Ishana’s pov
“I have never seen anyone so angry!” Gauri said and I replied back: “me neither!” Somehow I was scared seeing Omkara ji so angry, I was shivering, he turned around at that moment and he looked at me, his stare/look softened, he came towards me and said, shocking everyone even me: “I love Ishana and not you Ridhima!” “What you love that snake Ishana!” “Oh, hello whose the snake? here?” Rudra asked her. “You, blo*dy…” “Where’s the blo*dy snake?” I angrilly asked, then I went to Ridhima and Swetlana slapped both of them and I even said to them: “get out of this house or else you’ll see what ACP Ishana Malik can do to you guys!”
End of her pov
Omkara’s pov
“SweDhima went away after hearing so many insults, but the best part was that my Ishana said that she is an ACP.” “Did I just say my Ishana?” “Yes, you did O bhaiya!” Rudra said, then I realized that I said it out loudly, making Ishana blush like a?, I hit my forehead with my hand and the rest started to laugh. Mrs. Malik came towards me and said: “please keep my daughter save and happy, she is very precious for me, if she ever cries, because of you…” She wanted to finish her sentence, but I promised her that I will never let any tears fall from her eyes. Ishana, who was standing next to me smiled at me. After a while my brother and my darling sister-in-law went upstairs to discuss something.
End of his pov
Shivika’s convo
“Anika what are you planning for IshKara’s marriage?” “It’s a surprise my dear hubby!” “Oh!” He pouted and she hugged him, while saying: “you look more cuter when you pout!” “What?” “Yeah, I told you the truth right now.” “So I normally don’t look cute?” “Yeah, Rudra is cuter than you even though he is a dumbo and you aren’t!” “Oh, so I’m intelligent!” “Yes!” “I got you Anika!” “What?” “Finally you realized that you aren’t as intelligent as I am!” “Billu ji!” She angrilly said, while she threw water ? onto my face, I took a jar of water and threw it onto her head and so their water fight started, until Raumya, Ishkara and Gauri came into their room. “Ahem!” “Ahem!” The others fake coughed, breaking off their water romance session.
End of their scene
Gauri’s pov
“I’m happy for Ishana di, but I don’t know how and why I feel attracted towards Omkara ji!” “What’s happening to me?”
End of her pov
plz IshKara
& dont make Gauri villain
update soon
Thanks a lot Aashi and Gauri won’t be the villain
It was awesome..but plzz don’t make gauri d villain..aur heroine to bilkul nhi
Thank you so much and I won’t make her both?
Cute n keep ishkara constant plz
Thanks a ton Mrunal?
Thank you very much UF?
Plzz only make ishkara but not gaurika plzz
Thanks a lot Ishkara???, I love your username and I won’t make it Gaurika
Thank you very much?
Thanks a lot
Thank you so much dear??
It is awesome dear
Thanks a ton dear??
Superb update jaan ishkara???? jaan I love you for this epi ? shivika can’t live without fighting,they were so cute? water is always near by when they fight??.so love ? is gonna start? I’m excited for that
Aww, thanks a lot Jaana, love you and for loving this epi?????????

Amazing update.. loved ishkara ???..
Thanks a lot Ankita???