Fan Fiction


Hey guys ..its dolly back with he ff ….thanks for the beautiful comments u all gave ….its such an honour ….love u all loads ..

So here is the link for the previous episode ,
Episode 3
So here is the story ,
Varun comes out from his lab activity …..
Varun : phew ! This class was bit tough …need to revise at night
Ragini comes running ….and dashes with varun
Varun ; what happened ragini ?
Ragini (tensed) : u know what ..Shona has got hurt and that namish goons are gonna attack u today
Varun was shocked and was feeling guilty …
Varun : what r u saying and who said u this ?
Ragini : hmm …..someone …actually I peeped in namish classroom and I heard some boys were talking about it …
Varun : OK OK
Ragini : u take care OK….plz …
Varun : don’t worry …I will take care of myself … the way is Shona alright now !
Ragini : hmm ya ..but got band aided in her forehead ….
Varun : OK OK ….bye ..and thanks for the info
Ragini : ur welcome …..take care bye …
Saying this ragini leaves …
Varun in mind : I guess u should have minded ur own business u came here to study not to fight with people who r much much more powerful then u ..but just hurted the one’s daughter who have the admission …I hope she won’t say to her dad !
@girls hostel (night)
A girl enters the campus with blanket covered …
Watchmen : hey hey ..who r u ?
The girl shows her face , the watchmen keeps quite .(its Shona)
Watchmen : what r u doing here child and in this attire !
Shona : vo uncle ….I came here to meet my honewali bhabhi !
Watchmen : bhabhi ?
Shona : u won’t understand and will not send me in …so bad (she pouts)
Watchmen : who I am to stop u ..u go dear …
Shona : thank u uncle ….
Watchmen : welcome beta ……
(Note : guys both boys and girls hostel are connected with a bridge in between)
@boys hostel
Varun was sitting outside in the corridor and reading book
Varun : this half today I will finish the next one tomorrow !
While studying ….he saw Shona covered in balcony and going inside ragini hostel ….(he doesn’t no it is shona)
Varun : oh my god ! Who is that ….its a boy I guess and he is going to ragini …I guess its one of namish goon ….oh god ! I need to stop him ….
Varun goes towards girls hostel without making any noise …he was also covering himself with blanket ….

@ragini room
Kavya and ragini were sleeping ….both seperqte beds only but both were fully covered in blanket …
Shona in mind : array yaar …who is my bhabhi …..god plz help me ….even I want to go home and sleep na ….plz plz
Swara goes towards the first bed …..she slowly takes the blanket from her face ….
Before she could see ….varun enters fully covered
Swara hides under the bed of kavya ..(yep Swara was about to wake kavya )
Varun in mind : no one is here …but I saw the one entered …
Shona in mind : oh god thief ….he came to take jewels and that too in girls hostel so bad ….
Shona slowly comes out of bed …..varun was standing near the mirror …..but still he couldn’t see .
Shona takes a flower vase ……before she could hit his head , varun caught her hand ,..

Screen freezes on them …………..

@morning .
Varun was sitting on the garden bench …
Shona comes
Shona : hey varun ….
Varun : hey Shona ….
(Both hugs ) (shocking right ….u will know)
Varun : so …u will be here only ….
Swara : hmm ya …summer vacation na ,
Varun : then good
Swara : by the which class for now
Varun : lab …
Swara : oh good ….

Whole collage was watching this and was shocked ….

Namish comes running …
Namish : varun , Shona ….
Both look at him
Shona (angrily) : yesterday it was u who planned it right !
Namish gulps in fear ….
Shona : how dare u ….
Namish runs and Swara chases him …..
Varun and others were laughing ….

@av room
Namish and Shona were standing and in between table was there …
Shona : why did u do that ……
Namish : because I can’t let anyone hurt u so ….
Shona : for that u will set goons huh !
Namish : but u spoiled na ….so bad …I gave them so much of money ….but u !
Shona : what if I was not there …
Namish : today he would have been in hospital bed ..(he laughs)
Shona : bro !!!!!!!!!!
Shona chases him and namish runs ….
Shona looses her balance and trips on namish ….(Swara up of namish)
At that Time varun enters
Varun was shocked and was sad seeing it …
Shona and namish didn’t notice him
Shona was keeping on hitting his chest ….
And namish was protesting her …
Namish : Shona u r heavy …get up
Shona : how mean …I won’t ….bear me …
Namish : god ….why r u so water to take me to u soon
Shona hits his chest
Namish : ouch ….Billi
Shona : Billi ? U r duffer …
Namish : duffer how dare u call me …
Shona : then I will say to chacha and chachi about ….bha……
Before she could sa ..
Namish : u call whatever u like ,..
Soon they realize varun is present and continuously staring them …
Shona gives hand
Shona : give me hand na ..plz
Varun (upset) : hmm sure …
Varun pulls her and she crashes on his chest …….both gets lost in each others eyes !
Namish comes and pats varun shoulder …
Varun realises and jerks Swara ……Swara becomes upset as she was feeling some pain ….
Namish : sorry dude …for yesterday night …..sorry huh
Varun : its OK ….
Namish : OK say u r now my and Shona friend …join our gang I am sure …u will be also popular in collage
Varun in mind : I can’t see Swara with u for a minute , how will I keep on seeing Swara with u …..
Varun : no ..its OK …..I don’t want to …
Swara looks at him
Namish : OK then but my offer is always free for u …..u can come whenever u want ..OK ..
Varun smiles …
Namish : let’s leave Swara ….
Namish holds Swara and takes her out , Swara was seeing varun only and same varun was seeing Swara with painful eyes……(he couldn’t see namish and Swara)

Screen freezes ……
What happened that night ?
How swasan got to meet ?
Why Swara is feeling pain ?
Will varun come to know that namish is her brother or no ?

To be continued …….

Hope u all like …it ….shoot ur comments …

With love ,


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