hey guys! kritika here! i dont know how this episode is! but i just wrote it.! i have to end it anyhow this week,
Episode 6
Swara descend the stairs. She came out to drink water.
Suddenly, her heal trips.
“hey ram” sujata shouts from the door of kitchen seeing swara.
Sujata drops the plate of ladoos she made for swara and hold her from falling in nick time.
Swara, too shocked to react, her eyes wide open, she is shivering slightly and her hand is on her tummy.
Sujata in a concerned voice “should I call the doctor? I will call sanskar also! Come come you sit here.” She said taking swara to the couch.
“take this. drink water” she made swara drink water.
“I will call doctor” she moved to call but was stopped by a grip on her wrist.
“i..i am fine” she said in broken, trembling voice.
“no ..you are not. Let me call sanskar at least”
“no..please don’t tell him. He will scold me” she said pouting.
“but..” sujata tried to say something but was interrupted by swara.
“no if’s and but’s aunty”
“I am not your aunty I am your mom”
Tears brimmed in swara’s eyes. They were the tears of happiness.
“yes” sujata says hugging swara.
Sujata added “but you have to take proper care of yourself. My grandson / granddaughter should be healthy!”
“how are you my princess?” sanskar said while entering the room and keeping his hand on swara’s tummy.
“aahh” swara said keeping her hand on her tummy.
(note- both of their right hands are on her tummy)
“swara. Did you..!?” he had no words to express his happiness. Tears welled up his eyes. They were the tears of happiness.
“sanskar, he kicked. Our baby kicked” swara said, too happy, tears of happiness brimmed in her eyes.
1 month passed
(note- now swara is 5 months pregnant)
Now ram and sujata has accepted swara as she is giving them the pleasure to become grandparents.
Even sharmishtha and shekhar has started to accept her.
Sharmishtha and sujata’s bond is becoming stronger day by day. Regarding swara’s health, they talk frequently.
Even ram and shekhar talk about their grandchild during business deals.
Sanskar’s possessiveness towards swara has increased.
“ sanskar! Now its too much. I cant walk now” tired swara said.
(sanskar is holding her arms and making her walk slowly)
“walking is good for your and baby’s health swara!”
“but sanskar! I walked so much” swara while pouting.
“you hardly walked swara! See we have no even reached the stairs.”
“idiot” she muttered under her breathe.
“I heard”
Swara thought “idiot he is. But I will soon fall for this idiot, My child’s father, my husband! Uff! I will soon fall for him! I am sure!
Another month passed.
Now swara is 6 months pregnant.
Swasan are sleeping in each other’s embrace.
Sanskar thinks “tomorrow I am going to confess my love to swara. God please give strength to me!” he thought and blushed.
i think i rushed the last part! dont know howzz it!
anyways, i am posting the summary of teenage love season 2 as i am discontinuing it. but still for opening the mystery i am posting it!
Plz plz don’t end mistake that changed my life plz
It’s superb
nice yarr
Awww awesome…
awaiting next…
nice, please continue
Sanskar’s confession I’m damn excited for it and epi was lovely cute one
awesome.. dont end this…
Amazing kritika
Kritu it was awsm
nice..plz continue..
Nice dear
Yipee sanky going to confess his love… waiting for nxt epi…

Awesome updates…post the next part soon!