Categories: Mithai

Mithai 5th April 2022 Written Episode Update: Bauji helps Mithai

Mithai 5th April 2022 Written Episode, Written Update on

Scene 1
Mithai enters Sidharth’s house and is stunned to see its big size. Bauji says I need sweets for bhog. Mithai says I have lots for that. She gives jalebis to him. Ginesh looks on. Bauji brings jalebis to the mandir. They all do pooja together. Mithai stands in the back and prays. They all eat her jalebis as parsad. Bauji says her jalebis bring nostalgia. Ginesh asks her to leave after taking the money. Bauji asks him to at least taste it. He tells Mithai that your hands have magic. Mithai says I will be world-famous one day. She gives Mithai to everyone. Ginesh says I don’t want it, he leaves from there.

Sidharth is taking Apiksha to the competition, she says I am excited. Sid says it’s nothing special. Apiksha’s mother says why are you taking us there? We could

have come ourselves. Sid says I know your car has gone for service so it’s okay.

Bauji asks how much is her bill? Mithai says I will give you all discounts. She takes her money and leaves the house. Ginesh comes there and asks Bauji to stop talking about all the old days. We have reached new heights after modernizing our sweets. Mithai comes there and asks for the way to the competition, Bauji helps her and she leaves. Mithai is leaving Ginesh’s house but Sidharth arrives there and mistakenly hits her cycle. Mithai is stunned to see all her sweets fallen on the ground. She says this can’t be happening. Sidharth comes to her and asks what are you doing with a cycle? Mithai says can’t you see my cycle? Sid says you are outside my house. Mithai says I was in the house to sell jalebis. Apiksha says just pay her and let her go. Sidharth says she was wrong to park it here. Mithai says I have been with this cycle for years now. Sidharth gives her money and goes into the house. Mithai feels insulted.

Sidharth enters the house with Apiksha, Ginesh welcomes them. Mithai comes to Bauji and says your grandson did damage to my cycle and insulted me. She gives his money back and says he can’t pay it back. I was taking my sweets to the competition but he hit me and I have nothing to take to the competition now. Bauji says do you know that I am the owner of Hari Mohan sweets. Mithai says really? you must know how difficult it is to cook jalebis. I would have won the competition and become a businesswoman but your grandson destroyed my dream. Sidharth says do you want more money? Mithai says I want you to apologize. Sidharth says I was not at fault. Apiksha says we all know you are trying to get more money. Mithai says don’t insult me just because I am poor. Bauji says I am sorry for your loss. He says I trust you that you will change your fate with your talent and skill. Ginesh comes there and asks her to leave now. Bauji apologizes to her so she stops him and says you have shown trust in me which is enough. She tells Sidharth to eat some sweets. Sidharth says I hate sweets. Mithai challenges to make him eat sweets one day. Ginesh says we are getting late. Mithai starts to leave the house and prays to the lord. She says how will I earn money now? Bauji comes there and says trust God to help you. Mithai says I know that. She wishes him luck in the competition. Dadi feels pain in her knees so Mithai helps her. Geeta says I will stay with her. Bauji says I will bring her. Mithai says I will massage her feet and her pain will go away. Geeta and others leave. Mithai asks for oil and helps dadi. She massages her feet and asks Bauji if big companies come to the competition? I can take part next year but what I will tell to Maa? She must be praying for my victory.

Sidharth’s family arrives at the competition.

Mithai’s mother is in the market and suddenly feels dizzy. Another comes there and asks what happened Indu? She says nothing, I was just feeling dizzy. The woman brings lemonade for her. She is Bura’s mother and says he wants to marry Mithai, she is a nice girl for my son but I don’t want to destroy her life that’s why I have asked him to stay away from her. She says Mithai is a different girl, I am sure she will reach heights one day.

Mithai does Dadi’s feet massage. Dadi blesses her and says I am not feeling any pain now. Mithai says I will leave now. Bauji says don’t you want me to reward you? She says I don’t need anything. Bauji asks if she can cook jalebis in 2 hours? She says yes. Bauji says then use my kitchen and cook so you can take part in the competition. Mithai gets happy to hear that.

Precap: Dadi says to Bauji you are going against your family and helping Mithai. Bauji says I wanted her to win the competition. Mithai reaches the venue of competition. A man asks her to leave and two ladies start dragging her out. Mithai says let me go in competition and calls Bauji. Bauji says if you didn’t let her in the competition, then Hariom sweets will also back out from competition. Ginesh says to Bauji you are backing off Hariom sweets from competition because of that girl. Bauji says why are you scared of her potato jalebi that your fusion sweets may loose?

Update Credit to: Atiba

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