Categories: Mishri

Mishri 9th October 2024 Written Episode Update: Raghav-Mishri fight the goons

Mishri 9th October 2024 Written Episode, Written Update on

Ridhi’s in-laws criticize Raghav’s background, pointing out that he looks like he’s from a wealthy family but is working as a bus driver. Parvati feels emotional hearing this, and Raghav starts to lose his temper, but Mishri signals him to stay calm. Ridhi’s father-in-law then questions why Raghav is driving the bus without proper experience, making Raghav feel embarrassed. He also asks Raghav about his family, but Raghav hesitates to respond. Vaani steps in, saying that his family is right here.

Suddenly, some goons attack the bus, and one of them throws a stone at Mishri, causing her to bleed. Raghav checks on her, asking if she’s okay. The attackers surround the bus, frightening Ridhi’s in-laws, who mistakenly believe that Raghav and Mishri are behind the attack. Raghav fights

the goons while Mishri protects the family. When a goon tries to attack Raghav, Mishri steps in to shield him. Raghav manages to get the bus moving again. Parvati asks if Raghav is alright, but Ridhi’s father-in-law sarcastically questions why she cares so much, wondering if Raghav is her son. Chithra steps in to defuse the situation.

Raghav safely drops Ridhi’s in-laws at their house. Mishri offers her hand to help Sulekha out of the bus, but Sulekha ignores her. However, Parvati takes her hand for assistance. Ridhi also ignores Raghav, which deeply hurts him as he realizes how his family is treating him like a stranger. Ridhi’s fiancé thanks Mishri for saving them, acknowledging that they risked their lives to protect them. Mishri humbly replies that it’s their duty to protect their customers. Ridhi’s father, impressed with their work, offers Raghav money as a reward, but Raghav feels insulted. Mishri declines the money, stating that they don’t expect payment for protecting their customers, as customers are like gods to them.

The fiancé, impressed by Raghav and Mishri, offers them the contract to manage the transportation for the wedding, asking them to ensure the guests are safely brought to the venue. Sulekha interrupts, saying they don’t need Raghav and Mishri’s services as their family has plenty of buses. However, the fiancé insists that no one can protect them as well as Raghav and Mishri did. Raghav tries to refuse the booking, but Mishri accepts it.

Chithra questions Mishri’s decision, asking how they can trust them so easily. Mishri asks Chithra to trust them just once, assuring her they can handle it. Meanwhile, Vaani watches, determined to bring Raghav down no matter what. Mishri accepts the offer confidently.

Parvati checks on Raghav again, but Ridhi’s father-in-law sarcastically asks why she’s so concerned about Raghav, implying he might be her son. Vaani agrees with him, but Mishri cuts in, explaining that in their culture, calling someone son, uncle, or aunt is just a way to show affection.

Raghav questions why Mishri accepted the booking, asking how he can drive a bus for his own sister’s wedding. Mishri tells him it’s his duty as a brother to do everything for his sister, even if Rishi doesn’t acknowledge him as family. Raghav expresses his frustration, feeling like his family treats him like a sinner. He wonders what he did to deserve such treatment. Mishri reassures him, asking him to trust her, and promises that everything will get better.

To cheer him up, she hands him a feather and asks him to make a wish before blowing it away, which Raghav finds odd but endearing. Meanwhile, Vaani brings a food basket, making snide comments that he probably hasn’t eaten good food since becoming a bus driver. She offers to send food daily, suggesting he share it with Mishri. Mishri, seeing through Vaani’s fake kindness, responds that Vaani is only trying to insult them. She assures Vaani that she knows how to keep her husband happy, giving her a strong comeback.

Precap: None

Update Credit to: Tanaya


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