Fan Fiction

When I met you,my world changed -A Shivika ff by Tanz(Part-17) parts here)

Hello everyone, this is Tanz back with part-17 of my ff. I am really thankful to all those of my readers who have commented till date, your comments really encourage me a lot, keep showering them. Also, this time I’d want that the silent readers comment too, please. So let’s start with this part….

Recap- Shivaay realises his feelings for Annika and later at dinner, Daadi announces that Annika’s family and the Oberoi family would be going for a picnic the next day.
(The same night,after dinner)
Shivaay:”Is it necessary to go now,wait till tomorrow..”
Rudra:”Haan Di, please wait till tomorrow…”
Mallika:”If I could , wouldn’t I have stayed. Sorry Rudy, I really have to go as I have a very important business meeting tomorrow in New York, can’t miss the flight na…Now don’t show your puppy eyes to me…. I really have no other alternative…”
Rudra(acting to cry):”You always do like this….You don’t even spend full 2 days with me…(turning his face towards the other side) go now…I won’t talk to you…”
Mallika:”Such a big Nautanki you are..uff…Ok my dear Rudy,next time I’ll stay for a whole week. Happy Now?”

Rudra:”Yes, happy now. Remember your promise Ok?”
Mallika:”Ofcourse . Bye Rudy, Bye Shivaay and say bye to Annika on my behalf… I don’t even have her number….and Bye Saumya,study well and don’t let this duffer disturb you (Saumya nods in response while Rudra fumes)…and Mr. Artist bye to you too and also to Gauri…and bye to you too Prinku, take care. I’ve already met all the elders so it’s time for me to leave now or else, I’ll miss the flight.So see you soon.”
Mallika leaves for the airport with her bags and everyone else retired to their rooms.
(Daadi’s room)
Daadi (moving to and fro) :”I need to know what Billu is going to do…. otherwise how would I help him….He won’t tell himself….what do I do….Arre Haan…why didn’t I think of it earlier….”
She picks up her phone which was lying on the bed and dials a number.
Daadi : “Hello, Khanna puttar… I’ve to ask something from you….”
Khannaji:”Yes Ma’am?”
Daadi :” Puttar I’ve told you so many times to call me Daadi and not Ma’am…hmmm… ok leave it now….just tell me what is Billu going to do tomorrow….”
Khannaji:”Ma’am… sorry Daadiji , Shivaay Sir asked me not to tell anyone…how can I…”
Daadi (cutting him in the middle) : ” Who will you listen to, Billu or his Daadi?”
Khannaji : “Daadi…”

Daadi :”So puttar, quickly tell me what I’ve asked…. I have very less time…”
Khannaji: “Ok Daadiji.”
Then, Khannaji tells Daadi about Shivaay’s plans and also tells her that he has definitely no idea why Shivaay asked him to arrange all that.To this Daadi smiles and tells him that something wonderful is going to happen tomorrow.After disconnecting the call, she again dials a number but this time it’s Jaya’s. She tells her all that had to be told .
Daadi :” Jaya ji you know what has to be done right?”
Jaya: “Haan Ji aunty ji ,I know what to do but I have no idea how I’ll do it… I’ve never talked to her so openly…. I don’t know if she’ll even like to talk to me about such an important matter…. I don’t even know what place I hold in her life… I am trying hard to become a good mum… You know aunty ji, today after we came back from OM , I made Saahil’s favourite dish.Though at first, he didn’t want to eat it , but after some thinking, he ate it….I think he’ll also forgive me… I hope so. And Annika, whenever I come in front of her I’m overcome with guilt and she is talking to me as if nothing happened, as if I never taunted her, as if I never misbehaved with her…. she’s such a good girl at heart…It was only me who could not see her goodness….how selfish I was… Now I just want my children to be happy. I know my daughter’s happiness is with Shivaay, I saw today how happy they were with each other. I’ll try my level best to make her realise her love for him. I know they both love each other,but none acknowledged their feelings but now they will.Now I can even fight with the whole world for my kids happiness….”

Daadi(on the verge of crying):”No No Jayaji…. for now, you don’t have to fight the world….it would be strange to see you in an Armor with a sword(laughs a bit)….For now, you just have to go and make Annika realise her love for Shivaay, talk to her about it, trick her to accept it…. anything…. just make that happen and I assure you that our children will be happy for their entire lives.”
Jaya:”Ji aunty ji . I’ll do that. Okay bye. She’s coming.”
And after that Jaya disconnects the call and goes and sits near Annika, who had come and sat on the bed. Annika had already made Saahil to sleep and now it was only Jaya and Annika, awake , at 10 minutes to midnight.Jaya starts the conversation.
Jaya: ” Have you made Saahil to sleep beta?”
Annika : ” Yes Maa.”
Jaya: “Ok good. I need to talk about an important topic. Maybe I am not the most eligible person to do this talking, but anyways I’m your mother and if I’ll not think about my children, who would…”
Annika:”What happened Maa? You look tensed? Is something wrong?”
Jaya:”Annika beta today I overheard two ladies from our colony…. Well they were…. they were talking about you and Shivaay. In our society …”
Annika ‘s POV.
(In her mind) Oh no, the same society crap…. I’m fed up. This so called great”society” won’t stop judging me…and now even Shivaay is dragged in all this. I know Maa wants my betterment so for her sake, let’s just shake my head.Maa continues, ” a girl and a boy meeting, before marriage isn’t good, you know….”
Wait a second…. marriage? Where did that come from.I move my head to and fro to hint that I don’t agree but Maa still continues,”… and you two are not even going to get married, you’re just friends…” Yeah , yeah ….just friends, but are we? Oh Annika don’t think such nonsense…even if you had some feelings for him, I don’t think he would be having the same….So better don’t strain your little mind. But seriously what kind of thoughts I’m having….Maa has more to say, listen now , what else can I do? She continues and I listen, without paying much attention, “but who would make those people understand…they would always think the wrong way and I don’t want my daughter to have a bad image in the society…. You understand what I mean right……” I nod my head in response hoping that it’s the end but no , there’s more to it. She has completely taken to Mother’s duties…. Now I understand how Saahil must feel when I lecture him about right and wrong, poor him. From now on, I’ll try to lecture less. Maa has continued again but after a small pause,” ….unless both of you like each other.”
I was just going to nod my head in response again when I realised what she had spoken. I was tongue tied , maybe for the first time in my entire life. I made a mental note that I would definitely look into this “huge” problem.Inspite of receiving various weird expressions from me, Maa continued,” You look surprised….” Surprised? No no, it was just like a mosquito bite, nothing to be surprised of. Of course I am. “Well I didn’t expect this…. I thought you two might have confessed your feelings by now….” Wait what? Feelings? Confessed? Now this is going to a different level of lecture. I continued to give all types of weird expressions I was capable of giving, ignoring which she continued,” ….ok no confession but realisation. Annika do you realise that you love Shivaay?” A straight question to you Annika, you have to answer it now. I mustered up some courage and spoke,” Maa, I think you are mistaken… I and Shivaay are just….” Just friends.Right?”,Maa finished my sentence,” So you don’t love him , right?and you two don’t want to be together?”
I wasn’t sure if I loved him or not. Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. I didn’t know myself, how could I answer her. To avoid any further questions regarding the same topic, a shook my head in a negative. Disappointment was clear on Maa’s face. Did I do the right thing by denying?
(POV ends)
Jaya(a little disappointed) :”So you don’t love him and that’s final…See Annika if you have any doubts regarding your feelings, you can share them with me, maybe I can help…As far as I know…both of you like each other. It was clear by the way you interact.Both of you share a special bond which only you can understand. You might not acknowledge it now,but I don’t want you to suffer later. Please speak up beta. Do you not want to spend your whole life with him?”
Annika ( a lot of thoughts going in her mind) : ” Maa… I’m really not sure of my feelings and neither is he. I don’t think this “love” thing is a great idea for me…”
Jaya:”Why not beta? Everyone has the right to love, to be loved…why not?”
Annika: “Because I’m not suitable for this… Also, I don’t experience any ringing bells,or romantic music or lalala sort of thing when I come in front of him. ”
Jaya:”You don’t experience all this because this is not a fictional world, it is real life… Bells don’t ring here or there’s not a person waiting for you two to see each other so that he can start some romantic music No. What you’ve been thinking of love is all wrong. It’s such a wonderful feeling that you can’t even describe. Everytime you see the person you love, you fall for him/her again. Their one smile makes you joyful whereas a single tear from their heart is painful for you. You can’t help but smile, whenever you think of that special person. That is love. When you can’t get over the thoughts of a person,that is love. When you get affected by them everytime, that is love. When you complete each other’s thoughts,that is love. When you can forgive him even for his biggest mistakes, that is love . When you treasure a small invaluable gift given by him without thinking twice,that is love. And love is many more things which you will experience when you realise it. So now compare your case…Is it not love?”
Annika starts comparing herself and Shivaay to the examples given by Yes,she does feel joyful whenever she sees him. Her heart pained a lot when she saw at his guilty face at the party. He was truly sorry. The arrangements he made for her, literally made her day, not to mention the happiness she got on getting a “Mother”,a real one this time. She still had that letter with her which she had slid in her pocket, back in the morning,she treasured it. Yes, she could do anything for him.
Annika (after a lot of thinking and evaluations):” So do I….am I…in love with Shivaay?(Jaya nods with happiness)All this time, I had these feelings but I never realised. How foolish of me….I did what was impossible… I fell in love with the great”Billuji”….(after the happy thinking,comes the doubts and insecurities)…but does he also love me? What if he does not? What if he thinks of me only as a friend and nothing more…How would I know if he loves me or not?”
Jaya:”There’s only one way to find out…”
Annika:”and that is?”
Jaya:”Propose tomorrow is such a good opportunity.”
Annika: ” What? Me and propose ….no way Maa…”
Jaya(faking anger):”Annika….”
Annika:”Ok.Ok. meri Maa…. I’ll try to propose him Tomorrow. Happy?”
They both giggle and hug each other. After an hour or so of chatting both of them decide to sleep. Tomorrow will be an important day.
So, this is the end of this part. I hope (that’s the only thing left) that you liked it. I am saying it beforehand that I’m not at all good in these “lovey-dovey” things and I’m really not sure of my philosophy but it’s all my point of view (ofcourse due to a little research). I would like to know your reviews about this part, specially. This took me a lot of time (Ufff) Not the entire week was dedicated to the ff, studies you know, can’t avoid (even if I want to sometimes) . And also let me know if this realisation seemed normal, because I am not sure.And I am really really sorry because I could not reply to many on the previous part,sorry again.And, thanks for reading.
Please comment if you can.


Even if we can't find heaven, I'll walk through hell with you, Love, you're not alone, 'cause I'm gonna stand by you.... ❤~Rachel Platten~❤

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