name ..without his knowledge …
Sanskar was shocked , worried , surprised ….all expressions were there on his dashing face
Swara : don’t worry ..we can live here freely one raise hand on u ….
Sanskar was feeling happy …and was guilt for hurting Swara ….
Sanskar : but Swara …..y r u doing this ….rather u should have left me ….but
Swara : that’s because I ma ur wife ….and I have to do my job ….sanskar ….and moreover u were my first love how can I see my love in pain …
Sanskar was amazed with her response …
Sanskar : but business ….( he was uncomfortable to say this )
Swara : I know sanskar …how will we start the business …as we don’t have money …do t worry just Now …I sold my jewels ….and I got good amount …I guess that’s enough for busniess …
Sanskar was surprised snd shocked ,….,
Swara : sanskar I know y u didnt come inside mm ….as u think what people will talk …I do t want to make u more uncomfortable sanskar ….that’s y ….I took this decision …..I am gonna do MBA …now …so that even I can get a job …and we can balance ….
Sanskar : I …I …dont know what to say ……but …..u can’t ….forgive me so easily Swara
Swara : sanskar that depend on me …don’t force me ……..we can just be normal persons ..unless and until I forgive u fully ….I need time
Sanskar : I am ready to sacrifice my entire life Swara …….
Swara : no sanskar u don’t need to …..u have already sacrificed ….I don’t want further …..make sure u don’t ….

Swara leaves ….making sanskar confuse …
@Kolkata …swasan mansion now arjun mansion
Arjun : manik ..will she do that
Manik : I guess ….
Arjun : then do one thing ..kill Laksh ….
This shocks manik ….
Manik : dad he is ur son ….
Arjun : if he doesnt die ….how can I live …..
Manik : but …
Arjun : I throwed my own son …y can’t I kill my so called son ….
Arjun : just do as I say ……
Manik nods : OK ….
Arjun smirks …
Arjun : Mrs Swara sanskar maheshwari ….u can never win ……me ……
He laughs …..

Ap does aarthi ….
Ap prays : plz god make everything back to normal plz …..
Suddenly a flower falls on her hand ….
Ap feels very happy about it and thansk lord …..
Ragini : ma …u know what I feel something good is gonna happen soon …
Ap : even ..I feel the same dear …I don’t know y ….
Ragini : don’t worry mom ….everything will be back to normal …soon the bad days will fade
Ap : even I wish the same ….

Ap and ragini prays ….

The screen freezes …………

No precap don’t know what to write …..

Hope u all like the episode ….now love story will start ….I guess ….
But Swara won’t forgive sanskar easily ..he will have to win Swara trust back ….that’s sanskar task ….

Plz comment guys …plz plz

Sorry for wasting ur precious time …
With love ,


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