Hi i am Sakash.Love u all.Thanks for ur comments Friends,Sisters and Brothers.
I gave reply to all ur comments…
I know i am late.Sorry for being late.I got fever and lot of works in college.That’s the reason i am late.Hope u guys will forgive me for being late.I know u all r sweet…
Richa 1496 and QVZRQE3M…Yes u too can call me Bro.I am glad to get 2 sweet sisters…
Premamohan,Divya and Tania.I am glad u like my FF.And missed it a lot.Thanks for ur support.Thank u…
Did any one miss me guys?
Here i am introducing two new characters
1)Dr.Shilpi and her husband
These two will do Dr.Kabir’s surgery and these 2 r Dr.Kabir’s best friends.
The story starts :
Dr.Shilpi and her husband Dr.Shiv r passing the way.They two saw Dr.kabir.
Seeing Dr.kabir they rushed towards him.
Saanchi crying continuously.Saanchi took Shilpi’s hand and pleased her to admitt Dr.kabir…
Please Dr…I am asking whole staff from past 1 hr.They r not listening and saying it will become police case.
Dr.Shilpi shouts on staff for their irresponsible nature and keeping patient this much time without admitting him…
Dr.Shilpi : Ok Relax.I know kabir.Oh God!
He losed more blood.We must do surgery immediately Shiv…I want one Donor which matches with his blood group…
Dr.Shilpi gave Saanchi to fill up patients form.Saanchi fill up whole form.She saw one line there in it and strucked that is?
For a second she was strucked.For her at that time to save Dr.Kabir’s life is much important.So she immediately filled up that place with…HUSBAND…
Dr.Shilpi said Saanchi to be strong nothing will happen to Kabir.Dr.Kabir holds Saanchi’s hand.He is continuously taking Saanchi’s name…Saanchi said him I AM WITH U KABIR…With much difficulty both leave their hands.
Finally Dr.Kabir was taken to OPERATION THEATRE.Dr.Kabir’s surgery started..
Saanchi gave blood to Dr.kabir.
Saanchi neither sitting properly for a second nor standing properly for a second.That was the worst day in her life.
Finally Dr.Shilpi and Dr.Shiv come out of O.T.Saanchi rushed towards them.They said Surgery went well and He will get conscious in 24 hrs…
Saanchi sit beside Kabir.She hold his hands.Without closing eyes she watch him carefully.Like that 23 hrs passed.She slowly slipped into sleep.
Dr.Kabir gain his conscious.He saw Saanchi holding his hands.He smiled seeing her.
He recall his marriage with her.Saanchi’s hair fall on her whole face.Dr.kabir struggling to get up…He felt pain and said ouch…
Saanchi : Dr.Kabir r u alright?Thank god u opened ur eyes.I am the stupid i don’t know when i slipped into sleep.R u alright ?Why u try to move?U just ordered me whatever u want?
Dr.Kabir : I am ok Saanchi.Actually this stabbed area is giving pain.That’s it.Again he closed his eyes…
Saanchi called Dr.Shiv.He checked kabir and said
Dr.Shiv : He will be alright…Due to some injections he again went to sleep.Don’t disturb him.Let him take rest.And he left the place.
Saanchi sit there silently…
Dr.kabir : Saanchi i am feeling hungry.
Saanchi : Wait i will bring some thing good for u.
Dr.Kabir : Ok.
Saanchi : I bring vegetables mix soup for u.
Dr.Kabir : Chee…Yak…I don’t want to drink it bring some thing good for me.
Saanchi : I am not ur intern here.U must drink this soup?
Dr.Kabir : Don’t u dare Dr.Saanchi i am ur senior doctor…So i ordered u bring some other food…
Saanchi : Sorry to say i already said u, here i am not an intern.I am ur Wife…
She bite her tongue…
Dr.kabir calm down…And made puppy face to drink it…
Saanchi starts feeding soup to him to feel him better.Without uttering single word he is drinking soup.
Saanchi is talking continuously.Her eyes suddenly went on some book.She stops feeding Kabir.And seeing into book.She is feeding but it is difficult to kabir to drink it.
In order to bring her out.And her lips attracting him so much.So he suddenly kissed her on her lips.Saanchi was awe struck by his sudden move…
Finally Saanchi made him drink soup…
Precap : Goons reached hospital for Saanchi and Kabir.Saanchi beat all goons and Lord Ganesh utsav is going on…
Dr.Shilpi and Shiv Both helps Saanchi and kabir and send them to safe place.Only Saanchi and Kabir…
I hope u all like it…Sorry for being late…
I know u all r sweet and u all will forgive me…
Please give ur valuable comments…
Did any one miss me guys?
I missed u all a lot…
I will post another part ASAP…
Sakash bro this is suprb nd yes I miss u a lot nd this part is just so good nd yes don’t worry I can understand ur condition u write the nxt part only if u feel better nd don’t worry about clg studies our wishes r with u they will go great u will be amazing at the clg. Lastly tc nd lots of love nd best wishes to u ???
Hi QVZRQE3M dear.I am glad u like it dear.I too missed ur comment so much dear.
Thanks for ur care and support dear.With ur wishes i will rock both FF and in college too.I am so glad to get a sis like u.It’s my pleasure.I will post it ASAP.
Thank u my sweet sissy?????
Thanks for such a lovely reply sakash.
What a question bhaiyya I missed u a lot u know how days r gone and I was missing you a lot and BTW how r u now and today’s episode was awesome super mind blowing fantastic update soon can’t wait and take care of your self.and I am happy that I got a bhaiyya like u who is so talented good because I don’t have brother. Bye take care of yourself.
Hi Divya dear.Sorry for this question dear?
I am glad u liked it.I too missed u and ur comment so much dear.I am fine dear.I am glad dear.I am so glad to get a sis like u.It’s my pleasure dear.I am ur bro.U can feel me as ur own bro dear.Thank u so much dear.Take care…?????
Hello sakash bro I was missing u and your ff very much . superb as usual eagerly waiting for next episode and how is your health now.
Hi Neera.I miss ur comment so much dear and u too.I am fine now dear.I am glad u like it dear.I am glad to get a sweet. sis like u.Thank u.Thanks for ur care dear.?????
It’s awesome mindblowing superb and outstanding
Hi Ashnitha.I am so glad to see ur comment.Thank u dear.Thank u so much…
wow i miss you story very much…atlast you wrote the story..
its nice and awesome.waiting for next one asapp
Hi Sundari.I am glad u like it dear.I missed ur comment dear.Thank u dear.Thank u so much…
Bhayyia Is that a even a question….of course we missed you…..and your superb story…coming to the episode it was mind blowing, superb, amazing, and excellent just like you….didnt expect Kabir to kiss Sanchi and she didn’t react that means she didn’t mind …You are such a brilliant and talented writer….and write your next part whenever you feel better….by the way how do you feel now and I pray for youto get better…..
Hi Tania dear.I am glad u like it dear.Sorry for this question?I missed ur comment so much dear.I am glad u like Kaanch scene.I will post it ASAP.Yes ur prayers worked dear that’s the reason i am infront of u with FF.Thanks for ur care sissy.Thank u so much.Take care?????
hii sakash.Finally u updated it.This is fabulous and waiting for the next one.Please update soon dear.Eagerly waiting for next one
Hi Hema.I am glad u like it dear.Yes i updated it.I will post next one ASAP.Thanks for ur support.Thank u.
Bro where were you…. I was thinking u wentu went underground on some secret mission….. Just kidding….. Coming to episode it was superrr se uparr……. Todu episode!!
Hi Abhi.I am here with FF.No i didn’t went into underground dear.How can i leave such a lovely sis like u and other sissy’s and friends.I am glad u like it dear.And Take care?????
Hey sakash…. Missed you a lot bro… Happy to see you back… Hope you are feeling better now…. I was Eagerly wating for it…. ff was superb and mindblowing… Loved it a lot… Your ff are best and you are best writer…. Pls update next ff soon…. If you are feeling good then only…. Till then bye and TC… ?
Hi Richa.I missed u a lot my dear sweet sissy and ur comments so much.I am fine now dear.I am so glad to get a sweet sis like u.I will update ASAP…
Really sakash i was missing ypur ff somuch. You can still talk to us through comments and plz post soon because it very difficult to wait more
Hi Kaanchi.I am glad u like it dear.U commented 1st time on my FF.I am so glad dear.Yes we can talk through comments.I will post it ASAP…
It was fantastic episode and update soon
Hi Neha.I am glad u like it dear.Thank u.I will post next one ASAP…
Hi Alia.I am glad u like it dear.Thank u.
just awesome ff and thank you for updated finally …
please update next one soon …
Hi Dhruti.I am glad u like my FF dear.U didn’t commented before.But yes i updated finally.Thank u so much for commenting…
I missed all parts from chapter 8 I guess.. Mujhe pata hi nahi chala when u posted them.. Plz if u could provide me the link I would surely read it…
Hi Kashu.I am glad u like it dear.If u don’t u can read my FF in one way…Click on Sakash account and 5 tools will appear. Click on pencil tool u will get all my updates.If not i will give u links don’t worry.
Ohk.. I would read it…
Awesome story bro????keep it up.please bro update soon i can’t wait for next update……………
Hi Anu.I am glad u like it dear.Thank u so much dear.I will post next one ASAP …
Awesome one
Hi Vasundhara.I am glad u like it dear.Thank u so much dear…
It was really supeeeeerb episode bro. Just mindblowing outstanding osm…..and u r really late but its ok.I can forgive my sweet bro…now how is ur health? Wating eagerly for next part…
Hi Rajnandini.I am glad u like it dear.Thank u so much dear.Yes i am late and glad to know i got sweet sis and she is so sweet and kind-hearted.She forgive me.And glad to meet u.U commented 1st time on my FF.
I am so glad dear.Thank u so much…?????
no dear Its not my first time to comment ur ff.when my name was not registered still then I used to comment with other name and soooo sweet of u bro…rula hi diya pagle…
Hi sakash good to see u back, u know i thought you leave the ff in mid but thank god nothing happen like that. now me too suffering from fever but i couldn’t keep away myself to commenting………………………………………………… coming to updats it was owsm as always.
Hi Anee.I am so glad u like it dear.No dear i will complete it…I won’t leave in middle.I know dear…and hope u r fine now…Get well soon.Take medicines on time.Every one needs a positive person like u.Thank u.
Oh god u finally came then how is ur health pls take care…and this one was awesome and update next soon…. Tc….
Hi Premamohan.Yes i finally updated it.I am fine now.Thanks for ur care.I am glad u like it dear.Thank u so much and Take care….
Aww it’s a nice one I really enjoyed it
Hi Sana.I am glad u enjoyed it.Thank u so much for commentimg.Keep commenting if u like….
August 12 se August 28.???….I thought that u’ve stopped writing ur ff….felt like what’s going on….first u left..now Trisha is also not updating……thank God I was wrong??a very big waala thanks that u r back….now u r fine na????? If not then take rest & update whenever its possible on ur part…ur health matters the most ??
Hi riya.I missed ur comment so much dear.I am glad u like it.How can i stop writing i got such beautiful friends and sisters?How can i leave u all dear?I Don’t know about Trisha?Hope she come back soon dear…Don’t worry she will make her entry soon for all of us…I am fine now.I will take rest.Thanks for ur care.I will update it ASAP…
Aug 12 se Aug 28……haal behaal hogaya tha aapke intezaar mein………I thought u left ur ff in the middle……..felt like whats going on, first u left & now-a-days trisha is also not updating…..thanks for proving me wrong………so pleased to hv u back here……..
bhai, r u fine now(hope u don’t mind me calling u bhai)?????????? if not recovered completely, then plz do take good care of urself……….ur health matters the most……….updates baad mein kardena, when u feel like……..
coming to the episode, as alwz ur update was just fab,amazing, loved it a lot…………
i know, main apne chik-chik se aapke dimaag mein raita faila chuki hoon…….kya karoon, jo mann mein aata hai, wo bina bole reh nahi paati…….sorry for such long comment…………
Hi riya dear.Sorry i didn’t post it due to fever.And i missed ur comments so much.
I didn’t left my FF in middle dear.How can i left it in middle i got such a sweet sister like u and others.Yes u can call me bhai.It’s my pleasure dear.Ur comments always made my day.Every one needs such a beautiful comments like ur’s which gives strength and shows ur caring side for others.Don’t worry hope Trisha will come back with her beautiful writings…I am fine now dear.My health is better now.I will post it ASAP.And Tum nae koyi raitha nahi phelaya.And u heart out.I like that thing in u.Thank u for sharing ur feeling.I am glad to get u as my sweet sissy.And no need to say sorry it’s long comment it means a lot to me.Thanks for ur care…dear…Take care…
bhai……first of all…..r u fine now, I mean u hv completely recovered right???( if not then plz take ample rest) if u r fine, then where r u???????? missing u & ur updates a lot………..I’m just counting on the days, when’ll u post ur next episode for us………….
Haan Riya jaan kar accha laga meri behaan meri itna care kar raha hai par dear my phone ko lekar paresjan hoon its not working properly.So i will post once my phone repaired.I will post ASAP…Barosa rakho mujh pae…Take care dear…Hope u got ur answer…