Categories: Meri Hanikarak Biwi

Meri Hanikarak Biwi 22nd October 2019 Written Episode Update: Chuttan’s strange demand

Meri Hanikarak Biwi 22nd October 2019 Written Episode, Written Update on

Chanda notices Mishri and decides to hurt Ira indirectly. I will give you pain in return of my pain. I will take revenge! I will take away your daughter in exchange of Chuttan! She hides behind the car. Mishri hasn’t seen her. Chanda looks around to make sure no one is watching her. She approaches Mishri from behind but Devina pulls her aside just then. Who are you? How did you enter in the compound? Devina recognizes her to be the same lady who she had collided with earlier. I saw you peeking here since Chuttan has come here. Are you his Mayi? Chanda nods. You have stolen my son! I will abduct the daughter of this house. No one will be able to stop me! Devina tells her to stop being over dramatic. Be smart. I can help you get Chuttan but you must follow my words. You will also be sent to

jail if you will continue doing such stupidities. Chanda agrees. I will do as you say.

Next morning, Akhilesh finds Ira in the kitchen. He looks at all the food items. It isn’t by birthday! What is going on? She asks him why he is pulling her leg. He asks her why she is working so hard in the morning. He says I was making it for Chuttan. He hasn’t eaten food made by me till date. He dint like halwa too much yesterday so I thought to make Gujarati delicacies for him. No one can beat me in this. Akhilesh tells her not to stress. He will become your Jabra fan. She says I hope so. He assures her that Chuttan will love it. Where is he? Is he still sleeping? She nods. Let’s give him surprise. They take two trays of food upstairs. Akhilesh teases Ira saying that she has never made such yummy food for him. Ira calls out to everyone. Akhilesh thinks to wake up Chuttan but she goes upstairs to give surprise to Chuttan. Mishri is tempted by the food items. You will feed me with your hands today. Ira tells her to eat herself today. I want to give surprise to Chuttan today. Mishri, Akhilesh and Pushpa feel awkward. Mishri decides to eat with Akhilesh. Akhilesh makes her sit down. Pushpa tells Mishri not to take it to her heart. Chuttan is the new member of this family so he needs extra care right now. My DIL knows how smart you are. Mishri says I don’t feel bad as Bapu does not let me feel bad. She asks Akhilesh to feed him more. Why are you smiling? He says you have taken after your Mapu. Pushpa calls her angel. Stay like this always. One day Chuttan will also become like you. He will eat with all of us. That day will come real soon!

Chuttan is still sleeping. Ira wakes him up. She shows him the breakfast plate but he isn’t tempted. He also asks for tea instead of milk. She says you wont get nutrition that ways. Mishri is taller than you as she gulps down an entire glass of milk every morning. He gets irked. Give her milk then! He finds the names of the dishes strange. I don’t like all this. I only like Litti Chokha. She tells him to try once but he stays put. He runs around the room so as to avoid eating anything. The plate falls in the process. Chuttan laughs at Ira. This is the consequence of chasing me. Who will clean this now? She gets sad. I will clean it. She goes to bring broom. Chuttan gets serious as well.

Akhilesh and Mishri come in the room to check on Chuttan but find the food spilled on the floor. Akhilesh asks Chuttan if he threw it on the floor. Your mother got up in the morning to cook for you and this is what you do? Ira defends Chuttan. It fell from my hands. Don’t scold him on every little thing. Say sorry. Akhilesh apologizes to Chuttan. I felt bad thinking you spilled it. She was working hard since morning. Mishri tells Chuttan to come downstairs. Mapu has cooked for everyone. Chuttan says I don’t want to go anywhere or eat anything. I only like the food cooked by my mother. I like Litti Chokha, Poori and Dal! Ira leaves sadly followed by Akhilesh. Mishri glares at Chuttan.

Akhilesh tells Ira not to feel bad. Chuttan is a kid. Don’t take his words to your heart. She says he is a kid. How will he like all this when he wasn’t fed any of it before? It is my mistake. He has been away from me for years. I wont stop trying. I will make Litti Chokha for him if that’s what he likes. She heads downstairs.

Ira and Pushpa are in the kitchen. Ira is confused as to how she should make it. Pushpa says I am fasting today so I cannot touch onion and garlic. I can guide you though. Pushpa realises they would need tandoor to make Litti. Akhilesh and Mishri bring it for them. Mishri tells Ira they will help her in making Litti Chokha. Ira thanks them. Mishri says a filmy dialogue. Mishri suggests speaking to Chuttan in his dialect. He will feel at home. Pushpa likes the idea. I will help Ira dress up in our style and teach her our dialect too. Let’s finish this first. They all start preps for Litti Chokha. Devina asks them what they are doing. Pushpa says we are making Litti Chokha. Devina says the entire family has gone mad! Pushpa says something for Ira. They start talking in Chuttan’s style. He is intrigued to hear them thus. He heads in the kitchen and strikes a conversation with Ira. The food is ready. Mishri is tempted. They ask Ira to serve it to Chuttan.

Chanda comes to meet Devina. Is Chuttan with you? When can I take him? Devina says he hasn’t come with me but it is possible for you to meet him. You should go inside the house for that. Chanda is worried thinking about Ira but Devina covers her face with the veil. I will decide how to take you inside. Chanda thinks to wreak havoc in Ira’s life.

Precap: Chanda makes Litti Chokha for Chuttan inside Pandey House. Chuttan chokes upon something as soon as he takes a bite. Chanda calls out for help. Everyone rushes to his side. Chanda says seems like he had a fit. Pushpa asks her what she means. Chanda says Kasuri methi.

Update Credit to: Pooja


A writer who loves to travel, read books, sing and live every moment as it comes!

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