Guys 76 epi I am soo happy without you all this would not have happened!!!!
The episode starts with Ishaani,Vivian,madhu comes to house and tells her to take rest.
Ishaani tells I will take care of my Ranveer very much than me I mean my baby…..
5Years leap……..
Ishaani shouts ranveer pls get ready fast becoz it is already late. He comes down telling mom becoz of you only late. Ishaani takes utensils and comes around to beat him. Madhu tells her let it be and feeds him food
Ishaani tells OK let us go and they come outside and stands near gate. Can comes madhu runs to them and gives lunch box. Ranveer kisses both Ishaani and madhu and leaves.
They both comes inside. Ishaani looks at ranveer photo and cries. Madhu asks her to calm. Daily you are crying why? Madhu comes and prepare food for ishaani and tells her let us eat becoz vivian won’t come for 2weeks so we can be happy. Ishaani laughs. Madhu thnx God and they eat food.
Ishaani tells madhu let us go for shopping. She agrees and comes to mall. Ishaani takes dress for ranveer and asks how is it? Madhu tells nice.. She pays the bill and comes out suddenly Ishaani clashes with ritika and gets shocked. Ritika does not see her. Ishaani tells madhu to take care of ranveer at home and I will come soon. She follows ritika.
Ishaani comes to disclosed location and searches her. She finally comes near room and does not find her and she finds someone on bed and she gets shocked. She cries seeing ranveer.
Precap:Ishaani thinks ranveer is in bed for 5 years? She cries. Ritika tells mask man that I should thnq you becoz you did not kill him but why you have beaten on head so he is in coma?
Guys pls enjoy and little boy name is ranveer only…
After 2 epi I will change pic one more so that you will like it or hate it
Credit to: Narendran
Post the next one now please
Sorry yaar I am little busy but I will try to update next epi soon
What ranvi in coma ???
Yes yaar
Guys anyone is here???
thank u thank u thank u thank u so much ranaji….
u have not killed ranveer I’m very happy for this…but at the time I’m feeling sad also 5years separation…but still its good…and ya thank u for short epi…..exams r going na…short epis doesn’t take much time…thank u
OMG !!! tears started rolling from my eyes………..pls unite ISHVEER soon
Sure guys pls be patient..?
Thnx guys for the support keep commenting
Ranaji yu r doing a great job continue this ff for a long time please
Guys i know one thing whether now they r separated but one day God will listen to us becz we are rightttt guyssss shakti and radhika are made for each other it is already written in their destiny, we r not saying this becoz their souls are connected with each other it is clearly written on their face that they both love each other no one can separate them whether they try lot becoz their love is pure and true they have to unite someday SHAKTI?RADHIKA RADHIKA?SHAKTI GOD HAS MADE THIS JODI THEY WILL SURELY REALIZE THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER RIGHTTTT GUYSSSS
haan payal dr..watever u saying was really tru..i hope it will happn soon dr..waiting for their reunion
Yes payal dear…..I totally agree with you yaar……they will meet…no chance for seperation……
Hi guys actually I was laughing seeing all your comments at kasam show o God you all were fighting like kids in ranaji previous ff I saw arham saying that they daily go to kasam show to curse the show it is not right friend.
Btw you all wanted the link of the interview I can give you all but I don’t know how to share the link please tell so that I can give you the link of that video.
Actually I didn’t want to comment but today I am very happy as I stood first in my class with 98% note I am going to 10th class so I am excited. And your fight at kasam page was awesome.
Tell me how to share a link?
Both shakti and radhika interview link please
U r 100% crt dr….
neha n ishan aslo cant seperate them…!!
Anyone is here !!!
haa vyshu dr..i’m here…any gud news dr..
ohh ranvee in coma???
Rana ji great writing i read ur whole ff is wonderfull.great writing.hats off.
shakti again… inactivity..!
Arham dr…. Haiii !!
As I told I never wanted to comment but today I am very happy as I stood first in my class I thought to comment well you all wanted the link I can share but I don’t know how to share link if you all help I can give you all the link. And today I read arham’s comment that you’ll go kasam page and comment against the serial guys how could you all do that I mean if some one comment bad about matsh you all start mahabharat guys understand their feelings I am not fan of kasam but I am great fan of matsh do understand a fan feeling. But I was laughing reading your comments at kasam page….Nice…
nice dr….hi friends how are you
Simply copy & paste the link here. Everybody here is dying to watch the video
Sathya dr r u busy with ur friend’s wedding fun na dr ???????
Payal dr what u say that ‘s 100% correct dr …..
Keerhi dr once u told about the dob o f shakthi …his dob is 16 &radz is 1 ….
7 no is coincide with 1 nu ….
That ‘s true dr ….bez i am a great fans of vijay his dob is 22….&ajith dob is 1 ….i mean whenever vijay ‘s films r comes even no year 2012 ,14, he was the box office king dr ….
Same thing when ajith films r comes in odd no years like 2013 ,15 ….he was box office king ….
U r right .
.keerthi dr…….their dob took a part …in both of them success dr …
Tanvee….i dont know about it …but pls read the anonymous commands…dr
Simple dear copy the link nd paste the link
I’d u r using computer, after copying in the link click the comment box … n press the
Ctrl v
Nd the copied links get posted…
I hope u got it…
Ranaji…. Ranvi in coma…?????
Yes raji dear they ll unite one day for sure u have the faith in God but when will it happen I am waiting for it
Keerthi dr y u didnt command me yest dr ….& come ranaji’s new ff dr ….he post it dr