Categories: Meri Saas Bhoot Hai

Meri Saas Bhoot Hai 30th March 2023 Written Episode Update: Gaura Faces Backlash

Meri Saas Bhoot Hai 30th March 2023 Written Episode, Written Update on

Rahul pull Twinkle away. Twinkle asks why is he misbehaving with her. Rahul says she is half married to him and should finish pheras and marry him completely instead of roaming with Som. Twinkle asks him to go before Som sees him and gets angry on him. Rahul says he will reveal Som that they are half married. Twinkle thinks Som will not meet her again if he learns about her half marriage. Rahul says if she marries him and shifts to Rekha’s house, Rekha’s soul will get moksh. Twinkle asks if Rekha became a ghost. Rahul says yes. Twinkle promises to marry him. Som returns and tells Twinkle he should return home to perform Rekha’s shanti pooja. Twinkle says she will stay here for some time and will go by herself. Soom asks Rahul to drop Twinkle home for her safety.

Twinkle leaves with Rahul.

Gaura prepares Rekha’s favorite dishes for maha bhoj. Panditji asks her to serve all the dishes on a plate and performs shanti pooja. Gaura asks if Rekha will get mukti after that. Panditji says Rekha’s mukti happened just after they immersed her ashes in ganga river. Gaura recalls Rekha ordering her to replace Rekha’s ash pot with a fake one. Rekha laughs and thinks she will not get moksh. Yamdoot emerges and tells Rekha that once Som keeps thali on floor and crows start eating it, Rekha’s energies will vanish.

Afer pooja, Panditji asks Som to go and keep bhoj thalis outside and let crows eat it. Som carries thalis with Gaura. Twinkle calls him and tells him that its her birthday today and she wants to celebrate it with him. Som says he can’t come as its his mother’s shanti pooja today. He then goes out nad keeps thalis on a water well. A crow flies towards it and is about to have it when Rekha throws bones near thali. Dog rushes to have bones. Gaura notices that and shoos away dog. Crow also flies away. Som gets angry on Gaura for shooing crow away. Gaura tries to explain when Pardesi informs them that Panditji is bursting out in anger.

They rush back home. Panditji shouts that there are bones in mahabhoj, its a big sin. Gaura says she didn’t add it. Pandit says its a big curse and Som’s family will never prosper again. Som vents out his anger on Gaura and warns her to never come in front of him again. Ganga and Kanchan also tongue lash Gaura. Drama continues…

Precap: Som warns Gaura to not come in front of him again. Kanchan tells Ganga that Rekha’s ghost mixed bones in mahabhoj.

Update Credit to: MA

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