Million Dollar Girl 25th May 2015 Written Episode, Written Update on
Landlord sees DJ’s Pink Shirt and asks whose it??Bhuwan tells its his..Landord tells he is not foolish and known that Boys wear this..Bhuwan tells no..Bhuwan wear’s it…DJ sees and laughs..Landlord asks If Bhuwan is alright???Bhuwan tells yes..Landlord tells that nowadays Boys like boys only…Bhuwan smiles..LAndlord goes…DJ laughs…DJ tells Bhuwan that he looks to cute in this t-shirt..DJ tells Bhuwan to say landlord he is a gay…And she is cousin..Bhuwan asks why cousin is soo far??DJ runs,,Bhuwan too runs…
Avanti sees Virat..Songs goes on background..Avanti smiles..Virat too sees and smiles…Virat kiss a paper and throws on Avanti…Avnati smiles and sees the paper written “I LOVE U”…Suddenly Virat asks Why Avanti
is staring???Avanti tells nothing..Avanti tells she should tells VIrat that she love him..,Avanti wear’s Black dress and sees herself in Mirror…Kavya asks where Avanti is going???Avanti tells Office…Kavya tells what Avanti is Hiding???Avanti tells nothing….DJ cries and talk to Father..DJ tells who will do like this with Daughter Lock in the room..Father tells that who will do this before marriage??FAther tells that DJ is not their daughter as their Up-Bringing is not like this…Father tells not to come home..DJ tells No it was her mistake..Bhuwan comes and asks What happned??DJ tells that Father has refused her…Bhuwan tells DJ is a very good girl Its just that she is giving her first priority to her happiness..DJ and Bhuwan hugs…Yamini eats food at Vicky’s dhaaba…Vicky sees Yamini..Vicky asks Yamini is she is good??Yamini tells she is good Yamini tells the food is very tasty..Vicky introduces himself…Vicky tells he is meeting second time..As she was beating someone…Yamini tells she was not that person..Vicky tells no..Yamini tells Vicky is mistaken..Vicky thinks…
Bhuwan sits in Tension..Virat comes and ask what happened??Bhuwan tells nothing..Virat tells to say…Bhuwan tells that he is living with DJ and how to hide her from landlord??Landlord calls Bhuwan…Bhuwan tells that Landlord called him..Virat tells Bhuwan need help???Bhuwan tells no he will handle it..Avanti tells she should tells Virat about her feelings or not..Avanti tells she is mad..Avanti drinks water and tells no its not correct she should known VIrat’s feelings….Avanti tells Hi to Virat…Virat asks what???Avanti tells she wanted to talk..Virat tells to speak…Avanti tellss he wanted to say something from which she is planning..Virat tells to say fast and stop suspense..Avanti tells that Virat stupid,,Idiot face flashes everytime whenever she go to sleep..She bath,,,Virat tells he knew it…Virat tells he known that every time Avanti plan against him,,Avanti tells its not like that Idiot…Avanti tells she started liking Virat…Virat sits on chair and laughs..Virat tells Bhuwan…Bhuwan too laughs…All people in office laughs..Avanti closes her eyes and suddenly glass falls…Avanti tells it was her dream..Avanti sees Virat..Landlord tells Bhuwan is he mad,,Idiot and stupid???Bhuwan tells he is about to say..Landlord tells Bhuwan to go out from house with girl..Bhuwan tells he has been living from this many year’s and there was no problem,,Bhuwan tells he respect like he respect father..Landlord tells what does Bhuwan mean he is old??Bhuwan tells no he is like elder brother but respect like his father…Landlord tells okay..Bhuwan tells what hell Dj did??DJ tells Bhuwan only said not to go office..DJ tells IF Bhuwan is having problem she will go…Bhuwan stops and tells that he will do something..Bhuwan and Dj hugs..Avanti sits infront o Mirror and tells she will do it…She will tell Virat..Avanti tells this is time for Evolution..
Precap::Yamini tells Virat remember that they promised never be apart..Virat drives..Virat tells Yamini is living in past..
Update Credit to: Ansari