Categories: Meri Saas Bhoot Hai

Meri Saas Bhoot Hai 20th June 2023 Written Episode Update

Meri Saas Bhoot Hai 20th June 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

A bride panics after seeing a ghost and demands her husband to stay with hr. Husband says she is young, his parents need him more than her, convinces her, and walks out. Bride panics and opens window when finds the door locked from outside. A cat jumps in and she shouts. Her in-laws think that their DIL is possessed by a ghost. Gaura is busy in her office when Varun enters wearing ghost mask and frightens her. Gaura gets afraid. Varun laughs on her and says one who frightens ghosts is afraid of a ghost mask. She ask him reason for coming. He says he got breakfast for her and asks her to have it right now. Rekha emerges and fumes seeing Varun’s concern for Gaura.

A couple comes to meet Gaura, tells her that their DIL is possessed, and requests her to help them get rid off

their DIL. They start ill speaking about their DIL. Gaura gets angry on them and then promises to visit their house tomorrow and evaluate the condition there. They leave. Gaura notices Varun’s wallet and informs him about it over phone. Varun says he will pick it later. Gaura says it has his important cards, so she will come and give it to home. He calls her to a restaurant. Gaura agrees. Varun says she is so innocent who believed his trick and waits for her at the restaurant.

Som brings Twinkle to the same restaurant. Twinkle yells at Som as usual. She gets happy seeing a flower bouquet ordered by Varun. Waiter says its not for her. Twinkle frowns more. Sm says he will order flowers for her. Twinkle says she wanted a surprise and waits to see whom that bouquet is ordered for. Gaura reaches restaurant. Varun welcomes her with a bouquet. They occupy a nearby table. A waiter passing by drops water mug. Varun injures his hand with a glass piece by mistake. Gaura bandages him. Varun questions if she has a husband or boyfriend. Gaura gets emotional and says she doesn’t want to discuss about her past and thanks him for supporting her when she was in need by giving his house for rent and helping her setup a ghost exorcism business.

Gaura then gets teary eyed seeing Som and Twinkle nearby and leaves restaurant. She reaches couple’s house who show their house and inform the incidents happened since their DIL came home. Drama continues…

Precap: Rekha learns that the ghost resides in bride’s body and is groom’s ex-girlfriend.

Update Credit to: MA

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