Meri Saasu Maa 18th July 2016 Written Episode, Written Update on
Things are returning back to normal, as its been a year, tht sattu left them, and maasa and pari grapple back on their feet together….!!!!!
Scene 1:
Location: Maasa’s residence
Pari wakes up having the horrific nightmare, of sattu’ falling off the cliff, and eyes sattu’s pic. she gets emotional as she eyes sattu’s pic. she stares blankly outside. maasa wakes up and is apalled to find her like this.
The next morning, pari is ready to go to school, when maasa asks her to adorn a bindi atleast. she gets emotional as she eyes sattu’s pic. maasa asks her not to stay like this, as even sattu wouldnt have liked it. pari says that she shall always be like this, and take care of her all her life. maasa feeds her food, and askjs her to refer to her as her mother. pari complies. they both hug each other. then she begins to leave. maasa asks about the rent. pari says that she shall get the salary now. maasa is relieved, and asks her to get things from the market. pari complies, and leaves, asking her to take care of herself. they both eye each other, both sad and distraught. after she leaves, maasa is apalled at pari’s plight, and thinks that she wishes to see her smiling, and that she knows that pari grives for sattu, but she wont let her break, as life isnt that bad too, and that she shall get her happiness back.
Later, maasa is busy working on her machine, when the landlord comes in himself, and asks about her daughter. he eyes pari’s pic, and comments lewdly on her beauty. maasa takes her pic and says that he shall get the rent by evening. he asks her to send it through her daughter by the evening. he lewdly says that even he can cheer her daughter. she says that she shall give him the rent. he leaves fuming.
Scene 2:
Location: Pandit Deen Dayal Secondary School
Pari takes the examinations, as the girls diligently write their paper. she finds a girl incredibly tensed, as she tries to finish the paper within time. she gives the girl some water, but she denies. she is tensed as the clock strikes four, thinking that her brother has arrived. a jeep arrives in style outside the school. pari is boggled at her tension. she asks her to finish up as they still have one hour to go. the girl says that her brother has asked her to leave all work and go home, at 4. just then, her brother comes in along with other guys. the teachers are tensed. he casually greets the teachers. pari asks who is he, and how is he here in the examinatio hall without permission. he chats casually with other teachers, and then asks the girl to come along. pari asks her to finish her exam first, while the girl stands tensedly. the brother turns around, and then tells pari that they havent been introduced, and formally gives his name, as Brijnath Chauhan, while she asks him to let his sister give the exam. he says that he has less time now and shall explain some other day, but right now he shall take her. he turns around, but she denies, and says that his orders wont be allowed here, ad the school has its own rules and regulations. he chides with her, about her honest stance, and tries to argue, while the teachers ask her to let be. pari asks him not to play with his sister’s career, and assures that she shall herself drop his sister. he again mocks her, and then takes his sister by the hand, and is about to take, then pari holds the girl, by the other hand. he turns around and is shocked to find this. he asks her to stay within her limits, or there shall be consequences. she asks him not to talk much. he says that girls rightful place, is in the kitchen, and bed, handling children and the family. she asks him to stay within limits and talk properly, he is amused. he asks the other guy to take the sister away, and she is taken away, while pari stands apalled. he gives her a chance, to prove that she is equal to men, and says that they can sire a child without marriage, and asks if she can do so, and also offers his help lewdly. she gets enraged and slaps him tighy across his face, while he is taken aback. he is furious, as he takes her hand and wrenches her around. she struggles. his friend reminds that elections are near, and he shouldnt do this right now. he mutters to pari, that they shall settle this later on, and that he shall finish what she started. he hollers and sends all the children out. he eyes her angrily, and steps out too, while she stands shocked.
Scene 3:
Location: Isolated barn
In the market, someone flinches her purse and then she runs after him, thinking that she needs the purse, as the entire salary is there, for the rent. she lands in an isolated shed. Pari turns around to find her purse, on a wooden rod, held by Brijnath, who taunts and welcomes her in his den while she stands scared and petrified, as she stands surrounded by his men. The screen freezes on her tensed face.
Precap: Brjnath lewdly suggests that she is thinking about a petty 7000, whereas she can make more money than this, by merely spending some hours with him. she is aghast at the insinuation. he says that she slapped her in front of everyone, showing great guts and now she shall have to apologise in front of the school, with the same guts. she is shocked.
Update Credit to: Rimjhim
Who the hell is he n i think shona is behind sattu accident
Hi Leila, Shona is out of the show.
What the hell is wrong with the serial? I remember watching the first few episodes when Sattu’s and Pari’s love story started to blossom. After that I was so into other serials that I completely forgot about it, I don’t know why, even though this was one of my fav. Anyways.. I started watching the serial again, a few days ago, from the episode when Shona enters Sattu’s and Pari’s life. The last episode I watched was the one when Shona decides to leave the house and they show that Babita and others are plotting against Maa Saab and Pari. Who knew that the life of the serial, Pearl aka Sattu would DIE! Like seriously? The made him die in an accident? What on earth is wrong with the writers of the serial? I watched this serial only for 2 reasons:
1st: Hiba aka Pari
2nd: Pearl aka Sattu
Now I have only one reason to continue watching the serial, but I am really angry on the writers and the directors who decided to make Sattu’s character to end. I thought that they would bring back Pearl (somehow), as a new character and he would end up falling in love with her all over again, but who is that new guy? I don’t find him suitable for Pari. Inshort, no one can replace Sattu or Pearl. But as they have already made someone take his place, then we would have to accept him, I just hope that they bring Pearl or Sattu back, as that guy’s brother. That would be much better, instead of changing the pairs.
You guys need to have a look on the decrease in the number of comments. When the show started,there used to be about 15-10 comments on each episode and now, only 2-5.
CVS needs to understand!
Hi to all, hi Alisha. I’m new to this page, have been watching msm since beginning, never commented, but will endorse all that you just said. I missed some episodes, from after pari birthday, and yesterday I sat to watch and got completely lost. What on earth happened to the story? When did sattu go, why….did this all happen? I’m so mad! Can you fill me in, please? I’m so sad too, miss stattu. I hate that new guy, so ugly, needs a make over badly, don’t want him for pari,will stop watching if this happens.
Also, where are all the other characters from the serial? Feels like I passed through a time warp! Everything and everyone disappeared,?
Yeah! Even I didn’t like the new guy, I can’t say I hate him but imagining him with Pari.. Impossible! Sattu and Pari are like made for eachother. We love them. ?
Hi Naz, pls follow up the serial time to time, then only you can understand.