Guys sreenandana back with my ff… thanq 4 all d comments…….. guys plz express ur support with ur commends…… Plz express ur pov and viewzzz…. Plz kindly avoid all d grammatical and spelling mistakes….. So guys anyway 2day’s date will be small….. I will upload new episode tomorrow…….now we can start with d recap…..
Recap:honeymoon planzz…….. karan’s secret revealed 2 meghna….. ….naina’s confession 2 meghna……..
So d present episode……..
Karan enters meghnal’s room…..Meghna notices this……
Meghna-karan y r u here????
Karan-bhabhi I am sorry….. I didn’t like 2 hide this from all……. But circumstances made me……. I am sorry bhabhi… I know dat I am an unlucky person…….that’s y I tried 2 avoid naina…….
He cries…..
Meghna-no karan…..It’s okay….. If naina supports u den I have no problem….
Karan-bhabhi…… thnq….
Meghna-karan…. I wana know 1 tng….. can I ask????
Karan-sure bhabhi…..
Meghna-what’s ur feeling towards naina…… will u accept her if u get rid of ur disease??????
Karan-bhabhi………..that cant be answered by me.. That’s an answer less question 4 me……
Meghna-okay…..but if u get an answer plz let me know….. ??
Karan-sure bhabhi….
Saying that he went outside d room…
Later in d afternoon naina goes 2 nk, nirmala and dadaji….
Naina-I wanna say something 2 all of u… actually I want 2 do karan’s treatment @ d time of our honeymoon…… It may take some more days….
Nk-but naina did karan agree 4 going 2 treatment??? And where r u going 4 dat????
Naina-he didn’teven know about it…… he will agree if u all ask…..
Dadaji-okay beta. We will make him agree…….
Naina-thanq so much dadaji….
Nirmala- actually beta we should thank u …….anyway u r d biggest treasure that karan got……. Our karan z too lucky 2 get u …very soon he too will accept it.. ……
Naina smiles….. ..karan who was overhearing their confession too smiled……
He said(in mind) -maa….. I understood it early…..
Precap:After treatment…
Sryy guys 4 small update…… plz comment……
By sreenandana…..
ooo ….. nice…
Tnq dear …….
nice but short
please try making it long
Okay dear…… I will upload a new part 2day…..
nice dear updatr soon
Yeah priya dear………
Really enjoyed it! Continue soon! ??
Sure tami di. . . …